Tag: Urgency

Essential Matters

Every leader wrestles with determining the difference between urgent and essential matters. Often times the urgent matters distract leaders from what is essential.

While leaders in every field deal with how to address the balance between these two areas, the stakes increase when considering spiritual / eternal matters.

Jesus was masterful at asking questions. One of the great studies of the Gospel accounts involves the questions asked by or of Jesus. A study of these questions demonstrates His powerful leadership.

Spiritual leaders are needed who recognize what is essential and lead with an urgency to help others discover the same for their lives.

A Sense of Urgency

John Kotter’s book, Leading Change, describes eight steps to ultimately anchor change within organizational culture.

The first step is to “establish a sense of urgency.” Without it, the possibility of change diminishes.

Often times, awareness of a problem or crises does not go unnoticed, but an overwhelming problem of complacency prevents action producing correction.

The church faces a leadership crisis. We find that some deny the reality of the situation, while others tend to ignore it altogether.

Who will lead from the next generation? What plans are in place to train future leaders for the church?

Unless we realize the urgency of the situation, nothing changes and the result will leave the church without leaders.

God’s Design for Leadership

God’s design involves the necessity of leadership in the home, church, and world. The foundation, however, that motivates us to establish leadership in each area narrows down to this one point: eternity matters.

Why would God’s design include the role of leadership within the home, church, and world? Because God knows eternity matters.

He understands the brevity of our life on this earth. He longs to share what He has prepared for us.

If we could wrap our minds around this great truth, eternity matters, our entire perspective just might change and the direction for every area of our life would become a bit more urgent.

The Urgency of Leadership

A description of the need to study leadership covers a wide spectrum. God’s design is the overarching premise by which we understand the necessity of leadership.

The lack of leadership, or the representation of poor leadership, is plaguing the church.

Decisions are left to the majority vote in a men’s business or congregational meeting. Sadly, the minority generally rules when this occurs.

According to God’s design, elders (leaders) were appointed to shepherd and provide biblical direction for God’s people. When this does not occur, the church suffers.

Therefore, the urgency for biblical leadership must be a priority for His church today.


Janet Dailey is credited with saying, “Someday is not a day of the week.”

When we consider the urgency of leadership within the church today, one has to wonder if years ago the thought was, “Someday I will lead.”

Apathy and indifference has influenced the church to the point we now have a generation that lacks the desire to lead.

Where is the passion that drives us to excel as Paul instructed? What happened to the desire to improve who we are in order to help others grow?

The time is NOW! We must not delay to meet the urgency of the situation.


When we consider what’s on the line as it relates to leadership, we begin to understand the urgency.

Throughout the Old and New Testaments we find God’s provisions for leaders. He positioned individuals to lead.

God designed His church to function with leaders. Their function is outlined in the letter to Ephesus (Ep. 4:11-13).

People need someone to follow. Christians should provide an example of leading in the family, workplace, and community.

The breakdown of the family indicates an urgency for husbands, wives, and parents to keep a more biblical focus.

May God bless us with the courage and boldness to fulfill our responsibilities.

Why Leadership…Part 2

Why do we spend so much time talking about leadership?  

Church: The present situation speaks to the need for leadership. Any discussion about leadership regarding the church acknowledges the urgency of this crisis. However, are we moved enough to do something? If we do not establish a plan now, the future of the church offers little hope.

People: The reality is that people will follow someone or something, but who or what? Doesn’t it make sense that we focus on leading people out of darkness into His marvelous light? The church was established to be an instrument of truth and light. Let us lead as such.

Right the First Time

Too many times we put forth just enough effort to get by, not to do it right, and certainly not to excel.

John Wooden once asked, “If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?”

As spiritual leaders, the results of only doing enough to get by are tragic. Souls are at stake! If we fail to do it right, there may never be enough time to do it over. We may only have one chance to make a good first impression.

Recognize the need, but also the urgency, to do it right the first time.

Missional Leaders

Being prepared is foundational to influence. When challenged or questioned, we must be ready.

Peter reminds Christians to always be ready (1 Pe. 3:15). Ask yourself, “Am I ready?

Preparation is connected to a few key principles.

1. Understand the urgency of the situation. Preparation can make the difference.
2. Recognize that answers are found in the Bible. God provided a tool to prepare us. Know it!
3. Ask others for assistance. The wisdom of others can improve who we are and what we do.

Are you ready? A few simple steps will help you get there.

What Do We See?

Vision is not just about sight, but insight to see beyond what is right in front of us.

When we look at the world around us, what do we see?
When we look at our neighbors and friends, what do we see?
When we look at our families, what do we see?
When we look at the church, what do we see?
When we look at ourselves, what do we see?

Our vision strongly affects the way we see others and ourselves. Our vision is foundational to our understanding of and approach to the urgency before us.