Sticky Notes…
On most desks is a small pad called a “sticky note.” Some people use them emphatically, some sparingly, while others never see a purpose in them.
However, the nature of the sticky note provides several good lessons for our leadership.
They are reminders of something important. At times I use a sticky note to make a “to-do” list for the next day. Regardless, the information I write down is significant for me to remember.
They can be placed in any location. The great benefit of spiritual leadership is found in the fact that no matter where we are, there is a need to lead others to Christ. Leadership is not limited to the building.
Once they stick, they are still there the next day. Good leaders are going to hold on even when the road is difficult to travel.
They come in a variety of sizes and colors. No cookie cutter approach exists for finding leaders. No matter who you are or where you go, you are leading.
Learn a lesson from a sticky note – our leadership might still be around tomorrow as a reminder of something important.