Tag: Pray

Testing our Leadership…

Based on experience, most students prefer to skip tests.

However, tests are biblical and spiritual leaders will face them throughout their leadership.

Abraham is an example. God tested Abraham by commanding him to offer his only son, Isaac, as a burnt offering.

The New Testament letter from James speaks about the testing of our faith. The result produces endurance which leads to completeness.

With this in mind, how should leaders respond when tested?

Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance.
Read God’s word and focus on the purpose.
Seek counsel from leaders who have passed tests.
Trust God’s use of tests to make us into His leaders.

Changing the Future of Leadership…

Leaders will always face attacks from an enemy in front of them. However, they should not have to deal with attacks from followers behind them.

Herein lies the challenge. These situations cause godly leaders to step down and they often prevent others from stepping up. What can we do to change the direction?

Pray with and for these leaders.
Always speak well of leadership.
Build them up publicly.
When problems arise, speak to them privately.
Encourage others to lead.
Prepare future leaders among the young…now!

Good leadership does not happen by accident. We must work today to change the future.

Finding Answers for Leadership…

Trials are part of life. Fear, anxiety, and frustration take control quickly. People seek answers.

When adversity occurs, or questions arise, where do leaders go to find answers?

Leaders provide guidance, direction, encouragement, support, and answers to help others overcome their fears, anxiety, and frustration. Where do leaders find these answers?

Prayer is a good place to start.
Spend time listening to God’s word. 
Counsel the wisdom of others.
Learn the value of trust.
Admit mistakes that occur.
Never miss an opportunity to learn. 

The more prepared we are for the questions plaguing others, the stronger our leadership becomes.

A Spiritual Leader…

How should we define “spiritual” leadership? 

Here are a few possibilities. Spiritual leaders…

1) Move people to be more like God.
2) Rely on grace found in the blood of Christ.
3) Work to accomplish the will of God.
4) Encourage the fainthearted.
5) Admonish the unruly. 
6) Strengthen the weak.
7) Seek first the kingdom of God.
8) Pray without ceasing.
9) Search the scriptures daily.
10) Trust fully in God’s providential working.

These are only 10 suggestions, but take a lifetime to develop as leaders. God’s word challenges us to grow into His spiritual leaders.