Tag: Development

Leading with Character

There is no doubt when it comes to the necessity of character.

We have examined several areas about character in the past and I do not think it can be overstated. Character is the very substance of leadership.

The determination of character is the head of character.
The development of character is the heart of character.
The demonstration of character is the hands of character.

Where there is character, there is leadership! We need strategy, but strategy takes a distant second place to the necessity of character as leaders.

Assessing Leadership Growth

How can leadership be accurately assessed for growth?

It is hard to determine a more difficult question to answer, but here are a few possible suggestions.

First, consider the activity of those who follow. If there is no activity, then our leadership may not be growing. Growth can be measured by application.

Second, examine carefully responses given in feedback. Positive and negative feedback have a powerful place when assessing our development.

Third, find a mentor. The value of having someone examine the growth and advancement of leadership is immeasurable.

Leadership development is critical to the growth of any organization.

Flourishing Leaders

Leaders must provide the kind of favorable environment that allows others to grow in a healthy and vigorous way, to flourish. How?

1) Encourage creativity. Enforcing a one size fits all or the cookie-cutter approach to development stifles the minds of those who have much to offer if allowed.

2) Allow others to spread their wings and try. Mistakes may be made and there will be accountability, but we might be surprised at what flourishes when an opportunity is given.

More could be said, but you get the idea. Leaders need to flourish and promote the same in others.

Make It Happen

Leaders make things happen.

Jac Vanek gives this summary, “You are a collective of every experience you have had in your life. You are every single second of every single day. So drown yourself in a sea of knowledge and existence. Let the words run through your veins and let the colors fill your mind until there is nothing left to do but explode. There are no wrong answers. Inspiration is everything. Sit back, relax, and take it all in. Now, go out and create something.”

Considering the whole of our influences in life can provide a foundation for leadership development that makes great things happen.

A Little Each Day

The power of improving a little each day cannot be overstated. John Wooden expressed this idea by saying, “When you improve a little each day, eventually big things occur. When you improve conditioning a little each day, eventually you have a big improvement in conditioning. Not tomorrow, not the next day, but eventually a big gain is made. Don’t look for the big, quick improvement. Seek the small improvement one day at a time. That’s the only way it happens — and when it happens, it lasts.”

Imagine how much more could be accomplished and how enduring when leaders work on developing their leadership a little each day.

Developing Leaders

Imagine the simplicity of following the most basic of mathematical equations, like 2 + 2. From young to old, we agree on the answer.

We need a similar formula that can be simplified for the development of leaders. What can we do to simplify the equation?

Here are a few suggestions.

1) Desire: Without this step, leaders cannot be developed.
2) Ability: A system of measurement must be in place.
3) Opportunity: Leadership development is about seeing opportunity.
4) Work-ethic: Hard work is vital to our success.
5) God: Without God, where are we leading?

These steps are foundational for a successful journey in developing strong spiritual leaders.

Developing Leaders

Leaders constantly wrestle with doing work themselves. The tendency is to think that if the job is be done right, we have to do it ourselves.

This mindset will not yield the development of others in leadership.

Consistently, the idea of multiplying or duplicating leaders is critical to the growth and success of any organization.

Jesus went about with the same purpose.

Leaders must allow others to make the same mistakes they made in the beginning and then provide help. Trust the process.

This is crucial if we are to have leaders for the future of the church.

Adding Value

What kind of value is needed to enhance our ability to lead?
How can we add the greatest value to our leadership?
Why does adding value mark the difference in long-term development?

The value needed to enhance our ability to lead involves respect. Value is added to our leadership over time and by demonstrating integrity during critical decisions.

The reason this value marks the difference in long-term development is because respect is elicited as a result of a leader’s abilities and achievements.

Respect is one value that when added to leadership changes the power of our leadership.

Future of Leadership

What does leadership look like for the church’s future?

We see what waiting for people to develop on their own accomplishes, and the outcome is not favorable.

We must be proactive in developing future leaders through training. The Lord’s church needs solid leaders. We are not only responsible, but also accountable for our approach in developing leaders.

Nothing happens by accident. Leaders do not just wake up one day and say, “I’ll lead.” They must be groomed carefully, strategically, and biblically in order to direct the future of the church.

The time is now. Let us pursue the task with diligence.

Opportunity for Development

Leaders often experience times when events escalate and are seen as distractions or hindrances to their leadership development.

Is it possible God is opening doors of opportunity for us to grow and develop in our leadership?

Consider these questions.

Do we really believe God’s power is unlimited?
Do we believe God can do far more than we ask or think?
Can we get excited about how He will use the power within us to accomplish His purpose?

We have tried things on our own for too long. It is time to trust in God’s power and prepare ourselves to do His work.