Tag: Responsibility

Entrusting Leaders…

The Greek word translated “entrust” carries the idea of placing something into the hand of another.

Paul reminded Timothy of what had been entrusted to him and instructed him to place it into the hands of those who are faithful so that they, in turn, would teach others also.

When something is entrusted to us, we have a responsibility to care for, guard, protect, cherish, and faithfully use it.

Considering what has been placed into our hands as spiritual leaders, we carry this same responsibility.

One day we will give an account for the stewardship of what has been entrusted to us, including the souls we lead.

Positional Leadership…

One of the great myths of leadership is the positional myth, i.e. “I cannot lead unless I have a position, or once I have a position then I will be able to lead.”

While we do not have to have a position to lead, this position comes with a responsibility. Spiritual leaders are positioned with a responsibility, a responsibility to help others…

…understand there is hope for the future.
…reach their full potential in spiritual maturity.
…obtain their eternal inheritance.

Several years ago, I heard this equation: ability + opportunity = responsibility. After some thought, doesn’t it sound like a good position?