Tag: Success

The Challenge of Choice…

The issue of choice plagues us. Walk down the isle of any store and consider the choices available on a product of your choosing. At times, it becomes overwhelming to determine exactly what is needed.

A study of leadership reveals the challenge of choices. The choices made by leaders make the difference in success or failure, so what choice(s) should be made?

Sadly, many choices are made by trial and error. Only after the results of the choice are seen do we make additional choices toward an appropriate direction.

Nothing is more significant than leading others to make a choice about their eternal destiny.

Primal Leadership…

Primal comes from a Latin word meaning “first.” The idea relates to beginnings, first things, primary, essential, and foundational elements of all that is connected to life.

For leaders, it is essential to understand the primary / first elements that must be in place in order to achieve success.

These building blocks for spiritual leaders include integrity, honesty, strong work ethic, passion, confidence in God, discipline, and balance.

Additional elements may exist, but these are the “primal” ones of leadership.

When leaders build on this foundation, their strength of character provides hope for everyone who follows.

A Tenacious Leader…

One who stands firmly and possesses the quality of determination is tenacious. When leaders have tenacity in relationship to the truth, spiritual development will result.

Think for a moment about the nature and application.

When talking about how to face challenges, work through personal problems, establish direction, develop plans, achieve goals, and guide through tough decisions, leaders must exemplify tenacity.

The persistent character of tenacity to pursue a solution until it is successful takes time. Leaders who possess tenacity lead with perseverance and lay a foundation for success.

Developing this powerful quality is worth our effort when leading others.

Goal-Setting Leaders…

Goals are one of the most needed areas of leadership, yet one of the most overlooked and misunderstood.

Our approach to goal-setting is often an exercise in wishful thinking and generalities.

Goals must be specific in nature. What are we seeking to achieve, exactly?
Goals must be measurable. What gets measured gets done.
Goals must be achievable. In other words, they are something we can accomplish.
Goals must be relevant. They must mean something and have value to us.
Goals must be time-bound. Without a time factor, it is just a wish.

As leaders, we need goals on a personal and congregational level, long and short-term. Success comes to those who set SMART goals.

Learning from Yesterday…

I am aware we cannot live in the past, nor can we return and change it. If we all had a chance to live yesterday over I am sure there are areas we would change.

Yesterday provides a benefit to our leadership in several ways.

1) We learn from the successes and failures.
2) We plan a better future based on history.
3) We establish measures to prevent duplicating mistakes.
4) We lead others on a straighter course.

I know we all strive to survive the present with an anticipation of the future. However, we also need to stop occasionally and benefit from the past.

A Last Chance to Lead…

If this were our last chance, what would we do?

Warning signs may indicate it is the last chance for something significant when considering our leadership.

It may be the last chance to help someone reach their potential and fulfill their personal dreams.

It may be the last chance to prepare those closest to us with a legacy that helps them carry on when we are gone.

It may be the last chance to build a relationship that improves our ability to lead others to success.

No one knows when, but if we treat every opportunity as the last chance, then what we accomplish will make a lasting difference.

Successful Leadership…

We are told that we influence a minimum of four people everyday. Kenneth Blanchard said, “The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.”

But, what kind of influence are we exercising?

We need to guard our influence because it effects the character, behavior, and development of others. Our influence can either be good or bad. 

If we have opportunity to influence others by bringing them to Christ, or influence Christians in faithfulness, should we not do so?

The time we have on earth is limited and fleeting. Each day that passes can never be regained or relived. Now is the best opportunity to ensure our influence for Christ.

Guardians of the Faith…

Guarding the faith of Christians is not an easy task? The battle is fierce. The danger is great. The opportunities for success may be few. 

However, with God on our side we are assured victory.

Satan works to fill our schedules to overflowing. We get busy with so much stuff we have no time left for eternal matters.

While it is true for each of us individually, we can also get so busy with programs and activities within the church we lose sight of our purpose.

We need balance. When we allow these things to push out the spiritual, Satan can steal our faith. 

We need guardians.

Successful Leadership…

Success has been defined in numerous ways, but how we define and measure success is critical to leadership.

Here are a few suggestions to consider.

1) Setting smart goals and developing solid plans to achieve them

2) Growing spiritually stronger in relationship to God and others

3) Utilizing God’s word as the standard for decisions

4) Providing the right tools to assist others reach their potential

Ultimately, changed lives are the true measure of success. We could say so much more, but the point is the same. As spiritual leaders, we must define and measure success by the lives changed within our sphere of influence.

Motivational Leadership…

What motivates us? Success? Money? Security? Relationships? Power? Survival? Growth?

Whatever it is, leaders are called upon to motivate others. The art of motivation involves knowing how to stimulate or excite action toward desired interests.

The New Testament provides a number of unusual examples.

The greatest in the kingdom are servants.

Those who receive have presented themselves as a living sacrifice.

The blessed first give to others.

Think about the spiritual leadership we offer. Have we set the example based on what motivates us in the same direction?

Here is where our leadership begins. We must be motivated to motivate others to an eternal home.