Tag: Responsibility

Dealing Out Hope…

After spending several hours contacting numerous shelters to find housing for someone in need, an overwhelming realization of the hopeless condition among our population was apparent.

A compassionate heart quickly recognizes how people can feel so hopeless. A number of explanations may be given as to the cause, but the need for leaders is to provide hope. Napoleon is credited with saying, “leaders are dealers in hope.”

Leaders extend hope by learning to listen and express concern.

Leaders need to offer hope that someone is trustworthy.

Leaders possess a responsibility to demonstrate care by action.

People follow leaders who provide hope.

The Responsibility of Service…

Jose Marti said, “Talent is a gift that brings with it an obligation to serve the world, and not ourselves, for it is not of our making.”

We all have opportunities to develop our abilities. Through education or experience, we can develop natural gifts and use our talent to serve others.

To use our talent only for ourselves is narcissistic. Do we realize that our talent is not of our making?

Our responsibility is fulfilled by serving others.

Godly leaders illustrate the most significant form of biblical love when they demonstrate this service.

Blessed Leadership

The idea of blessed is key throughout the Psalms. 

Psalm 1 begins with it and the thoughts expressed have great significance when applied to leadership.

First, leaders must be careful where they go and who they listen to regarding their responsibility.

Second, the heart and success of leadership are the result of following the path provided by God.

Third, the contrast indicates there are consequences when one fails to follow the righteous way.

Leaders have an opportunity to lead others on the right path. The responsibility is great, but the rewards of a fruitful life and eternal prosperity are worth the price.

When Leaders Fail…

Regardless of our political position, developments within the administrative system of our country seem to raise questions about leadership.

It is fascinating to see quotes and principles regarding leadership and what happens when leaders fail to be trustworthy.

On more than one occasion, news reporters express the idea of accountability. Specifically, one analyst expressed that what leaders do when mistakes are made is “confess the mistake, take responsibility, and let the chips fall where they may.”

Leaders will experience failure. They make mistakes. How leaders strategically maneuver during these times determines the level of trust to be gained or lost by those who follow.

Believing in Ourselves…

As leaders, we need to see the value of helping others believe in themselves.

Sam Walton said, “Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.”

How can we achieve this?

Express confidence. A word of encouragement motivates people to accomplish great work.

Give responsibility. Responsibility shows we trust them to achieve the task.

Handle failure appropriately. Help others learn from it, evaluate, pick up, and move forward.

Express confidence. If we begin and end with telling others we believe in them and what they can accomplish, greatness will result.

Role of the Shepherd…#2

One of the “I am” statements in the Gospel of John provides a beautiful description of Jesus, “I am the good shepherd” (Jn. 10:11).

Naturally, we assume that as a shepherd His life and words would help us understand this role, or responsibility.

In His prayer (Jn. 17), six statements are made that suggest the role of the shepherd. We will list all six and then expound on each one beginning tomorrow.

“I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world.”
“I gave them the words you gave me.”
“I pray for them.”
“I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me.”
“I have sent them into the world.”
“I have given them the glory that you gave me.”

Bringing Happiness…

An old saying claims, “Everyone brings happiness, some when they come and some when they leave.” It would be great if leaders brought happiness when they arrived rather than when they left, but such is not always the case. 

At some point, we all leave and when that time comes we have to decide the level of integrity and Christlike character we will demonstrate. Consider the following.

Remember the greater good of followers.
Always accept responsibility for actions.
Be kind, never harsh or abrasive no matter how unfairly treated.
Consider Jesus.

We are leaders and how leave makes a difference.

Responsible Leadership…

Leadership involves responsibility. The higher one goes in leadership, the greater the responsibility. Others have said, “The greater the responsibility, the fewer the rights.”

We live in a culture where taking responsibility is not always an acceptable practice. We also live in a culture where the common practice is one of blaming others.

The problem is not cultural. This practice has been around since the beginning with Adam and Eve. Leadership must seek responsibility and take responsibility for their actions.

When this kind of integrity exists, when leaders seek and take responsibility for their actions, their influence grows. The result? People will follow!

Earning Our Leadership…

“Earn your leadership every day.” Michael Jordan

While the list is not exhaustive, here are a few suggestions to earn our leadership.

1) Live life consistently.

2) Take responsibility for every word and action.

3) Lead in the fullness of core values.

4) Align goals with priorities.

5) Know what is worth dying for and live for it.

6) Help others reach their potential…always!

7) Be an active listener.

8) Show others life is more than just “being right.”

9) Demonstrate respect for yourself and others.

10) Understand the difference between image and reputation. 

These suggestions will help our leadership produce immeasurable benefits.

Responsible Leadership…

Ability + opportunity = responsibility

Everyone has ability. These abilities fall into categories of natural, acquired, and spiritual (God given). Not everyone has the same ability, thus the design of the church so it will function properly, as God designed it (1 Corinthians 12; Romans 12).

Opportunities are circumstances presenting possibility. We must recognize the possibilities and look for the opportunities God provides.

Therefore, we are responsible to use our abilities, consider the possibilities, and seek the God given opportunities. 

Imagine what God could do through us in changing our community, or maybe the world, if we were to assume such responsibility.