Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Essential

Essential involves what is absolutely necessary. The importance factor of what is essential moves leadership to a new level.

However, the challenge is determining what is essential and what is not. Spiritually speaking, there are a number of components that play a key role in the area of essentiality.

1) Character: The late General Schwarzkoph said, “Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without strategy.” Character is essential to successful leadership.

2) Passion: Although we often think of passion as enthusiasm or excitement, the origination of the word involves suffering and sacrifice. Passion (willingness to sacrifice) is essential when considering leadership.

3) Vision: Vision is not about what is seen, but seeing what is unseen, about insight. Faith is the factor necessary for the development of leadership vision and vision is essential to spiritual leadership.

4) Goals: David Swartz said, “Goals are as essential to success as air is to life.” Without goals we have no way of knowing where we are going.

These are only four areas that are essential to our leadership.

Rise of the Guardians… Part 2

As mentioned last week, there is a need for leaders to guard and protect the faith of Christians. Leaders of the faith must understand the appeal to Timothy, guarding what has been entrusted to us.

To guard and protect faith, we should first consider what we are guarding and protecting it from. We know Satan works from outside and inside the church to rob people of their faith.

Paul warned the elders at Ephesus that savage wolves would arise among them with the purpose of leading Christians astray. The very description indicates an element within the church whose working will bring destruction.

What is this element? How can we identify it?  What can be done?

The problem exists when leaders loose where God has not loosed and bind where He has not bound.

The greatest challenge is no one believes they are unrightfully loosing or binding. Whether recreation, homeschooling, kitchens in a church building, dating, Powerpoint songs, Bible translations, Life groups, etc., claiming matters of opinion as matters of doctrine, and drawing lines of fellowship we create destruction within the church, whether we see it as such or not.

More next week…

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life, and your behavior decides who stays in your life.” unknown

Each of these statements is worth exploring, but time and space will not allow.

For our purpose in today’s post, let us focus on the idea of who stays in our life.

I understand that people come and go for a number of reasons. Job transfers, family matters, economic changes, and a host of circumstances have brought people into my life and taken them out of it. I am sure the same is true for each of you reading this thought.

However, have we ever considered the affect our conduct has on those who stay and those who leave?

The way we conduct ourselves can cause others to want to leave and not stay in our life.

Our conduct can also create a bond that no distance could separate them from our life.

The choice is really ours to make. We are best served to conduct ourselves in such a way that relationships develop a bond to keep people in our lives.

Support System…

Support groups are generally associated with some form of recovery. They exist for individuals recovering from addictions, and provide support for their spouses. They exist for those who suffer grief in the loss of a loved one, or from divorce. They even exist for people who struggle with eating disorders.

Numerous support systems exist and these groups exist for a variety of reasons and they are beneficial to those who use them. At this point, a couple of questions should be considered for our leadership.

Who makes up the support group for leaders? Wisdom would suggest having other leaders involved in this group. Put together a core group of others who will share and contribute to the group’s design.

What benefit will they provide? They serve as a reminder that others have and do experience the same challenges. They also establish a form of accountability.

A support system will make a difference in how we continue to grow and develop our leadership. Who makes up the group, the purpose of the group’s design, and what we apply to our own leadership are the determining factors to its success.

Let’s Get Started…

Now that we have all the hoopla of the New Year’s Eve celebrations behind us, it is time to get started.

Apart from the challenges of learning to write 2013 instead of 2012 (usually takes about a month for me), what areas do we need to get started on regarding our leadership?

We need to take the adequate time to evaluate what has been done over the past year. The only true picture for the year ahead is built upon understanding past failures and successes.

We need to implement the proper changes necessary to bring appropriate growth. Change is essential to growth, but understanding the proper changes is the key.

We need to provide our full support to the individuals who will contribute to the changes. Remember that any progress made by proposed changes will not be made alone.

We need to work according to available resources. Using and building upon our strengths will increase our strengths for greater stability and development.

Avoid procrastination and pursue dedication. Seek out and follow the counsel of those who are closest. Give your best to every endeavor.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Beginnings

Happy New Year!

Today is the first day of a new year and an opportunity for new beginnings.

I find it interesting how many need a day, like the first day of a new year, to work on changes in their life. Some resolve to work on new and better habits in life and others resolve to stop bad ones.

Regardless of the need for a first day of a new year, week, day, or moment, recognizing the need to improve our lives is a positive step in the right direction.

Leaders should always be thinking about how we are going to use these opportunities to lead in the cause of Christ. Is today a new beginning in leading…

A soul to the light of our Savior?

A straying brother or sister back to the family of God?

A deeper study into the truths of God’s word?

A more passionate approach in speaking to God in prayer?

Whatever the need may be for each of us, today is a new beginning. Let us reach forward in achieving spiritual leadership for our Lord in this new year.

Rise Of The Guardians… Part 1

This recent holiday movie featured Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Sandman, and Jack Frost. My purpose in this post is not to promote the movie.

However, there is an interesting thought portrayed in the plot which lays the foundation for what we will focus on each Monday in the weeks ahead. The idea behind the movie is for the guardians (listed above) to rise up and work together to defeat Pitch (known as the Boogie man) who is working to rob children of their belief in these fictional characters.

I am not advocating a belief in these characters or how the movie portrays the idea. However, from a more relevant and essential spiritual perspective, we need leaders / guardians who will rise up and work together to defend the truth and faith of God’s word.

Satan is obviously working to rob people of their faith through many venues. Next Monday we will begin examining some of the ways Satan is working inside and outside the church to destroy faith and what we can do to guard the word of God and His church.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Everything in life comes to you as a teacher. Pay attention. Learn quickly.” – Cherokee Saying

I am constantly amazed at the ability of life to serve as a teacher. Sadly, the lessons learned can be the hardest and most life changing.

The question of significance involves two thoughts expressed in the saying above. Are we paying attention and learning from what life is teaching?

I am sure you have heard, “If we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.” The very idea expresses the need for us to pay attention and learn from life.

If we could only develop a method to help us remember the mistakes so we do not repeat them and use the success we experience to duplicate it.

Perhaps we find the answer in the thought for today. Every event, every person, every second of every day is a classroom to teach us and prepare us for greater leadership. Our job is to pay attention and learn quickly.

The better student we are in life, the more success we will see in leadership.

Through The Eyes Of A Child…

The world seems to be a different place when looking through the eyes of a child. Their perspective of life and the events that surround life have a beautiful hint of simplicity. Such an approach would do wonders for our leadership.

Here is a seven step plan that will certainly make a difference in the way we lead others.

First, worry not about tomorrow, it might not come anyway.

Second, it is okay to get angry, but make up quickly and play as if it never happened.

Third, stop thinking about the clock. We cannot really measure the value of time by it.

Fourth, live life with anticipation of what we get to do each day.

Fifth, value the security of knowing someone else is in charge. Thank you Father.

Sixth, remember, a good night’s rest depends on living with truth and honesty.

Seventh, nothing is better than cookies and milk to put a smile on someone’s face.

We can learn so much from children and their approach to life. Perhaps this is why Jesus said we must become like them if we are to enter the kingdom.

Finding Our Center…

What is our center? I never thought about it this way until watching a movie recently. Finding our center is about discovering who we are at the core that affects every area of life.

When our center as a leader is spiritually motivated, our life becomes about demonstrating  the qualities of godliness toward others, rather than simply developing ourselves.

However, determining our center is not as easy as it may sound. Such an undertaking may involve years of searching. Learning to be honest about what we are seeking in life will help us on this journey. Here are a few questions to consider.

1) Do we feel inconvenienced by others?

2) Are we motivated by self preservation more than someone’s eternal destination?

3) Are times in prayer and study, as well as worship, more difficult to work into our schedule, and do we see them as having little or no benefit?

4) Where do we find the most pleasure?

5) Are our words and actions driven by a core that is self-centered or others-directed?

Answering a few questions helps develop a genuine understanding that will help us find our center.