What If…Part 3

What would life be like if we took out the “if factor”?

Think about the following questions.

Do we limit the power of God by the boundaries we create in our own mind?

Do we believe God has the power to do far beyond all we ask or think according to the power that works within us?

What do we hinder God from doing when we place limitations on Him?

What could God do through you and me as leaders if our faith was greater?

When we believe that God can and will accomplish His purpose, in spite of us, maybe we would stop thinking small and start thinking big!

What If…Part 2

Yesterday, I posed this question: What would we do if we knew we could not fail?

The challenge is to see a much bigger picture. Consider the following: If we could not fail…

Would we talk to the neighbor across the street?

Set greater goals for reaching the lost in our city, state, or country?

Approach world missions with loftier efforts?

I ask this because we can’t fail! The Bible reminds us that not one of God’s good promises ever failed.

He is with us and for us, and “if God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rom. 8:31). Why are we waiting?

What If…Part 1

Think about the various ways we use the word if.

we could only win a game.

I had a dime for every time I heard someone say…

you do that one more time I am going to stand you in the corner (or some other form of discipline).

I hear this any more I will go crazy.

archaeologists would find (a Biblical artifact) I would believe.

We often speak with the conditional use of the word if.

Yet, there is also great significance to the use of this word. What would you or I attempt to do if we knew we could not fail?

Judging by Appearance

Jesus said, “Do not judge by appearance, but judge with righteous judgment” (Jn. 7:24).

How often do we judge a situation or an individual by appearance? Probably more often than we should.

We rarely learn the facts or talk with the person to know them. Sadly, this almost always leads to wrong conclusions and unfair assessments.

The envy and jealousy of the religious leaders toward Jesus moved them to pursue whatever extremes necessary to remove this threat to their power.

When leaders today judge by appearance, righteous judgment is hindered. The results are always destructive.

Leadership Regret

At times, we all regret our participation in something we’ve said or done.

However, the bigger picture is not painted by the few moments we experience regret, but rather the whole of life.

Zig Ziglar once asked, “Will you look back on life and say, ‘I wish I had,’ or ‘I’m glad I did’”?

The bigger picture of leadership influence is shaped by how we answer this question. Looking back, our leadership should never be identified by what we wish we had done or said. Rather, our joy and hope of a better tomorrow rests in the fact we were glad we did it.


Life can change in heartbeat. Tragedy often strikes in a moment. The loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, and a hundred other areas often create uncertainty.

What will happen? When will these events occur? Why do they happen?

These are questions we ask in moments of uncertainty. However, when our faith is challenged, we can find the blossoming leadership of godly examples that surround us.

We pray earnestly before, during, and after tragic events. We must trust those prayers will be answered and know God will work through our lives and the lives of others to lead in ways that point to the Father of all.

If Only

Too often we sit and think about the hypothetical possibilities of what could happen…if only.

Walt Disney amassed an empire on the foundation of a mouse. His thought? “If you can think it, you can do it.”

Do we limit what can be accomplished, or perhaps limit what we believe God will accomplish, because we’ve convinced ourselves we cannot do it?

In the Old Testament the thought is expressed, “Is the power of the Lord limited?” Jesus said, “With God all things are possible.”

Instead of thinking, If only, maybe we can think, “With God on our side, there is nothing we cannot do.” Dream Big!

Survival, Success, and Significance

Meditate for a few minutes on each of these words. The majority of people only seek to survive, looking for the next meal or how to pay their rent/mortgage.

Others seek a level of success. While subjective, no matter how it is defined, people desire success in their families, academically, or on their jobs.

There are far too few who realize that the limited time we have on earth is about making a significant difference. Significance requires thinking beyond ourselves and wielding our influence for the purpose of making an impact that is significant.

How would you describe your leadership? Are you striving to survive, enjoy success, or make a difference that is significant.


Communication faces numerous challenges. Simply because we speak the same language does not necessitate that communication has occurred.

Amazingly enough, the advances in technology have not improved our ability to communicate. Worse still, is the fact that most people believe themselves to be good communicators, when in actuality, they are not.

Leadership requires the ability to both effectively communicate and communicate effectively. The nature of effective communication involves the means we use. Communicating effectively involves understanding.

Both take time and practice.

While it might appear to be easy, one of the most difficult tasks we face in leadership is communication.

True Leadership

Difficulties often cause leaders to: a) step out of the leadership role, or b) never enter into a leadership role.

God never promised a carefree, problem free life. If anything, God ensures us that life is going to be filled with problems, difficulties, and suffering.

True leadership learns how to deal with those challenges in the most godly, Christian manner possible.

Rely upon God for guidance in approaching these challenges.

Develop a strong determination to lead no matter how difficult the road.

Seek help from seasoned leaders who have faced difficulties.

Above all, understand that they are only temporary.