A Resolution Worth Keeping…
Resolutions seem to be more novel and traditional, than life changing.
Little thought is given to making a resolution or the resolution itself. We often think in terms of physical changes, i.e. lose weight, eat better, exercise more, stop smoking / drinking, etc.
Sadly, resolutions are seldom kept. Why? Is it because we do not really mean them? Perhaps we do not see the need to keep our resolutions, or maybe we do not care.
However, there is a resolution worth making and keeping.
Rick Kelley recently started Baptism365 where we can be encouraged in reading about souls around the world who are baptized into Christ.
It is a worthy resolution to go and sign up to receive Rick’s blog, but today’s post is more about recording to Baptism365.
For several years, Gyan Mante (a friend and fellow worker in the Lord’s kingdom in Ghana) has challenged me, and others, to win one soul for Christ each year.
Combining this challenge with Rick’s blog brings a resolution worth keeping.
Let us make a resolution to change this world one soul at a time. Let us be resolved to make one that is life altering. Lead a soul to Christ.