Tag: Potential

Potential to Grow

The following expression is significant: “Every conversation is important. When a specific wording is missed or an inappropriate judgment made, it can temporarily or permanently stunt another person’s potential to grow in leadership.”

If we understood how our words might promote or hinder the leadership potential of another person, would we give more careful thought to what we say?

Solomon reminds us that the power of life and death are in the tongue. With our words we either build up or tear down.

We must not allow anything to influence our words in such a way that it would discourage someone from reaching their leadership potential.

Becoming More

Do we see life as a gift? If so, what stewardship goes with the gift?

Since there is a privilege, opportunity, and responsibility attached to this stewardship, what will we do? Are we content with the status quo? Will we strive to excel in using our God given abilities to the fullest potential?

Life is not an opportunity to focus on self. In fact, when we focus on ourselves, our view of life is biased and we are more about taking than giving.

We have a great gift and it is up to us to do something that benefits the lives of others by becoming more.

Potential…Part 4

Let me share three ideas to help each of us move toward greater potential.

Remind others of the possibilities. When we do so, we accomplish the need for a supportive coalition and we create an accountability team.

Develop the plan into sections. The big picture can overwhelm and discourage us from the task at hand. Plan smaller sections and build on short-term wins.

Begin now. Potential is not reached by thinking about what we should have done years ago, or by procrastination. The best time to start is NOW!

Potential…Part 2

Yesterday, I mentioned three areas that can be used to determine potential.

Actions: They speak louder than words. What is the person or team under consideration doing? What activities can we list to explain the actions of the individual or team?

While examining someone else’s actions, we can assess specific abilities demonstrated by them. Like potential, everyone has abilities, and the greater the abilities, the greater the potential.

Attitude: Not everyone has the right kind of attitude. The attitude we need is one laced with the desire to do whatever it takes to reach this potential.

If you think of others, please share.

Potential…Part 1

Measuring potential as an individual or a team is challenging.

John Maxwell calls it, “The Law of the Lid.” Here, he discusses the potential of leaders. When the ability of a leader is raised in keeping with the same level of dedication, the overall success of influence increases dramatically, thus reaching greater potential.

Three components help determine the potential of each individual or team: Actions, Abilities, and Attitude.

Leaders carry the responsibility of helping others reach their potential, however small or great the potential.

Tomorrow, I will briefly share a few thoughts related to these three components.

Successful Leadership

As leaders within the spiritual setting, the ultimate determination of success is realized at the throne of God. But, how can we prepare for such success?

1) Having SMART goals and plans to reach those goals.
2) Continuing to grow and develop our relationship with God.
3) Using the truth of God’s word for every decision.
4) Developing and strengthening relationships with others.
5) Assisting others in reaching their potential.
6) Equipping them with the right tools.
7) Knowing God…

If we can implement these few ideas from the beginning, success will follow.

Potential Leadership

Potential: Material dealing with potential is endless. Passion thrives when reaching potential, achieving the life we are capable of living.

Determining potential is the challenge before leaders. Here are a few ideas for determining potential:

1) Attitude – A poor attitude generally equates to low potential, and a good attitude to high potential.

2) Action – Examining the areas of success and failure, along with the reasons behind them, helps determine potential.

3) Ability – Even if ability exists there is always room to improve. Recognizing one’s abilities determines potential.

Elevating Others

One of the greatest qualities a leader possesses is the ability to elevate or stimulate someone morally or spiritually.

Consider two key principles for leading:

1) We don’t always have a second chance to make a good first impression. Use those first few moments to focus on the other person and lift them up in conversation.

2) Perhaps the most significant need within each person is that of reaching their potential, improving, growing, and achieving success. Find a way to help them do so.

Much more could be said, but consider the importance and value of lifting others up in leading them. When we do, an amazing future awaits.

Reaching Potential

How do we recognize the potential of an individual or a congregation? Actions, Ability, and Attitude.

Is it possible to take these three areas, grow in them, and reach our ultimate potential? Absolutely!!! How?

Stop limiting God. Never think God “will not” do something because we think we “can’t”.

Start thinking BIG! Imagine what God could do through us if we started to think BIG!

Tell others about the possibilities. Telling others moves them into action, so start talking.

Develop a plan into smaller sections.
These smaller sections make the plan workable.

Begin NOW! Procrastination and hesitation are killers to our potential. Don’t wait. Get started.

Potential is too important to wait.


Potential is an ability or capability with the possibility of being or becoming something.

In his book, 9 Things A Leader Must Do, Dr. Henry Cloud wrote, “One of the worst things you can die with is potential.”

What is our potential? How do we achieve our greatest potential? Reaching our potential requires risk, and that can be a bit uncomfortable.

Cloud also claims that “potential is something to be realized, not guarded or protected. So, dig it up! Invest it!”

Maximizing our potential enables us to help others reach their potential. Spiritually, when the potential of God’s people is unleashed, we will change the world.