Tag: Success

Leadership Character

The character of an individual is foundational to the success of leadership.

When the whole of our life and leadership are developed on the foundation of integrity, justice, and truth, our character is defined as God would define it. See Psalm 15.

If we were to sum it up in a few simple words, it would follow the claim of Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner in The Leadership Challenge, “the video needs to match the audio.”

Let us arise and lead with character.

True Success

Hearing about those who attempt to lead without growing themselves is fairly common. Hearing about those who attempt to lead without growing others is also common, and sad.

Jack Welch once said, “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.”

When spiritual leaders do not grow first and then grow others, everything and everyone suffers.

The true legacy of leadership is based on growing as a leader and growing others to be leaders.

Be a student of leadership and lead others to be the same.

Measuring Success

Various cultures around the world view or define success differently than other cultures. Oddly enough, even within the same culture, success is often defined differently.

Exploring the way God defines success is a bit more challenging, yet far more important to consider.

The most common factor defining success is quantitative. An increase by a specific number determines the measure of success achieved.

If we examine the Bible, we will find that the success is measured by those who followed the word of the Lord.

When it comes to defining success, as God defines it, a good place to start is 1 Samuel 15:22-23.

Successful Leadership

As leaders within the spiritual setting, the ultimate determination of success is realized at the throne of God. But, how can we prepare for such success?

1) Having SMART goals and plans to reach those goals.
2) Continuing to grow and develop our relationship with God.
3) Using the truth of God’s word for every decision.
4) Developing and strengthening relationships with others.
5) Assisting others in reaching their potential.
6) Equipping them with the right tools.
7) Knowing God…

If we can implement these few ideas from the beginning, success will follow.

True Success

In a world that believes we must win at all cost, the concept of losing is never considered. Even though several attempts to change this way of thinking are commercialized, the underlying mindset of success emphasizes the “W.”

From a spiritual perspective, however, true success is measured by the ideas expressed in losing our pride, fleshly desires, and sinful habits. When demonstrated in leadership, followers find an incredible example that reflects the true nature of Christianity.

In every culture, the ideas of winning and losing follow the same pattern. Therefore, we need leaders today who hold up the biblical standard of true success and victory.

Essential Leadership

What is essential and what is not? Spiritually speaking, there are many answers: Here are four.

1) Character: General Schwarzkopf said, “Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without strategy.”

2) Passion: It’s about sacrifice. Knowing what we are willing to give up is essential to our leadership.

3) Vision: Vision is about seeing into the future. Faith is essential to the vision of spiritual leadership.

4) Goals: David Schwartz said, “Goals are as essential to success as air is to life.” Goals are the essential fuel for leading.

These are only four areas that are essential to our leadership.


Everyone knows the value of good planning. Leaders especially appreciate the need to make the proper plans to reach established goals.

Plans are not goals.

Plans involve the activities necessary to reach our goals.

How vital is it we have plans? There is an old adage used by several that says, “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.”

We all need short and long-term goals. The same is true at every corporate level. How we plan to reach our goals makes a difference.

Once we set up goals, let us sit down and establish the details of a proper plan to ensure success.

Improving Our Leadership

Leaders know who they are and always seek improvement.

One of the most challenging areas in our leadership involves an honest self-examination. Seeking to improve ourselves in leadership is vital to success.

One of the ways to accomplish this improvement is through asking some difficult questions.

Do we really want to be a leader?
What is the motivation behind our desire to lead?
Are we willing to make the necessary sacrifices to lead effectively?
Will we commit to the task of continually developing our abilities to lead?

The answers provide a foundation to help us know who we are and our approach to improving our leadership.

Goals and Courage

Goals are essential to success. We build morale and sustain momentum to reach our long-term goals by the short-term goals we establish.

Courage is a decision to act bravely when we are scared. When that time comes, we need leaders who have the courage to lead with their eye on the goal(s).

Dr. Anil Kumar Sinha said it this way, “Successful people keep their eye on the goal. If they encounter obstacles, instead of focusing on the obstacle, they find a way around it by keeping their goal in mind. It is a mindset of courage which makes it easier to pursue success.”


Think about the implication of talent as it relates to the success desired by each individual.

Consider the significance of being in the right place at the right time. Will the opportunity of time and place determine success?

Perhaps there is a more important question. Johnny Carson put it this way, “Talent alone won’t make you a success. Neither will being in the right place at the right time, unless you are ready. The most important question is: ‘Are you ready?’”

Life is filled with a complexity of issues, practices, and opportunities for either success or failure. Regardless of what happens, “Are we ready?”