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Complex versus Simple…

Both contain an element of subjectivity depending on the individual. On one hand, an older generation recalls the simplicity of life without technology, dirt roads, no cell-phones, and growing what was eaten.

When we add technology, a black-top/concrete way of life, cell-phones, and eliminate the garden, life can become a bit more complex.

On the other hand, a younger generation recognizes these advances as a means to simplify life and increase health and wealth.

Imagine the challenges of leading God’s people with both mindsets. One side sees these advances as changes that move us away from biblical teaching and tradition while the other side sees opportunity to advance the cause of Christ to more people.

Regardless of where we stand, we all desire a simpler life. The less complicated our lives the better. We should remember that both mindsets exist in the world and the church. We do well to consider the feelings of both and work to lead to a mutual understanding that motivates every part of the body in the cause of our Lord.

Leading Within The Extremes…

An ever present danger exists in our world today: extremism. Balance is a commodity difficult to find in any arena.

Our country is polarized politically between liberalism and conservatism. Party politics divides people second only to religion.

Within religious circles we find the same extremism. Sadly, within the churches of Christ we find the same influence of extremism from ultra-conservative to liberal. Division exists in areas of what we are willing to do versus what we are unwilling to do.

The challenge of leading within these extremes weighs on the mind of every individual who finds themselves in leadership. There are no easy or exhaustive answers.

How can leaders actively approach the task before them when these extremes exist?

The primary resolution involves the standard God gave. Extremes creep in when we get away from the guidelines provided in God’s word. When opinions, agendas, emotions, and preconceived ideas rule the direction of decisions, extremes result.

To avoid these challenges, let us lead with the divine standard that was intended to provide balance.

A Question Worth Consideration…

This question is found in a number of venues. The first time I personally saw it was on a church building sign. Then, it showed up in several articles and books. Most recently, I received it on a beautiful paper weight as a Father’s Day gift from my daughter.

The question demands we consider the depth of our faith and the strength of our vision.

The question requires us to reflect deep into our soul to determine where we are and where we want to go.

The question also issues in a concern for our answer because once we answer the question, we assume a responsibility to act upon it, a responsibility that requires us to get up and do something.

The question applies to every individual and congregation. It stretches across every generation, culture, and era.

Before you read the question, remember to give serious consideration to the question before answering.

The question is simply this: “What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?”

Born or Made?

Whether leaders are born or made continues to occupy discussions on several levels. On one hand, some circles claim leaders are born with natural abilities, a giftedness of talent from God. Romans 12:8 seems to support this idea.

On the other hand, several claim that leaders are made. A number of authors indicate that leadership can be learned. The thought is based on the development of certain leadership skills over time.

The debate will continue and thoughts on both sides use solid evidence to support their claim. Perhaps the best approach arises from the concept of combining both born and made. Granted, the only way a leader comes into the world is through birth. However, children possess different abilities, all of which benefit various areas. At the same time, the development of certain abilities allows the individual to gain strength in leadership.

Regardless of which thought we might support, we all influence others and lead them at some level. It would serve us well to take the time needed to develop our abilities, great or small, in ways that provide the best leadership possible.

The Value of Time…

To understand the value of time falls short of anything adequate we can express. Everything we know is based on some measurement of time. The concept of an existence without time is incomprehensible.

Numerous illustrations attempt to help us wrap our minds around the concept, but no matter how hard we try, we cannot grasp it.

From the day we are born to the day we die, we only know time: The time we sleep, the time to get ready for work, the time we spend at work, family time, the time we set aside for worship, and the list goes on.

Based on someone’s career, they may place greater value on their time than others. One thing is for sure, once time passes, we cannot get it back. It cannot be regained or relived.

When we look at the direction of our leadership, the value of time takes a sharper focus. From the time we prepare ourselves to lead and influence others to the time we actually spend in building those relationships, every second contains great value.

Let us use our time wisely and make the most of the opportunity to lead with care.

How Well Do We See?

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” Anais Nin

Simple, yet profound. No matter who we are, or where we live, this statement speaks truth. Sadly, we tell ourselves that we see things as they are, even from a biblical perspective. However, we fail to recognize that most of what we see in life is biased by who we are, how we were raised, the environment, culture, and hundreds of other areas, rather than reality.

Interestingly enough, how we see things becomes our reality. And because this is true, we become entrenched in our vision and beliefs to the point of dogma.

No one is exempt, but we need to understand the importance of patience and love when attempting to help others grow.

Leadership requires us to strive for empathy, the ability to understand and enter another person’s feelings. The more we do so, the greater our influence for the cause of Christ. Think Souls!

And Our Legacy Is…

“Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you.” Shannon L. Alder

Usually, when we think about a legacy we look into areas monetary in nature. Alder’s thought is one that points to the true nature of the legacy we leave.

What would we want others to say if we were to write our own eulogy? How do we want others to remember us?

If we know the nature of the words we want spoken when we leave this earth, it is vital that we live that way now. The good we want others to remember does not happen by accident, but it involves the effort we put forth now to make a difference in the lives of others.

Engrave on the hearts of those who know us the type of words and actions that demonstrate our love and care. The result will be memorable.

Leadership involves a special role and when we lead others in the way of integrity, righteousness, and truth, the legacy lives on in future generations.

Do We Make People Better?

“Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them.” Marvin J. Ashton

One of the most endearing and powerful qualities of good leaders, and Christians in general, is the ability to make the lives of others better.

Our world is one that promotes more self-centeredness than anything else. The concept and practice of seeking the best in other people and putting their needs above our own is rare. Yet, this is exactly what God did in sending His only Son to die on our behalf.

We do well to follow the example in our relationships with others.

One of the most important lessons from years past is that when something is borrowed, always return it better than you received it. What a great idea for our relationships with others. God entrusted us with the lives of people around us and nothing more enduring can be done than to make their lives better than we found them. This is great leadership!

What Can We Do?

“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.” Edward Everett Hale

A number of common threads weave their way through conversations when talking about implementing change. We tend to know everything about the situation. We often get frustrated with the situation. We even get quite vocal about the need for change.

However, we fall short too many times when it comes to doing something about it. We want others to take action because we convince ourselves we are unable to do anything on our own. Maybe we excuse the situation by saying we cannot make a difference.

Hale’s comment begs to differ. There is value in realizing what we cannot do without allowing it to prevent us from doing what we can. We can make a difference in many situations if we put our minds to the task and dedicate ourselves to stop talking about it and do something about it.

Too Many Choices…

Visiting any retail store reveals the multiple choices available. Very little is as simple as only one choice.

Consider something as simple as soap. There are hundreds of soaps available: laundry, bath, dish, liquid, antibiotic, foam, etc.

Along with these choices, there are innumerable name and generic brands on the market. Plus, the purpose of the cleansing agent needed influences the type of soap to look for and the amount.

The issue of choice is not only found in the area of soap. Walk down the isle of any store and consider the choices available on any product. At times, it becomes overwhelming to determine exactly what is needed.

A study of leadership also reveals the challenge of making choices. The choice made by leaders can make the difference in success or failure, so what choice(s) should be made?

Sadly, many choices must be made by trial and error. Only after the results of the choice are seen can another decision be made concerning the appropriate direction to take.

Nothing is more significant than leading others to make the choice about their eternal destiny. Think Souls!