Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Climbing The Leadership Mountain…Part 7

Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.” Climbing this mountain is not easy, but the benefits involved with each step far outweigh the challenges.

Two major views are considered with today’s step: Physical: a peacemaker is one who resolves conflict between two parties, uniting one’s relationship with another, and Spiritual: a peacemaker is one who shares the message of Christ / peace, uniting one’s relationship with God.

Regardless of the view we take on this step, leaders have a responsibility in both areas to fulfill a uniting purpose. Achieving this step involves three significant thoughts.

1) Recognizing the physical and spiritual needs of others.

2) Desire to place the needs of others above our own (definition of biblical love).

3) Courage to get involved at the risk of our own pain or sacrifice.

Additional areas could be added such as the need for trust, commitment, and care. When we are trustworthy, committed to the cause, and care about the souls of others, we will change the world.

Let us lead as sons who desire to do the work of our Father.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“As leaders, the ability to make the right decision during a stressful situation is made easier by having the right character because all the unethical choices are automatically removed.” Rob Turner

Leaders can count on the fact that stressful situations will come. The obvious concern is wrapped up in how we deal with those situations and the results that follow.

We also know the validity of how our character influences our decisions. Therefore, we must strive to maintain the kind of character that moves us to make the right decisions.

The beauty, however, of today’s thought is described in the last phrase “because all the unethical choices are automatically removed.”

Think about the depth of this thought. When leaders possess and maintain the right character, when stress occurs, the choices are much clearer because any choice that borders on unethical intent is not an option.

The natural design of leadership development needs to begin with character formation if we hope to eliminate future unethical choices. This is true at all levels of leadership growth and maturation.

Leadership Crisis…

Will the idea of a leadership crisis characterize our generation? At every level and venue, leaders are in high demand. From the political to the spiritual arena, we need leaders.

In time of crisis what should we do? There are several possibilities.

1) Do nothing.
2) Deny there is a crisis and continue on the same course as though no crisis exists.
3) Ignore the crisis hoping it will take care of itself.
4) Procrastinate the need to address the crisis and allow the wrong leadership to take control.
5) Address the crisis with a plan of action to change the direction of the future.

The obvious solution is to address the crisis with a plan of action. Developing a plan of action will require us to account for the following:

1) Acknowledge the problem(s).
2) Examine the severity of the situation.
3) Remove the element(s) poisoning the organization.
4) Develop a support system for current leadership.
5) Begin an immediate course of preparing leaders for the future.

We can change the future, but we must act and we need to act now!

Discouraged, But Not Distracted…

Nehemiah is one of the great leaders in the Old Testament. Several qualities rise to the surface about Nehemiah and his ability to lead. He was a man of prayer, passionate for God and his people, courageous in the face of opposition, and the list goes on.

One area that surfaces concerning Nehemiah’s character is found in being discouraged, but not distracted. From needing to rebuild the wall, threats from external enemies and ridicule, to plots of ambush, it would be easy to get discouraged. Nehemiah, however, was not distracted. The task before him was great, his faith was strong, and he would allow nothing to keep him from finishing the course.

Leadership brings many challenges, some greater than others. In times when it is overwhelming, it is easy to get discouraged.

Satan wants spiritual leaders to be discouraged. He knows if he can create enough discouragement, the chances are greater of quitting. This is his goal.

We need to be determined, strong in faith, prayerful, passionate about our God and His people, courageous, and unfailing to finish the course.

Do not give the devil opportunity!

Leadership Word Of The Week…Guidance

Exploring ideas associated with guidance delivers a wealth of information for leadership.

Guidance involves advice, counsel, direction, instruction, suggestions, and leadership. With this list it does not take long to see the significance to our leadership.

The power found in proper guidance is based in the following:

1) Prayer. Sounds easy enough, right? How many times do we stop and pray before we think it through, type it out, or talk about it? The foundation for positive reception with guidance is prayer.

2) Check the motive. Why are we wanting to advise or counsel someone? If the motive is not based on love and a desire to improve the other person, we may need to think twice.

3) Timing is everything. Do we understand the events that surround another person’s actions? The right timing in our approach makes all the difference in how guidance is received.

4) Provide affirmation and encouragement. Critique of someone’s decisions or actions is received far better when we begin by affirming and encouraging previous actions and the ability to continue.

When leaders understand how to provide guidance, they lead where others need to follow.

Climbing The Leadership Mountain…Part 6

Climbing the leadership mountain involves many steps, but the next step is one that hits close to the heart; “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”

Our words and actions are guided by the motives of our heart. When the motives are right, the words and actions usually follow. Jesus taught that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

The motives behind our leadership are worthy of an examination, especially when we consider the consequences on the line.

What are some of the motives that move people to lead? Power? Prestige? Money? Control? Achievement? Perhaps we could all add to this list, but another question must be asked.

What motives are found among those who fulfill the role of spiritual leadership? Compassion? Love for souls? Desire to please God?

The list could go on, but we understand the necessity of making sure our motives align with biblical principles that help us accomplish God’s will.

Each step up the leadership mountain brings us closer to the pinnacle of God’s plan and purpose for leading others toward the kingdom.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“The culture of any organization is shaped by the worst behavior the leader is willing to tolerate.” Grunter and Whitaker

Defining culture is a complicated task. Basically, culture involves common experiences within a definable group. Geert Hofstede says that culture consists of shared mental programs that condition a person’s response to their environment.

Consider the implications of this definition as it relates to the worst behavior tolerated by leadership. If the response of individuals within the organization emulates the lowest level of behavior tolerated by leaders, what cultural identity will characterize the organization?

The result of allowing this behavior to continue is contagious, discouraging, and destructive to the success of the organization.

Taking this idea into a biblical context and the growth of the church, we begin to see the reason for God’s discipline.

Regardless of the level enforced, today’s thought indicates that whatever behavior is tolerated by an organization’s leaders shapes its culture. This thought  should move leaders to reconsider what they are tolerating.

The success of organizational development is worth the effort to raise the standard of behavior by the discipline needed to insure a stronger culture.

Never Too Late…

Never too late for what? Many thoughts are associated with this phrase, all of which relate to the use of our time.

When someone gets older they usually think it is too late to begin something new, finish a project, or change directions.

The idea that it is never too late is significant when considering all three components as they relate to our leadership.

It is never too late to begin something new. Regardless of how old we might be, how long the previous system was in place, or what others think, beginning something new can be rejuvenating.

It is never too late to finish a project. Think about it. Taking time to work on and finish the project is worth the benefit it brings to all connected to it.

It is never too late to change directions. At times, the obstacles become insurmountable and instead of stopping, maybe it is time to change directions.

These are a few simple ideas, but powerful to consider if we put our mind to it. Among the many options available, it is never too late…to take action!

Sacrificial Leadership…

To lead is to sacrifice. Sacrifice is found at every level of leadership. When will the sacrifice need to be made? How large of a sacrifice will be necessary?

Perhaps above all, are we willing to make the sacrifice?

The apostle Paul was one who made great sacrifices in serving the Lord and the church (Phil. 3:7-10).

First, Paul claimed nothing held more value than knowing Christ Jesus. He suffered the loss of all things to gain Christ, to know his Savior. Notice the terminology: the power of His resurrection, the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death. Paul wanted to know through experience.

Second, Paul’s willingness to suffer was not just past tense, it is future tense also. Later in Paul’s ministry, he states what he gave up in the past and why, but he further points out his willingness to endure.

If we go below the surface and examine Paul’s leadership, we find a leader of great sacrifice. His level of sacrifice is exemplified throughout his writings (cf. 2 Cor. 11:23-29).

Let us arise and make the sacrifice to lead according to the example we find in Paul.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Intention

How can we best describe the idea of leadership “intention?” Frequently, intention is associated with an aim or plan, the action taken toward what is intended, a person’s designs.

Beyond any technical description or definition, we also find mention of good and bad intentions. Generally, people have good intentions. Their intentions are to do what is right by or for someone else. However, we also know that good intentions are not always the right answer. Simply because someone’s intentions are good does not mean their actions are correct. How can this be improved for leaders?

1) Make sure that our intentions are based on the facts expressly needed and not an assumption.

2) Before acting on our intentions, take a moment to think about how our actions will be perceived by the recipient of those actions.

3) It never hurts to let someone know what our intentions are before acting on them. Outside counsel can prevent good intentions from becoming big mistakes.

Having the right intention is important, but insuring the follow-through on our intentions will bring an accurate response to help those in need is critical.