Tag: Paul

Focused on the Future

We all experience difficulties that create discouragement in life.

During these times, we need to remember that God has something better prepared for us.

Reflect on Paul’s reminder, “We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal” (2 Co. 4:18).

Our God is great, worthy of our praise and trust.

“Let us press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:14).

Best Day Ever

What is the “best day ever?”

From a spiritual leadership perspective, the idea has a whole new meaning. The best day ever occurred at the resurrection of Jesus.

Here is where Jesus defeated Satan. Here is where the fear of death was removed. Here is where hope of something better beyond this life was given.

Christianity is based on this fact! Without the resurrection, Paul describes the tragedy that exists in being a Christian (1 Co. 15:12-19).

The resurrection changes everything in how we lead others.

There is something worth living and dying for, something worth leading for…because He lives!

Think Big

Paul highlights God’s power to think in the realm beyond all we ask or think in his letter to the church at Ephesus.

Like most leaders, we tend to think too small. We can fabricate a number of reasons, but in the end, we place God in a box where we think He will not do something because we are convinced we can’t do it.

We need to stop limiting God and start thinking big, at least bigger than we have in the past.

What would we attempt to do if we knew we could not fail? Think about it.

A Lonely Place

Leadership can be lonely.

However, the truth about spiritual leadership is that no matter who walks away, God is always there. Paul reminds us that no one can bring a charge against God’s elect, no one can condemn or separate us from the love of Christ. We are not alone!

This truth makes it possible to lead with confidence, grow stronger in faith, overcome any obstacle, and instill hope.

When we understand we are not alone, perhaps we will learn how to meet the needs of others who need to know the same.

Flexible Leadership…

While several leadership qualities were demonstrated by Paul, one is key: flexibility (1 Corinthians 9:19-23).

Notice the driving force of Paul’s flexibility, “So that I might win…by all means save some.” Nothing took greater precedence in his life than leading others to Christ.

There was no compromise to the truth. The “anything goes” approach was unacceptable. At all times he was in submission to Jesus.

Notice the flexibility of personal choice: “I do all things for the sake of the gospel.”

If Christians could model this today, we could change the world.

A Trustworthy Leader…

Can God trust us to love His church, be a good student of His Word, share the gospel with others, make the right choices, and lead His people?

Will others trust us to lead with consistency, competence, and connect with them?

How would we answer these questions?

Paul claimed “…it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy” (1 Co. 4:2).

As stewards of all God has entrusted to us, are we trustworthy?

Let us develop a character that is worthy of trust, God’s and other’s.


Procrastination is one of the most destructive practices for leaders.

Spiritually, there is a tendency to put off obeying the Gospel, sharing Jesus, or developing a plan for personal growth and development.

Will waiting until tomorrow, or until later, make it possible to avoid responsibility?

Scripture emphasizes the present. Joshua said, “Choose this day whom you will serve.” Jesus said, “Seek first His kingdom…do not worry about tomorrow.” Paul said, “Now is the acceptable time, behold, now is the day of salvation.”

These few places express our present time with urgency.

We need to ask, “Why put off until tomorrow, what can be done today?”

The Right Motive…

Paul emphasized that slaves are to render obedience to their masters with sincerity, as though they were serving Christ, not by way of eye service, simply to please an earthly master.

We live in a society that thrives on image. We have a great concern for appearance, because of how we think others see us.

Godly leaders seek to please the Lord. To the church at Corinth, Paul expressed that pleasing the Lord should be our ambition.

Our family, people at work, neighbors, and fellow Christians are all watching. When we consider our conduct, is it because we want to please those who watch or is our motive to please God?

Balancing Our Time…

The most valuable commodity we have is time. While we all have exactly the same amount of time each day, how we use our time makes the difference.

Paul instructed Christians to walk with wisdom making the most of their time (Ep. 5:15-16). How?

Contrast the amount of time spent over the past week in activities with a self-centered focus, others-directed focus, and spiritual focus. Is there a proper balance?

Check the balance of time spent in work and with family.

A few simple questions, a little evaluation, and refocusing our direction helps us use our time more wisely.

Redirecting Our Focus…

We are all molded by the events of the past, whether teaching, experience, or influence. Each of these take on both a positive and negative trait.

Paul’s family heritage, academic credentials, knowledge of scripture, and zealous attack against the church left a mark he did not forget from his past.

However, he did not allow the past to dictate the direction of his future. Paul had a new spiritual focus.

Leaders must learn from the past in order to prevent repeating areas that hinder our Christian influence.

The challenges of yesterday are past. We need to redirect our attention toward a spiritual future.