Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Is Learning Really Taking Place?

As a teacher there are many factors to be considered for a successful classroom experience.

We are all aware of making sure the material is interesting and the environment is beneficial for the students.

We may employ visual aids, i.e. PowerPoint, whiteboard or handouts. We may incorporate dialogue.

Whatever we choose the bottom-line involves learning. Is the student learning the material being presented? Is the learning environment conducive for everyone?

The most common mistake made is the idea that teachers teach and students learn. This mentality leads to a lecture style of teaching and it tends to avoid discussion that might challenge the thinking of the teacher.

In reality, as teachers who lead in a wonderful environment, it is important to approach the class from one of being a student ourselves. We need to use the opportunity to learn from our students.

They come with knowledge, life experience, and abilities that make the classroom exactly what it should be; a place where everyone learns.

I look forward to another year of learning together with others God’s will for our lives.

Putting Together A Plan…

Perhaps you have heard the adage “those who fail to plan, plan to fail.”

Success in any area does not usually happen by accident. Quality is not the result of happenstance.

Success and quality are the results of high intention and planning with a dedication to persevere to the end.

Far too often people tend to wander through life with the day in and day out routine of addressing whatever happens to come their way. When difficulty is faced or tragedy occurs questions are raised; how and why did this happen, as well as, what should be done next?

However, when a plan is in place from the beginning, once these challenges occur, foresight has already formulated direction, in case of the proverbial bump in the road.

This does not mean we will never have to deal with the unexpected, but if we negotiate the curve before we are in it, then we know how to handle those times.

Leading requires a plan. This is even more significant when the spiritual application is connected. Whatever time is given to develop a good plan it will always produce success and quality.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Source

Technically, the idea involves a person, place or thing from which something comes or can be obtained, and for our purposes, it will be connected to knowledge.

The source for anything we could list becomes a valuable resource or tool.

Finding a source for clean, pure water can mean life to a community of people.

Acquiring a source for assistance in the achievement of financial stability can secure the future development of a nation.

We would also agree that a source for salvation changes the eternal destiny of the world.

Thankfully, in God’s omniscience, He provided and fulfilled a plan through which Jesus became the source of eternal salvation to all those who obey Him.

When it comes to our leadership, do others see us as a source where they can come and obtain what is needed to help them learn how to receive God’s grace?

Do we provide a source for others to grow spiritually?

The responsibility is great. I urge you to pray with me for more to see the need and stand in the fight against the spiritual forces of darkness and be a source of light.

Required Or Recommended?

Several classes I have taken usually provide two lists of material to be read: required and recommended.

The thought behind these two seems to be self-explanatory. However, while it may be evident that required readings refer to the materials critical to the development of the purpose to be learned in the class, how do recommended materials fit?

After all, most people do not really read the recommended materials anyway, right? So, what purpose is met?

Recently I learned that recommended readings are given to help the student who desires to learn more about a particular subject. These materials are given because they provide additional benefit to the student.

Is our leadership seen as required or recommended? Do others follow because it is required? Is it because the general belief is that only by following will they receive an earned reward?

If others follow a recommendation, then they are following, generally, because they desire to go deeper and learn. The desire is to follow because of the additional benefit provided.

Perhaps it would be more accurate to state that leadership should be required and following is recommended. Interesting thought!

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

The key to this leadership thought is the word committed.

I will never forget the first time I heard a university football coach talk about three questions he asked each of the incoming football players.

Can I trust you?
Are you committed?
Do you care?

At the heart of these questions is the thought of commitment. I am convinced that when you take people who can be trusted, who are committed to the cause, and they care, they will change the world.

As Margaret Mead states, “It is the only thing that ever has.”

When we look at the early church, led by apostles who demonstrated the affirmative to all three questions, we find Christians who were willing to give their lives freely for Jesus.

Our leadership for Christ should demonstrate the same if we ever hope to change the world.

Shaping Culture…

A number of presidents, dictators, and religious leaders have been instrumental in the direction of culture and society. However, a question must be considered: Did these leaders shape culture or did culture shape these leaders?

Initially, we might naturally think the answer is both. Certainly the culture has an influence on leadership and leadership has an influence on culture.

From a spiritual point of view, leaders cannot allow the culture to dictate the direction of God’s people, but leaders must shape the culture.

A leaders task is to shape the culture into the image of our Lord and Savior.

A leaders efforts must be to influence others for the Lord, leading those without Christ into fellowship with God through Christ.

How can leaders shape the culture today?

Leaders must understand the present culture.
Leaders must recognize the need within culture.
Leaders must provide an example to the culture.
Leaders must lead into a different, spiritual culture.

Just a step in the right direction will help shape the changes needed in culture to direct a greater focus toward Christ.

Not Just Another Day…

Today is the first day of August 2012. On the surface today may not seem different from any other day.

However, a look at history shows a number of significant events. On this day in…

1834 slavery was abolished throughout the British empire.
1867 blacks voted for the first time in a state election in Tennessee.
1946 President Truman establishes the Atomic Energy Commission.
1975 Thirty-eight government leaders signed the Helsinki accord.
2001 Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore has a Ten Commandments monument installed in the judiciary building.

There are a number of events that occurred on this day and a number of famous leaders were born.

With such history could today be just another day? Not a chance.

A number of events from the past can make a difference in history. Regardless, today is an opportunity to influence someone for the cause of Christ.

Lead them to the Savior of the world. Help them find forgiveness through the blood of Jesus. Share the news of a God who loves them.

This is not just another day.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Decisive

One of the qualities of good leaders is being decisive. In a recent discussion with a friend, the subject of nurses in Critical Care Units came up. He had experienced some time in the CCU after surgery and he specifically noted a difference in the type of nurses who worked in this unit versus the regular floor nurses.

When I inquired as to the difference, the main idea expressed involved their quick decisiveness in emergency situations.

Obviously, as leaders not every situation will be one of an emergency level. However, to hesitate can cost one’s leadership severely.

While there are thousands of decisions we make each day, i.e. what clothes to wear, food to eat, places to visit, etc. Most of these decisions are inconsequential.

There are some decisions that have eternal consequences, i.e. who we marry, how children are trained, where we live, people we associate with, obeying God’s word, etc.

Therefore, the decisiveness of spiritual leaders can change the eternal destination of others who follow their leadership.

Be decisive and lead with eternity in view. Think Souls!

Comfort In Time Of Tragedy…

Everyone is aware of the recent tragedy in Colorado where 12 people lost their lives and multiple others were injured when a young man walked into a movie theater and began shooting.

The outpouring of love, memorial service, websites dedicated to those left behind, and the articles written demonstrate how such an event touches us.

However, what can be said to comfort the families who are hurting? How can we provide answers to why an event such as this occurs? Where can solace be found?

We know words written on a page or spoken from our hearts cannot replace their loss.

At times there is comfort in silence, a gentle hug, a prayer, and time.

I am not certain how God works in every situation to heal and comfort the hurting. For me, a hug and prayer can make a difference.

I may not find all the answers I am seeking, but knowing God is there and that He is working in every situation helps me find hope beyond the present.

Let us all lead with the compassion of God to comfort others in time of tragedy.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“We are creating tomorrow’s society of citizens through the social sector, everybody is a leader, everybody is responsible, everybody. Self-assessment can and should convert good intentions and knowledge into effective action – not next year but tomorrow morning.” Peter F. Drucker

It would be easy to spend several posts dealing with every detail of this quote. However, there is one specific area necessary for our attention. Notice the emphasis at the end of the quote on immediate effective action.

Too often the thought of making changes in our lives involves a future time; the first of the week, first of the year, or when other areas of life improve.

When it comes to changes we know we need to make, why would we put those changes off for another time. If we need to make them, then we should make them now.

Leaders should help others see the changes to be made and provide the tools and encouragement to make those changes.

When we examine where we are and where we need to be, applying the knowledge we have gained into effective action is where growth occurs.