Tag: Love

Disciplined Leaders…Part 2

The bigger picture of discipline focuses on the importance of understanding “self-discipline.” Scripture emphasizes the necessity of discipline. Paul spoke of fathers disciplining their children, God disciplining those whom He loves, and the need to discipline our own bodies.

Examining areas that shape the development of discipline in our lives, we find the need to challenge and eliminate excuses.

Whether we talk about leaders or followers, there is a great tendency to make excuses why we are not involved or accomplishing a task, “I would, but…”

We cannot allow excuses to hinder us from achieving the greatness God will accomplish through us.

Leading By Example

Leaders are characterized by their example, and we all set an example by our words and actions.

Paul identified five areas where Timothy was to provide an example as someone who believed: speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity (1 Tim. 4:12).

As parents, children, siblings, employees, and in all other relationships we might consider, our lives should reflect the example set by our Lord.

Notice the results of a good example: 1) we please the Lord, 2) we ensure salvation for ourselves and those who hear us, 3) others know the direction to follow, and 4) our relationships grow stronger.

Biblical Resolution…Part 2

Paul’s letter to Philemon regarding the runaway slave, Onesimus, is another great text on resolving conflict. Paul makes several appeals, and each hold significance.

First, he appeals to Philemon’s character, faith, love for the church, and dedication to the Lord.

Second, he appeals for the sake of his self-sacrificing love.

Third, he appeals to the value and worth of Onesimus, not as a slave, but a brother in Christ.

Fourth, he appeals to his own confidence in Philemon to go beyond what Paul asks.

Our conflict with others could be resolved more quickly if we spent a little time making an appeal based on these four areas.

Changing the World

Love, humility, and charity, are qualities that increase a leader’s influence.

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “A mature person is one who does not think only in absolutes, who is able to be objective even when deeply stirred emotionally, who has learned that there is both good and bad in all people and in all things, and who walks humbly and deals charitably with the circumstances of life, knowing that in this world no one is all knowing and therefore all of us need both love and charity.”

The way leaders approach life can change the world. Mrs. Roosevelt’s thoughts provide a good compass for how we bring about that change.

Others-Directed Leaders

While we want others to understand what it is like to walk in our shoes, walking in their shoes is not as appealing.

Leaders need the ability to sympathize and empathize with others. Thus, we need to see through their eyes.

What will we see when looking through the eyes of others?

We may see ourselves differently.
We may see more hurt or pain.
We may see greater joy, love, faith, and peace.
We may also see different levels of need we that overlooked before.

Whenever we see and feel what others see and feel, our leadership becomes “others-directed.”

Leading in the Present…

David wrote, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us be glad and rejoice in it.”

What exactly does today provide for our leadership?

Time to reflect on yesterday and make necessary changes.
Time to focus on our priorities, realizing we may only have today.
Time to prepare for potential challenges ahead.
Time to walk through God-given doors of opportunity.
Time to share the depth of our love with others.

Today is the day. Do not wait any longer. Be wise with the precious time God has placed before us.

Your Last Day…

What would you do if you knew today was your last day on earth? Spend time with family? Express your love for someone?

Would you give away your possessions to someone less fortunate?

Would you settle a disagreement with an estranged friend?

Would you help someone reach their potential?

From a Christian perspective, the value of one day makes leadership much more vital. Nothing would be more important than making sure others knew about Jesus.

The reality is neither you or I are guaranteed tomorrow. Today may be our last day. Make this day valuable and seek a way to lead someone to Christ.

Lead Like A Champion…

Every athletic team longs to be crowned “champion.”

The amount of effort given and money spent to finish a champion at a professional level is beyond comprehension.

However, our influence as leaders provides an opportunity to be a champion for someone. What kind of champion is up to us?

The influence of true champions will not be seen with a touchdown, home run, three-point shot, goal scored, or crossing a finish line.

True champions are formed through the acts of kindness, grace, and love. A bed, a home-cooked meal, a drink of water, a smile, a word of encouragement, or a helping hand, are all key components to being a true champion.

Leading Our Children…

Leadership begins in the home. The greatest opportunities for influence occur within the four walls where we live.

From the time children arise in the morning to the time they lay down to sleep, teaching moments are everywhere.

The air we breathe, food we eat, the opportunity to see a sunrise, the ability to move our fingers and toes, witnessing God’s creation come to life, and hundreds more, are all moments to teach our children about the existence of God and His love for us.

Let us always take action to lead our children.

Power of Love…

While we often hear that love makes the world go round, I appreciate a saying by Franklin P. Jones, “Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”

Love is the perfect bond of unity.

Love is the greatest among faith, hope and love.

Loving your neighbor as yourself fulfills the royal law.

Perfect love casts out fear.

Love covers a multitude of sins.

Above all, love is demonstrated toward God, then family, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, and even our enemies.

When love is the foundation, formation, and finishing of our words and actions, godly leadership is exemplified.