Tag: Robert tew

Positive Leadership

We cannot escape the abundance of negative and toxic people, activities, or news.

The choice is ours to allow or not allow this negative and toxic element to take up residence in our mind.

Robert Tew makes this suggestion, “Don’t let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out.”

Consider four ideas: 1) Avoid as much as possible, 2) Learn to walk away or turn it off, 3) Find positive people to spend time with daily, and 4) Be the most enthusiastic person you know.

The choice is ours to make, but leadership cannot thrive when the mind dwells on negative and toxic influences (cf. Phil. 4:8).

Step Into Greatness

Life is filled with events. These events can be good or bad. The perspective of one person toward an event may not be the same as another person facing a similar event. The difference is often affiliated with someone’s attitude and worldview.

Robert Tew said, “It doesn’t matter what happens to you. What matters is, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to complain and shrink or are you going to step into your greatness?”

We need leaders who step into greatness motivating us to see beyond the present and consider the power of changing lives.

Growing Beyond Fear

What do you fear the most? Failure? Success? Death? Life? Illness? Health? Laziness? Work? Rejection? Acceptance? Loss? Public speaking?

We could focus on what we fear and why we fear it. Our purpose, however, is not to acknowledge our fears, but consider the growth potential beyond those fears.

Robert Tew informs us, “Until you see fear as an opportunity for growth, you won’t grow beyond your current self.”

Perspective of fear in light of biblical teaching aids us in developing the right focus on approaching those fears.

Here we find a starting point to grow beyond our fears.

Strength Of Character

Conflict is inevitable. We assume that when our character is strong, conflict will not break us, even when it piles up. When we achieve the desired result, we are encouraged.

However, as Robert Tew said, “Strength of character isn’t always about how much you can handle before you break, it’s also about how much you can handle after you’ve broken.”

Once we are broken, how much can we handle? Do we find ourselves shutting down, withdrawing, becoming reclusive, and avoiding contact with others?

A great deal of admiration goes to leaders whose strength of character shines before they break and after they are broken.

Life-changing Perspective…

Events experienced in life can be categorized as good or bad. It’s all about perspective, and perspectives vary from one individual to another.

Robert Tew said, “It doesn’t matter what happens to you. What matters is, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to complain and shrink or are you going to step into your greatness?”

One choice seems easy enough, complain and shrink. This choice, however, hinders our influence and character development.

Stepping into greatness motivates us to see beyond the present circumstance and consider the power of changing lives, including our own.