Tag: Opportunities

Opinions, Objectives, Opportunities

Anytime we lead people there will be opinions, objectives, and opportunities.

Opinions vary from one person to the next and everybody has one. Leaders must harness these various opinions and channel them in a direction that achieves the goal.

Objectives also introduce numerous challenges. Not everyone shares the same objective.

Opportunities abound when leading people who possess various opinions and objectives.

The opportunity to learn from the opinions and objectives of others and direct the energies behind them into an effort that brings unity to the whole is powerful.

If it were an easy task everyone would do it. For those who do, the long-term rewards are eternal.

Sign of the Times

Are we able to see the signs of our times? Are we aware of the cultural changes developing almost by the minute?

The direction of our world is frightening and exciting at the same time. The opportunities have never been greater and the needs more pressing.

We must consider the need to move out of a dated methodology that may no longer be effective.

The message never changes, but our methods require attention. If the methods we use are outdated, effectiveness will be limited.

Can we see the signs of the times, or are we doing the same things in the same ways expecting different results? Give it thought.

Leadership Resources

Leaders require resources that facilitate avenues through which learning occurs. But where can we find these resources?

Educational Resources: Leadership books, courses, and classroom training provide numerous resources. Opportunities to gain a stronger education furthers our leadership ability.

Experience Resources:
Based on work, home, and community efforts, we gain the type of experience that enables practical leadership to develop.

Environmental Resources: Who we are surrounded by provides one of the greatest resources for learning. Take advantage of every opportunity to learn from others.

These three resources broaden opportunities for our growth in leadership and now is the time to focus on such opportunities.


Life is filled with opportunities. We may choose to pass or act on an opportunity. The possibility also exists that we will neither pass or act on an opportunity because we fail to see it.

Whether we see an opportunity or fail to see it, what a blessing to know God works in our lives daily. He provides us with opportunities to grow closer to Him, recognize the beauty of His handiwork, develop a stronger faith, help and encourage others, love family and friends, work and earn a living, remember those who changed our lives, and the list is unending.

Opportunities abound if we look.

Preparing for the New Year

How do you close out one year and begin another? We like a fresh start, new opportunities, a renewed sense of hope that things will be better. Perhaps this is why New Year’s Resolutions are popular.

As you close out 2021 and start 2022 consider four possibilities.

1) Establish essential resolutions. These are resolutions that build confidence in our leadership.
2) Set daily reminders. Find a way to remind yourself of these resolutions every day.
3) Connect resolutions to others. Use a support system to encourage fulfilling each one.
4) Celebrate each victory. Find a way to celebrate the achievement with a reminder of more to come.

Leadership Opportunities…

An opportunity involves circumstances presenting possibility, either to be gained or lost. If we are unable to see the possibilities, we will not take advantage of the opportunity.

Leadership requires us to see the possibilities and take advantage of the opportunities when they arise.

Few people turn down an opportunity to double an investment in a short period of time. We know we have to strike while the iron is hot.

The same is true spiritually. Unless we see the possibilities and take advantage of the opportunities, the urgency of sharing the message of Jesus fades to indifference.

Seek, Ask, and Knock.

The Sign of Our Times…

Are leaders able to know the signs of our times? Are they aware of the cultural changes developing daily?

The direction of our world can be frightening and exciting at the same time. The opportunities have never been greater. The needs have never been more pressing.

The message never changes, but the methods we use to approach our current time needs attention. If the methods we use are outdated, the effectiveness is limited.

Can we see the signs of the times, or are we doing the same things in the same ways expecting different results? It deserves thinking about.

Empowering Leaders…

For leaders to empower others, they cannot allow ego, pride, fear of replacement, or anything else hinder them from helping others reach their potential as leaders. 

Bill Gates said, “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.”

Here are a few suggestions to help empowering leaders.

Identify the skills sets of each individual.
Extend opportunities to learn and grow their abilities.
Provide the necessary tools to succeed.
Motivate, motivate, and motivate more.
Turn it loose and let them work at the task.
Celebrate each success.

Focus on others and develop them to lead. Empower them and watch how God works to make it grow.

Producing Leaders…

A simple observation indicates that the church is reaping the consequences of little planning over the past 40-50 years for future leaders.

Ralph Nader said, “I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.” And John Maxwell said, “If you want to grow, lead followers. If you want to multiply, lead leaders.”

We need to… 

Encourage the young and old to prepare themselves for leadership.

Provide opportunities to learn how to lead.

Mentor leadership within the family and church.

Meeting tomorrow’s needs begins with preparing leaders today.