
Risk involves the possibility of danger or harm.

There can be low risk and high risk, but risk is part of leadership.

The key to understanding the role of risk in leadership is learning how not to fear risk, but manage it instead.

Consider two questions in application to risks involved for spiritual leaders.

1) What are the risk factors involved if we decide not to lead others to Christ?
2) What are the risks of waiting, or procrastinating, to lead them?

When we look from a spiritual perspective at how the risks weigh out in our leadership, we find the possibility of danger or harm involved.

Think BIG

What could happen if leaders knew how to think big? The passion that drives greatness, especially from a spiritual perspective, must be nothing short of global.

Do we think that God will not do something because we are convinced we can’t do it?

The “grasshopper syndrome” of the spies in Numbers 13-14 orchestrates our own defeat. The problem was not how the Israelites appeared in the eyes of the giants that lived in Canaan. The problem was in how they saw themselves––grasshoppers in their own sight.

Leaders must not fall prey to this mindset. There must be a passion that is driven by and for greatness.


Do leaders think from a primal perspective? Before we drift into the early stages of evolutionary development, primal carries the impetus of something that is essential or foundational.

Nothing could more essential and foundational to eternity than spiritual leadership.

How does the idea of primal apply to the surroundings of leadership?

The idea relates to the beginnings, first things, primary, essential, and foundational elements of all that is connected to life intellectually, physically, emotionally, and physically.

These elements are the building blocks of all leaders and include integrity, honesty, strong work ethic, passion, confidence in God, discipline, and balance.


One of the most critical areas of leadership involves an understanding of confidentiality. Leaders must know how to keep something in confidence.

Confidentiality speaks to a sacred trust. Followers need to know they can place their lives into the hands of someone they trust.

1) When leaders keep confidentiality, relationships are built.
2) Confidentiality makes leaders approachable.
3) Doing so provides guidelines for developing greater leadership.
4) Keeping a confidence grows a more Christlike character.

Confidentiality is critical for leaders. They must guard what has been placed into their sacred trust. When they do, the resulting development of character builds a leadership worth following.

Making Choices

One of the most frustrating challenges in relationships is reflected in a statement by Colin Powell, “You can’t make someone else’s choices. You shouldn’t let someone else make yours.”

When leaders make choices for others, the potential of resentment exists.

When leaders make choices for others, a certain expectation can be created.

Making choices for others can also lead to an unhealthy dependency.

Leading is about relationships and leading others involves helping them make the right choices, not making those choices for them.

Leadership has the potential of influencing others for a greater purpose. Let us always lead with the desire to help others see the choice of Jesus.

Eliminating Self

When our speech (spoken or written) is filled with personal pronouns, e.g. “me,” “myself,” and “I,” then leaders need to step back and evaluate what, or perhaps more appropriate, who they are promoting.

The strength of spiritual leadership must be focused on the good of others, even at the expense of self.

Jesus taught the need of being a servant (Jn. 13), He used the term love regarding a new commandment.

This type of leadership testifies to our discipleship of Jesus.

How do we demonstrate love if our words and actions are self-serving?

Leadership is filled with its challenges, not the least of which is serving self.

Catalyst…part 2

As a catalyst, leaders incite forward and positive movement. For a leader to benefit in developing the characteristics of a catalyst, there must be a genuine interest in others.

A genuine interest in others requires a few key components.

1) Ability to listen. We must listen to the words, body language, and tone of voice.

2) Eye contact. Avoid looking at your watch. While challenging, it is vital to showing interest.

3) Appropriate questions. Ask polite questions, interest questions, and caring questions.

A few key components make a catalyst leader effective in their leadership.

Catalyst…part 1

A catalyst is “a substance that increases the rate of chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change.”

When a leader serves as a catalyst amazing developments can occur.

In their book, The Starfish and the Spider, Brafman and Beckstrom researched several areas concerning leadership and the qualities of a catalyst.

Consistent with each was their desire to help others. As I read through the examples, there is a great connection to a spiritual catalyst.

Catalysts help others see their potential in the Lord’s kingdom.

Catalysts help others implement plans to reach their potential.

Catalysts help others connect with people who can assist them reach their potential.


When leaders provide direction that is fixed, followers feel secure.

When leaders keep followers safe and unharmed, they feel secure.

When followers are protected from the enemy, they are secure.

When leaders are stable, eliminate anxiety, and are unafraid, security exists.

Consider these thoughts in a spiritual context. Spiritual leaders must provide security that eliminates the fear and anxiety prevalent in the world.

To accomplish this, a few simple steps will help.

1) Be strong in faith.
2) Grow in knowledge of the word.
3) Trust in God.
4) Remember there is strength in numbers.
5) Lead with confidence.

Spiritual Character

Although the author is unknown, the following statement is worth reading, “You attract people by the qualities you display. You keep them by the qualities you possess.”

One side of this thought identifies what people see, but the other side speaks to what people know about us.

Often times, leaders put forth a front that people see on the surface, but it may not truly portray the character of the individual.

We must focus on possessing the type of godly qualities demanded of spiritual leaders. The outward display that people see will naturally follow.