
Memories are good and bad. There are times, events, and people that we remember fondly because of the joys experienced with them.

There are also times, events, and people we wish we could forget because of the negativity associated.

The manner in which we react regarding the recall of those memories influences how we are seen as leaders and the leadership we provide for others.

Memories help us learn to do a couple of important steps.

1) Repeat what works and is successful.
2) Avoid negative consequences experienced and overcome.

If we remember to do so, the future will hold greater memories when we recall them.

Godly Counsel

Proverbs 27:9 says, “A man’s counsel is sweet to his friend.”

Leadership should always provide a source of counsel that is based on God’s word, designed to provide guidance to spiritual success and an eternal reward.

When leaders provide godly counsel, several beautiful things occur: 1) Above all, God is glorified; 2) His people are built up in faith; 3) leadership is strengthened in righteousness; and 4) the future is secured.

The consequences of not seeking wise counsel can be seen in the life of Joshua (Jos. 9). Let leaders learn from his example, then pursue and provide godly counsel.

Helping Others

Leadership is about people, and unless we observe how God works in our lives to provide opportunity to lead, we will miss the possibility of God using us to help others.

A Chinese proverb emphasizes: “If you want happiness for an hour––take a nap. If you want happiness for a day––go fishing. If you want happiness for a year––inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime––help someone else.”

Take a few moments each day to simply observe the working of God through the opportunities provided in the lives of the special people placed on our path and help them.

The Unknown

How often do we think about our potential, then step back from achieving it because we fear the unknown?

Esmeralda Santiago asks the question, “How can you know what you are capable of if you don’t embrace the unknown?”

Several variables play into the unknown. We develop scenarios, usually focused on the negative or that create a defeatist mindset.

What can we do to face the unknown and enjoy the possibilities?

1. Remember, reaching our potential requires a level of risk.
2. Even if we fail, failure is not fatal.
3. Start small and gradually venture into additional unknown areas.

Just taking a a step or two can move us in the right direction.

Strong Leadership

We need to be strong in every area of life: physically, spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually.

Through the aging process we are all aware of the decline in our physical strength. There are times when a decline in emotional and intellectual strength also occurs.

The most frightening area connected to this decline in strength occurs in the spiritual realm.

Paul encourages Christians to “be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God” (Ep. 6:10-11).

Examining each piece of armor reveals a close relationship to God’s word. Our strength comes from what God provides through His word.


Being observant is essential in leadership. The power of observation is deeply connected to its definition.

Alert: When leaders are alert, they are quick to notice anything unusual or potentially dangerous.

Watchful: Leaders who are carefully watching others and the situation lead out of concern.

Aware: When there is a knowledge or perception of a situation or fact, leaders are aware.

Attentive: To be attentive, leaders must pay close attention to someone or something.

The basis for successful leadership is found in being observant, and this kind of leadership is not easy. It requires diligence, time, patience, and great love.


Biblically, love involves seeking the highest good for the other person. Love cannot be self-directed or direct the actions of others.

When leaders do this, it is generally because of selfish motives.

When leaders truly understand and lead out of love for souls, we find sacrifice and determination to see that others find a way to heaven. A couple of ideas about leading out of love.

Love gives without expecting to receive something in return.
Love seeks opportunity to serve in all situations.
Love desires the best for others, even at the cost of personal comfort.

Lead out of love and know the power it brings to leadership.

Why Lead?

Why do people lead?

Some lead for the power. They simply want authority over others to direct them.

Some lead out of a crisis. When crisis strikes, individuals are often forced into leadership.

Others lead because no one else will. When godly leaders do not rise up, others will, but not always in the right direction.

Still, some lead for the joy of it. They strive to develop godly and Christlike character, and desire to lead others to Christ.

Paul referred to those who led with both wrong motives and the right one. Examine why you lead, and learn to lead for the joy of an eternal outcome.

Catch 22 Leadership

Leaders often feel as if they are being shot at from both sides, in front and from behind.

How many times have leaders faced situations that no matter what decision was made they were condemned? We call this Catch 22 Leadership.

Leaders must be decisive, and they will always have to fight the enemy in front of them. However, they should not have to deal with attacks from followers behind them.

Pray with and for your leaders.
Always speak well of leaders to others.
Make it a habit to build them up publicly.
When a problem arises, speak to leaders privately.
Encourage those who are godly to lead.

Skin in the Game

When an individual has “skin in the game” there is a level of commitment that moves one to greater action in achieving the desired result.

Skin in the game might involve money, time, ability, or even life itself. When a leader knows they must be invested, their commitment increases because failing to accomplish the goal will cost them something.

David understood this need as he offered sacrifice to God in 2 Samuel 24:24. He would not offer God anything that did not cost him something.

Leadership will cost us something. What we must recognize is that with God, it is worth the investment.