Don’t Quit

Success and failure are subjective terms. How we define and determine success or failure depends largely on our perspective.

Dr. Richard Bandler helps with this perspective by saying, “Failure means you’ve stopped. So don’t stop. Keep at it. The more you move in the right direction towards success, the better you’ll feel. Every day work on making new positive habits second nature — make them automatic.”

While it is not complicated, leaders will go far by learning that success is based on this simple principle – Don’t Quit!

Leading into Tomorrow

More than a few people struggle with past mistakes. Guilt makes us wish we could return to the past and make corrections, even though we know it is impossible.

The challenge is overcoming the desire to live in the past and not allowing the mistakes of the past to dictate our future.

We must learn from the past and realize that our future is determined by the choices we make today to shape a better tomorrow.

If we make decisions built on a spiritual foundation, the direction of tomorrow is one that ensures a future with eternal significance.

Leadership and Character

I have often discussed the necessity of character when talking about leadership. The primarily quality of a leader’s character is trust.

Leaders must certainly be worthy of the trust placed in them by those who follow.

I appreciate Rory Vaden’s thought, “In easy times, personality is revealed. In hard times, your character is revealed.”

The last year delivered some pretty hard times for leaders in the church. Now, more than ever, the church needs leaders who have the kind of character that is worthy of trust.

Can God trust us to lead in this way?

True Leadership

In a recent podcast, Patrick Lencioni talked about leadership with an interesting twist. He said, “There is no such thing as ‘servant leadership.’ If you are a leader, you are a servant.”

Of course, the idea speaks to many facets of leading. Some serve themselves, and others serve the people they lead.

Rory Vaden coined the thought, “If serving is beneath you, then leadership is beyond you.”

Both of these men speak to the heart of what leadership is all about––serving.

We have the example of Jesus. The question really becomes, “Who will we serve in our leadership?”

Timely Advice

Measure twice, cut once.

The lesson behind this advice extends beyond the field of carpentry and medicine. In fact, the application is fitting for most areas of life, especially leadership.

Leadership credibility increases when decisions are based on additional information gained or counsel received indicating the time taken to measure twice.

How different will outcomes be if we take time to investigate before making decisions that compromise our relationship with God and His people?

Measuring twice makes it possible to insure accuracy before making decisions that carry great consequential impact.

Our leadership rests in the balance of this advice.


One of the most significant components of goal setting and achievement is evaluation. Evaluation is a time to reflect, assess, or make a judgment about the amount, number, or value of something.

Once goals are established for any individual or organization, an effective way to determine progress is through evaluation.

Evaluating progress monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, and yearly provides leaders an opportunity to measure the amount of progress, assess necessary changes, implement phases of the plan, and build the confidence of stakeholders in the process.

The profit gained by evaluating each essential part of the plan determines success.

The Power of Memory

Memory is one of the most powerful qualities of the brain as designed by God.

Memory also opens the portholes of our minds to reminisce about the events and decisions of life.

Leaders who are able to reminisce about past events that build upon achievement, victories over trials or failures, and the strength of morale will motivate others to find something deep inside that drives who they are and where they want to go.

The power of reminiscing makes the difference between being consumed with regret over past mistakes and the elation of knowing something better is ahead.

Leading Like Jesus

Jesus was not one to focus His time on the rich, popular, political or religious leaders of the people.

Jesus spent time with the outcast, unwanted, and unlikely of society.

He did not participate in or condone their activities. He worked to influence them and show a better way. He gave them hope.

We must consider who we focus our time on, if we seek to be like Him. This does not mean we shun or avoid the wealthy. We may not always be comfortable with the outcast, unwanted, or unlikely, but history and experience indicate they are the most receptive.

Fire-Lighting Leadership

Who are the fire-lighters in your life? We all have them and we need those who are able to say or do that one thing that excites the passion within us to act and achieve.

Leaders also need to light the fire in others. Whose fire are you lighting?

Your words and actions have the power to create motivation in the lives of others. The result changes the world.

When you extend a helping hand, speak an encouraging word, or give the most valuable gift, you make an eternal difference.

Be the leader God called you to be in this world.

Influential Leader

A word expressed or action taken can change a situation in ways that leave a lasting impression.

People always watch and listen. They measure the strength of our character by the consistency of our words and actions.

Before we speak, think about the consequences. Once the words are spoken we cannot take them back.

Our actions have a similar impact. Interestingly enough, we may participate in an activity that does not characterize who we are, yet when seen, the consequences are nearly impossible to correct.

Our influence is too valuable to give little thought to the consequences of our choices and influence.