Just A Little Discipline…Part 3
Moving forward in our discussion of discipline takes us into an area involving the direction of a leader’s personal conduct or behavior.
As challenging as self-discipline is for each of us, one of the most significant areas addresses developing new behaviors.
In order for an activity to become a habit, the general rule of thumb is that it takes 21 days. Obviously, this is not a hard and fast rule, but is generally the case.
We are also aware of the expression, “second nature.” Using this idea expresses a similar thought of making something habitual; we practice over and over until the activity seems natural, or second nature.
Today’s post adds to this idea and helps improve the level of discipline that becomes characteristic of our life, or perhaps we should say “lifestyle.”
When discipline is applied, an activity becomes a lifestyle. The idea is more than a habit or second nature. We do not have to think because it is “first-nature.”
The time needed to develop a discipline that becomes a lifestyle varies from one person to another, but when it happens, leadership expands to a new level.