Tag: Love

An In Sync Leadership…

Why is it so important to write about leaders who are “in sync”?

The idea indicates something works well together. There is harmony or agreement. We do not have to look far to understand why leaders need this quality.

How can we determine when we are in sync?

1) When leaders and followers work to reach a common goal, they are in sync.

2) When each understands the objectives and harmony is demonstrated, they are in sync.

3) When love for one another exists, they are in sync.

Action, coupled with the right attitude and motives, will always provide the basis for a leadership that is in sync.

Leadership of Children…

Observing children raises an interesting question: “Who really leads who?”

While we might like to think  parents have a powerful influence in the development of these little lives as they grow. However, it is interesting how children lead in their own right.

They know how to get everyone’s attention, and quickly.
They know how to follow.
They know they must learn how to work together with others.
They know the value of love and giving it unconditionally.
They know that unsolicited hugs and good manners usually get them what they want.

Think about leadership. Perhaps observing children can help us all improve in our ability to lead.

Loving Leadership…

“Welcome to McDonalds. I’m lovin’ it. May I take your order.”

We’ve all heard it and wondered, “Do they really love it?” Does the tone of voice indicate otherwise?

The idea here is formidable for our leadership. We should express our enthusiasm and demonstrate our love for God through our leadership of others.

This does not mean we will always have good days, that life will be filled with comfort and convenience, or free from tragedy, illness or difficulty. 

It means our joy is found in knowing we can face the challenges of life with confidence, because the outcome of completeness and a hope of an eternal dwelling are far greater than anything this life offers.