Tag: Christ


Epaphras is only mentioned three times in the New Testament. Two of those three are located in Colossians. The third location is Philemon.

However, when we examine these three references, we find why he is a wonderful example of leadership.

Epaphras was a beloved, fellow bondservant of Christ, indicating he was loved, faithful, and a devoted follower of Christ.

He is noted as a fellow prisoner in Christ, indicating he suffered persecution for the sake of Christ.

Epaphras was one who labored earnestly (wrestled) in prayer on behalf of these Christians.

Leaders need to be faithfully devoted to Jesus, willing to suffer for Him, and wrestle in prayer for others.

Developing Leaders

If there was one word leaders need to understand for the success of the church, it would be develop.

The goal of teaching was to present every person mature in Christ. God gave gifts to various individuals for the purposing of helping the church develop, achieving unity and maturity in the faith.

Developing faith and relationship with God is the vital responsibility of leadership.

We must lead others to a greater love and understanding of His word.
We must assist Christians in using their God given abilities in His service.
We must encourage the expression of God’s grace toward others.

Leadership is about development. Let’s get started.

Caught in the Middle

A strange feeling exists when we are caught between a rock and a hard place? The idea is being caught in the middle. The middle brings interesting thoughts to mind.

There are those who are caught in the middle, between two friends.

There are children who are in the middle, born between two siblings.

There are followers of Christ who, religiously, walk in the middle of the road, neither one side or the other.

However, leaders cannot afford to be in the middle of the road regarding God. Leaders need dedication and confidence to move others from point A to point B.

Knowledge, Understanding, Experience

Knowledge often highlights knowing facts or information.

Understanding includes factual information, but it carries meaning and application.

Experience takes on sharing in the same events or activities in order to gain full comprehension.

Paul wanted to know more than facts about Jesus. He wanted more than an understanding of what those facts meant and how they applied. He wanted to know Christ on the basis of experience.

The privilege of going through what Jesus experienced, “the power of His resurrection, the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death,” meant more than book knowledge.

Imagine a leadership based on this knowledge, understanding, and experience.

Leadership at the Bottom-Line

What is the bottom line in our leadership?

Are our goals self-serving, or are we striving to bring about what is best for those who follow?

Is there an agenda behind our actions, or a simplistic, pure love for the betterment of God’s kingdom?

When we study various subjects, are we striving to learn the truth, or find a way to justify our position?

We have to ask hard questions, examine ourselves honestly, admit mistakes, act Christ-like, and pray for God’s strength to do what is right.

This is why it’s called the bottom line!

The Promise of Leadership

I once heard someone say, “Never make a promise you do not intend to keep.” This is true in every area of life, especially leadership.

The word promise is used throughout scripture. Peter referred to the benefits of obeying the gospel as a “promise for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself.”

Because of God’s promise, our spiritual leadership has purpose. We are leading souls to Christ to receive a promise made by God, an eternal promise worth giving and living our life to receive.

Global Leadership

The world’s population is beyond my comprehension. When I consider eight billion people, it simply becomes a number.

As I travel, the reality of this number becomes even more incredible. I think about…

The plethora of languages.
My inability to communicate adequately.
The brief time I spend in each location.
How do all of these people come to know Christ?
Their soul.
What can and needs to be done?

I have more questions than answers.

I am thankful for the dedication and willingness of mission minded leaders who have and continue to lead on a soil different than their own.

Servant Leadership

I recently heard Patrick Lencioni say, “There is no such thing as servant leadership. Leaders are servants. They either serve themselves or they serve others.”

Gillian Anderson said, “Be of service. Whether you make yourself available to a friend or co-worker, or you make time every month to do volunteer work, there is nothing that harvests more of a feeling of empowerment than being of service to someone in need.”

Among the numerous qualities of a servant, a few qualities are difference makers.

1) Empathy
2) Building community
3) Commitment to people
4) Stewardship

Leaders who serve follow the example of Christ and can change the world.

Leadership Compass

A compass is an instrument containing a magnetized pointer that shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it.

A number of other ideas are also associated with a compass: a moral compass, intellectual compass, spiritual compass, and the list goes on.

Leaders need a compass. There are elements of a moral, emotional, intellectual, economic, and spiritual nature that factor into our leadership.

Remember that, attacking someone’s character only damages our own, even if we are unaware of it. Speaking against others does not build our own esteem, but demeans it.

Pointing people to Christ is never accomplished by destroying them, but rather approaching them in biblical love.

Sacrificial Leadership

To lead is to sacrifice. Sacrifice is found at every level of leadership. How great of sacrifice is required? Are we willing to make the sacrifice?

The apostle Paul was one who made great sacrifices in serving the Lord and His church.

First, Paul claimed nothing held more value than knowing Christ Jesus.
Second, Paul’s suffering was not just past tense. It was future tense also.

If we go below the surface and examine Paul’s leadership, we find a leader of great sacrifice. His level of sacrifice is exemplified throughout his writings (2 Cor. 11:23-29).

Let us arise to the same example.