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Leading with Purpose…

What is our rule of life? The idea involves our purpose for life.

Why do we pursue the course in life we pursue?
What do we want to achieve and get out of life?
What implications would exist with having a written purpose for life?

Knowing and reminding ourselves of our purpose for life keeps us focused on the impact of our words and actions.

Having a rule of life gives us meaning and hope for what the future holds.

It changes the way we see God, develop family, and influence others.

Global Influence One at a Time…

Do we ever consider the far reaching nature of our influence on a global level?

The influence of one person can move a nation, lead an army, direct a revolution, carve out a place in history, or change the life of one person.

Too often we underestimate what can be done with our influence on one person.

Instead of thinking how we can start a worldwide revolution, think about changing the life of one person. Who knows how God might work through the one we influence to make a global difference.

Perhaps we need to start with opening the door of opportunity.

What Are Our Dreams?

Today, our country honors Martin Luther King Jr. On August 28, 1963, he spoke to approximately 250,000 people and declared, “I have a dream.”

While much could be said about that day and the incredible speech given, several questions come to mind related to our leadership.

Do we have a dream?
Is our leadership pursuing that dream?
Have we shared our dream with others?
Have we invited others to help achieve our dream?

Without a dream, it becomes challenging to develop vision, set goals, make plans, and achieve success. Are we dreaming yet?

Balanced Leadership…

How many times in the political arena do we hear the thought expressed of someone being extreme left or extreme right?

Being extreme, however, is not limited to the political arena. We quite often find the beast of extremism within the church.

Our responsibility is to learn the difference between biblical doctrine and personal opinion.

Spiritual leaders must find the proper balance to maintain the unity needed within the Lord’s church.

In a time where people try to prevent the world from influencing the church, let us not become so extreme that our actions portray what we are trying to prevent.

Nothing New In Leadership…

In our lifetime, the church has experienced several changes. Some changes have been good and some destructive. While changes occur today, it is safe to say, more changes will come.

Paul Harvey said, “In times like these it is good to remember that there have always been times like these.”

Solomon originally expressed it this way, “There is nothing new under the sun.”

Leaders will always face challenges. It may be a different generation, culture, gender, age, or time of day, but challenges will come.

Let us seek God’s counsel and listen to His word. Here we will find the true answers to solve these challenges.

Leaders Develop…

One word leaders need to understand for the success of the church is develop.

The apostles continued to emphasize the need for the church to develop. Prayers expressed requests to help the church develop.

Developing faith and relationship with God is a vital responsibility of leadership. We must do the following:

Lead others to a greater love and understanding of truth.
Assist Christians in an understanding and involvement of their abilities in His service.
Encourage the expression of God’s grace through sharing the love of Christ at the cross.
Provide an example in all the above.

Leadership is about development. Let us get started.

Head and Heart Leadership…

Using our head to lead ourselves means we:

…think before we speak or act.
…consider the short- and long-term consequences of our words and actions.
…weigh the evidence and ask evaluating questions before making decisions.

Using our heart to lead others means we:

…devote ourselves to learning and serving the needs of others.
…prioritize our time toward maturity in relationship development.
…risk temporary satisfaction for eternal gain.

It is often said, “To lead yourself, use your head. To lead others, use your heart.”

Let us be mindful to lead others with our hearts. Think Souls!

The Power of Failure…

Why do we fear failure? Whether school, family, business, or even the church, we fear failure. Is failure something to be feared? Can we benefit from failing?

Edwin Land said, “The essential part of creativity is not being afraid to fail.”

Through failure, Edison learned the necessary components to invent the light bulb.
Through failure, Macy learned how to run a successful business.
Through failure, Orville and Wilbur Wright learned how to fly.

Failure can be devastating, if we allow it. Instead, when used properly, failure becomes the stepping stone to the power of success.

Act or React…

Leadership tends to introduce several interesting twists in the development of leaders and followers.

How do we want others to treat us? With respect, integrity, love, appreciation, patience, etc.? If this is true, then Jesus would say treat others this way first!

We must not be influenced or directed by the practices of culture in our relationships.

It is easy to react, instead of acting as we should. Additionally, we must be careful to guard against overreacting.

Leaders must learn to act in keeping with the way we want others to act.

Change in Leadership…

Generally speaking, leadership involves changing others. From a spiritual perspective, the purpose of our leadership is to change others, right?

However, change must first begin within ourselves. It is easy to ask others to do what we are either unwilling to do or have not done yet.

The power of change starts with us. When we make changes in our own lives first, we set an example for others to see why they must change also.

As leaders in our homes, communities, and the church, let us first work on changing ourselves and then seek opportunity to help others change.