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Why Are We Waiting?

I appreciate a statement made by Lemony Snicket, ”If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.”

We know the dangers of procrastination and how destructive this quality is in the life of leaders.

Too often we convince ourselves that we are not quite ready, and so we wait…and wait.

If we decide to wait until we are ready, what exactly will it take for us to get ready? More money? More education? Greater opportunity? Time?

How will we know if we are ready? Are we waiting on a feeling? Are we waiting on someone to tell us we are ready?

There are always more questions than answers, but at some point we have to consider how we will answer the questions.

There are times when patience is truly a virtue, times when waiting another hour, day, or week is beneficial. However, if we wait until we are ready, chances are we may never be ready.

We may also have to consider if we even want to be ready. The decision is ours to make. Let’s not wait.

Genuine Leadership…

Those who desire to follow someone seek leadership that is genuine, or authentic. Several hindrances challenge the genuine nature of a leaders’ character: self, personal agenda, money, power, position, etc.

These areas do not mean an individual cannot be genuine. However, they do hinder the development of genuineness.

Consider a few ideas that increase the development of genuine leadership.

1) Think about the influence of our words and actions before we speak or act.

2) Use knowledge, commitment, and ability to lay the foundation for decisions and actions.

3) Deliver honest criticism in a spirit of love and concern for the well being of others.

4) Fairness and impartiality are essential when working with people.

5) Always begin and end with something nice and complementary.

6) Address the issues in our personal lives before trying to help others.

7) Ask for assistance and follow the suggestions provided.

The purpose behind these seven ideas is not simply to develop leadership character, but to demonstrate a genuineness that builds confidence in those we influence every day.

The Power of the Team…

Biblically, an incredible emphasis is given to the concepts of working together as God’s people in order to function as the body of Christ. Although the word team is not used, we find similarities between the biblical emphasis and our understanding of teamwork and the success related to its practice.

Queen Elizabeth II said, “I know of no single formula for success. But over the years I have observed that some attributes of leadership are universal and are often about finding ways of encouraging people to combine their efforts, their talents, their insights, their enthusiasm and their inspiration to work together.”

When leaders understand the value of people using their abilities in a united effort to the glory of God, we have an opportunity to influence the most powerful movement on earth.

God designed the church to be one and for His people to work together as one. If the team mindset exists and we move forward in unison, great things happen.

Let us strive in leadership to encourage others to use their efforts, talents, insights, enthusiasm, and inspiration to achieve success as one…team.

New Day Opportunities…

David wrote, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us be glad and rejoice in it.”

God hears our prayers of gratitude regarding the life given us today. We give thanks for opportunities a new day provides.

What exactly does a new day provide for our leadership? We have an opportunity to:

…reflect on yesterday and decide how to make changes for the day ahead.

…focus on the priorities of today realizing this may be the only day we are given.

…prepare ourselves for the day the Lord returns or we are called to Him.

…walk through doors to share the gospel with others who may never have another opportunity.

…share the depth of our love with those we often take for granted.

The opportunity to live a new day is a gift from God. We need to recognize this gift and seek ways to fulfill those areas in life we too often put off.

Today is the day. Do not wait any longer. Be wise with the precious nature of the time God has placed before us.

Anyone Amazed?

Amazement is characterized by “overwhelming surprise or shock.” Interestingly, after Jesus healed the man possessed with a legion of demons, He told him to go to his own people and tell them what great things God had done for him and how God had shown mercy. When the man did so, the text stresses how people were amazed.

This account presents a fascinating thought regarding our own influence in the lives of others. When people do a mental comparison of the person we were before with who we are now, are they amazed?

If not, maybe our words and actions need to stress more the great things God has done for us and how He has shown mercy upon us.

When Christ is involved there is always something different. Our leadership in the home, community, and church are different when He is part of the equation.

We need to reflect for a few moments on exactly what God has done for us and compare who we are now with who we were before.

Let us all amaze others with the difference God has made.

Moving Beyond…

Leaders are those who continually work to examine their life and implement changes to improve who and where they are. Max DePree made the statement, “In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be, by remaining what we are.”

Reflecting on the consequences of remaining in our present situation should cause us to be active in overcoming the stagnate condition that ultimately ends in death.

As spiritual leaders, in order to become what we need to be we need to remember three key thoughts.

1) God is the primary mover who shapes and develops our influence as leaders.

2) His word is the tool by which we understand the components involved in the process.

3) Our open and submissive heart benefits us as God fills us and His Word guides us.

Our daily prayer needs to include a request that God help us have the vision to see what He wants us to be, to make us what we need to be, and to never be content with remaining what we are.

Strength in Numbers…

Several years ago a friend of mind asked me the one thing I had learned in all my study of the Bible. He followed up by saying, “Always remember, you can’t make it on your own.”

The lesson I learned that day left a lasting impact on my life and ministry.

I am reminded of the thought expressed by Solomon; “Two are better than one.” Notice the reasons listed by Solomon: 1) Good return for their labor, 2) Lift up the other if one falls, 3) Keep each other warm when lying down together, and 4) If someone tries to overpower one who is alone, two can resist him. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)

His argues, “A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart.”

The idea helps us understand there is strength in numbers. Satan, our adversary, wants us alone because he knows we are more vulnerable.

Leadership is no exception. Leaders need to work together to encourage one another, grow to maturity, and defeat the enemy.

The strength leaders gain from being together will lay a foundation for future leaders.


Friendship is a beautiful relationship of mutual trust and support.

I have witnessed the powerful effects of true friendship. The relationship between two people who share such mutual trust and support is unmatched.

Leadership is not always seen from the perspective of friendship. Leadership is often accompanied by loneliness and seen as a lonely position. We often hear the idea expressed, “It’s lonely at the top.”

While this may be true in many corporate or political settings, it does not have to be true in every situation.

Spiritual leadership is about pointing people to heaven, helping others see the light of Jesus. If we are going to fulfill this responsibility we must be involved in the lives of others, developing friendships.

Jesus was called “a friend of tax collectors and sinners” (Mt. 11:19). Maybe we can see just how much we need to understand friendship and the connection of friendship when pointing others to Jesus.

When leaders develop relationships of mutual trust and support, the friendships that blossom provide a source of strength and encouragement for addressing all challenges.

Most importantly, we will help others get to heaven.

Fearless Leadership?

When someone is fearless, we tend to think about an attitude or mindset of no fear, or the absence of fear.

We need to consider another possibility as it relates to leadership.

Reverse the order of the word and examine the idea of having less fear.

It is doubtful that a leader reaches a point where they have no fear or even eliminate fear. Various events in life and leadership will always create times of fear. During those times we can demonstrate less fear, but what makes it possible to do so? Read Hebrews 11:1 – 12:4.

Enduring life’s challenges is an ability strengthened by victorious faith. Understand that others have also overcome; see the great cloud of witnesses.

Trust that God will keep His promise. He will see us through every trial; run with endurance the race that is set before us.

No matter how great the obstacle, at its best it is still temporary; keep your eyes fixed on Jesus who for the joy before Him endured the cross and despised the shame.

Here is where less fear begins.

Where Does Life Begin For You?

Change does not occur quickly or easily. Once we are comfortable with our comfort zone, getting out of that rut in order to think or try something different is not usually on the agenda.

Neale Donald Walsch says, ”Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. So if you’re feeling uncomfortable right now, know that the change taking place in your life is a beginning, not an ending.”

The success of leadership depends on the ability, or maybe the flexibility, to recognize the limits of our comfort zone and how life might begin at that point.

Remember the definition of insanity: doing the same things in the same way, yet expecting different results.

The main issue with “insanity” is known as the comfort zone. We do this because it is where we operate most comfortably.

Imagine the change on the part of the Jewish nation after 1,500+ years of the same approach, and then the Gospel introduced something far different that made them quite uncomfortable.

Leadership operates the same. We are not talking unscriptural, but when ideas and plans are introduced that make us uncomfortable, maybe life is just beginning.