A Good Time For A Friend…
Throughout the year we are all involved in traveling to different places at various times. A common thought is often expressed in the joy of seeing friends and sharing in the sweet fellowship of Christians.
True and genuine friendship is rare and should be treasured. There is never a bad time for a friend. They always seem to know the right time to show up and the right things to say, or not say.
Leaders will often experience times when there is the need for a good friend, someone who is able to fill the gap, sharing the mountain tops and valleys.
A good friend is someone who knows when to listen without condemning or being critical. They are respectful even though they may disagree. Friends understand the situation and show up to be supportive no matter the cost.
If we understand the need to have friends during these times, how much more so do leaders need to provide this kind of friendship for others?
We are in the relationship business and the closer we develop those relationships the stronger our leadership becomes.