Tag: Responsibility

Learner-Centered Leadership

A learner takes responsibility for the priorities, learning, and resources for achieving a capacity for self-direction. The idea expresses moving “from dependence to independence to interdependence” (Lois Zachary, The Mentor’s Guide, Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships, 3).

A number of elements are also essential for a learner-centered program: reciprocity, learning, relationship, partnership, collaboration, mutually defined goals, and development.

The design of each of these elements is to promote stronger relationships that motivate, inspire, and contribute to development and growth. This relationship is collaborative and channeled to achieve a support system of success.

Express Confidence

Imagine what happens when people believe in themselves. Imagine what happens when leadership promotes this thought.

Sam Walton said, “Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.”

Develop others in ways that creates this kind of environment.

Express confidence. A word of encouragement helps others accomplish great work.

Give responsibility. Give responsibility and allow them the opportunity to achieve the task.

Handle failure appropriately. Help people learn from it, evaluate, pick up, and move forward.

Express confidence. Begin and end with telling others how much you believe in them.

Teach, Encourage, Admonish, Equip

Jesus taught, encouraged, admonished, and equipped twelve men to go and make disciples.

Think about how Jesus individualized each word.

Teach: People will only do what they are taught to do, and our teaching must include application. When provided, everyone learns how to fulfill the task.

Encouraging others motivates them to work harder than before. When criticism is tempered with encouragement, people change.

Admonish: Warning, advising, or even reprimanding others is needed to prevent harm. The attitude behind admonition determines the reception.

Equip: Providing tools to fulfill each task and responsibility are vital to the success of followers, especially as we prepare them to lead.

The Design of Leadership

What is our leadership designed to do? I once read, “A ship is safe in the harbor but that is not what it was designed to do.” Unknown

The answer is simple. We were designed to lead.

Too often I hear of situations where men are qualified to lead, but unwilling to step up and take the responsibility.

Why? Because they feel safe. Most want to avoid challenges, controversies, and confrontations.

Our leadership was never designed for such.

The Lord’s church needs leaders. Rise up men of God and lead!

Our God has called us to the greatest task on earth.

A Great Responsibility

When Paul wrote Timothy, he used an interesting word translated entrust. The idea was to take what was entrusted to him and entrust it to others.

At the root of this word is the concept of placing before or into the hand of another. It represents responsibility. Whatever was placed into the hand carried a responsibility of placing into the hand of someone else that it might be perpetuated into the future.

When we apply the concept to leadership, this principle indicates a succession that leaders must consider for the future. How seriously do we take this responsibility?


When we consider what’s on the line as it relates to leadership, we begin to understand the urgency.

Throughout the Old and New Testaments we find God’s provisions for leaders. He positioned individuals to lead.

God designed His church to function with leaders. Their function is outlined in the letter to Ephesus (Ep. 4:11-13).

People need someone to follow. Christians should provide an example of leading in the family, workplace, and community.

The breakdown of the family indicates an urgency for husbands, wives, and parents to keep a more biblical focus.

May God bless us with the courage and boldness to fulfill our responsibilities.

A Question

I first saw this question on a church building sign.

The question challenges the depth of our faith and the strength of our vision.

The question requires a deep reflection into our soul to determine where we are and where we want to go.

The question brings a responsibility to act, requiring us to get up and do something.

The question applies to every individual and congregation. It stretches across every generation, culture, and era.

Before you read the question, remember to give serious consideration to the question before answering.

The question is simply this: “What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?”


The concept and practice of seeking the best in other people and putting their needs above our own is rare.

Marvin J. Ashton said, “Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart, one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them.”

We do well to follow this example in our relationships with others.

Consider the responsibility. God entrusted us with the lives of people, and nothing more fulfilling can be done than to make their lives better than we found them. This is great leadership!

Potential…Part 1

Measuring potential as an individual or a team is challenging.

John Maxwell calls it, “The Law of the Lid.” Here, he discusses the potential of leaders. When the ability of a leader is raised in keeping with the same level of dedication, the overall success of influence increases dramatically, thus reaching greater potential.

Three components help determine the potential of each individual or team: Actions, Abilities, and Attitude.

Leaders carry the responsibility of helping others reach their potential, however small or great the potential.

Tomorrow, I will briefly share a few thoughts related to these three components.

Values-Based Leaders

Challenges usually arise when something goes wrong or at least not the way we want. At that moment, we decide to either take responsibility or cast blame.

Casting blame on others seems to justify our own actions as acceptable and right. Yet, such is not the case.

Leaders must realize that people are not objects to be used to advance their own agendas. They conduct themselves with a greater self-examination and take responsibility for their own thoughts, words, and actions.

An honest look inward is a prerequisite to a values-based leadership that demonstrates the kind of character God wants in us as leaders.