A Biblical Leader…Part 2
Biblical leaders invest their life in seeking the mind of Christ. The development of this thought is based in the words of Paul to the church at Philippi.
Examining the text provides a number of key thoughts expressed as they relate to the mind of Christ demonstrated through His coming to earth and going to the cross.
Paul begins with a Christlike motive: “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit.”
He identifies the foundational attitude: “But with humility of mind.”
The concluding activity is vital to the mind of Christ: “Regard one another as more important than yourselves.”
These three areas are key to understanding what Paul describes as the mind of Christ which should be emulated by all Christians.
The significance of understanding the mind of Christ must be coupled with the need to seek the mind of Christ.
Biblical leaders are dedicated to understanding the mind of Christ, but they also seek to model their life after the example of Christ.
When these two areas meet, leadership provides a Christlike direction for others.