
Goodness is a fruit to be cultivated in the midst of a self-help culture. Three thoughts introduce the idea of goodness.

One, the consistent testimony in scripture that God alone is unequivocally good.

Two, if sin makes us incapable of goodness apart from God, as those created in His image, we possess the potential for goodness.

Three, knowing what counts for good can only be determined under the guidance of God’s Spirit.

We cultivate goodness by naming our sin, attending to God’s word, and imitation.

When leaders are characterized by goodness, self-awareness, upward attention, and outward activity cultivate this fruit.


Kindness applies to every area of the Christian life.

Kenneson’s application of kindness begins by asking how important others are to our life’s story? Reflecting on the most cherished and admired relationships, in what ways are they characterized by interdependence?

A Christian’s life is intricately woven into the lives of other people. How different would our approach to kindness be if our livelihood was dependent on others and their livelihood dependent on us?

Listening and interacting with others is crucial to demonstrating kindness. If Christians demonstrate more kindness in a culture that is characterized by self-sufficiency, imagine how different the world might look.


Patience is often said to be a desired virtue, but one we fail to demonstrate.

In a society geared toward productivity, the clock becomes a slave driver and the loss of control challenges every level of patience.

Kenneson identifies patience as yielding control to another (109). Biblical patience is others-directed.

Obstacles include segmenting, regulating, and hoarding time, as well as, exalting productivity, and the desire for speed.

Patience is cultivated by remembering God’s patience with us in times we stumble through life determining our place in His redemptive story. We also cultivate patience by thinking of time differently, as a gift instead of commodity.


Peace is often associated with the absence of conflict, but the Hebrew word shalom and the Greek word eirênê both carry the idea of wholeness and harmony.

Kenneson points out that promotion of individualism strikes at the heart of achieving biblical peace, and the privatization of faith takes individualism even further. Many speak of a “personal relationship with Jesus,” meaning one’s own “private” relationship.

Perhaps this explains why so many “self-professed Christians believe they can be perfectly good Christians apart from the church” (92).

Compartmentalizing life, defending personal rights, and sanctioning violence are a few of the ways peace is attacked.

Incorporating baptism, encouraging, edifying, admonishing, and forgiving one another are a few ways to support biblical peace.


Joy exceeds simple pleasure. Kenneson claims joy is the byproduct of our desire for something more outward.

The other-directedness nature of joy shows why it is so closely connected to love. If love be related to God’s grace, the gift exemplifies a significance between these two Greek words: charis (grace) and chara (joy).

Scripture connects suffering with joy, and “living joyfully despite persecution and affliction does not require one to deny the reality of suffering or pain” (63).

We cultivate joy when we rejoice in the opportunity to worship God, nurture contentment, and learn to enjoy children.

This is only the beginning.


Cultivating love is one of the greatest challenges to our Christian walk and leadership.

Considering the loose way we use love is borderline blasphemous. Kenneson says, “…some may justifiably doubt whether a word that can be applied with ease to both God and pizza can illuminate the character of the Christian life” (37).

Love is unmerited, steadfast, suffering, and knows no bounds. God’s very essence is love.

Consider the “other-directedness” nature of God’s love toward you and me in the death of Jesus.

In an environment based on self-interest, one that puts a price on everything (and everyone), cultivating love will require our devotion to building relationships.

Fruit of the Spirit: Part 1…

In his book, Life on the Vine: Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit in Christian Community, Philip Kenneson expresses  the need to demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit in an “other-directed” approach, rather than “self-directed.”

Kenneson opens with “Dying on the Vine,” an examination of where we are spiritually.

Leaders can ignore, deny, or neglect the reality of the present situation, or take steps to form a different direction, one directed toward others to help them walk more closely with God.

Join me over the next two weeks as we look at his discussion of the fruit of the Spirit.

The Power of Listening…

In leadership, communication becomes critical to the success of building relationships and reaching goals.

Leaders who communicate well are able to articulate the vision, inspire the actions of others, and strengthen the character of an organization to achieve long-lasting rewards.

However, the foundation for these three areas requires the ability to actively listen.

When leaders do not listen, they communicate a lack of concern or care about the other person.

If leaders take time to be silent, remove distractions, focus on the person speaking, and truly listen, amazing results occur.

Leaders build stronger relationships, encourage followers, and take steps to achieve their goals.

Pleasing Everyone…

An effort to please everyone is doomed to fail. Marco Rubio said, “We live in a society obsessed with public opinion. But leadership has never been about popularity.”

Sadly, the adage about the “squeaky wheel” is true. Those who complain the most and loudest tend to get action.

The church needs leaders who… 1) examine scripture to ensure decisions are biblical, 2) do not follow the flow of modern popularity, 3) never rush a decision, but do not hesitate between two opinions either, 4) make the decision, 5) remember, not every decision will please everyone.

The responsibility of decisive leadership is crucial to the future.

Fearless Trust…

Throughout many of the Psalms, David writes about his fearless trust in God.

Leaders need a relationship with God that exudes trust in Him to provide everything needed to fulfill His will. How does this develop?

In a word “seeking” Him.

Seek a dwelling in the house of the Lord every day.
Seek to behold the beauty of the Lord.
Seek to meditate in His temple.

If leaders seek these three areas, they develop a greater relationship with God and others.