Tag: Value

God’s Word and Leaders…

Psalm 119 emphasizes God’s word and expresses a lesson for leaders.

The Psalmist asks, “How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Your Word.”

The remainder of the text shares thoughts on how we fulfill this statement.

Seek God – With all my heart I have sought you.
Value His word – Your word I have treasured in my heart.
Speak His word – With my lips I have told of all the ordinances of Your mouth.
Find joy in His word – I rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies.
Give deep thought to His word – I will meditate on Your precepts and regard your ways.
Remember His word – I shall not forget your word.

Listen, learn, and apply.

The Worth of Leadership…

What is leadership worth to our spouse? Children? Church family? Us?

Let us focus on the idea of worth.

Most of us find our worth in what we do. The value of what we accomplish, the skills we possess, the praise of others for a job well done, or our level of achievement seems to determine our worth.

However, nothing we do has greater worth than fulfilling our God-given roles as husbands and wives, mothers and fathers. 

We need to express this more within our families.

The Value of Time…

“Just a second” is usually the catch phrase we use when we are busy and someone requires our attention.

To a child, time is incomprehensible. However, the value of time is priceless.

For adults, we only know and comprehend time, but the value we place on time is usually based on what we earn in the space of time.

Spiritual leaders need to comprehend and place a greater value on time.

A time is coming when time will no longer exist. We really cannot comprehend the idea of eternity, but what we need to understand is that how we use our time now determines our eternity.

Let us make the most of our time.

Childlike Leadership…

The world is a different place when looking through the eyes of a child. Imagine how doing so would help our leadership.

Worry not about tomorrow, it might not come anyway.

It is okay to get angry, but make up quickly and play as if it never happened.

Stop thinking about the clock. The value of time cannot really be measured by it.

Live life with anticipation of what we get to do each day.

Value the security of knowing someone else is in charge. Thank you Father.

We can learn much from children and their approach to life. Jesus said that unless we become like them we cannot enter the kingdom.

Life Worth Leading…

“No one ever finds life worth living—he has to make it worth living.” Unknown

Value in life is really based on what we consider valuable. Leaders cannot make life worth living for themselves or others unless they know what is valuable.

If we place value on what we achieve or obtain in this life, then chances are we will not look back on a life worth living.

However, if we place value on helping make life better for others, seeking the eternal reward of others––starting with our families––then life will be a journey well lived.

Here is where true leadership is found.