Tag: Family

The Inessentials

What comes to mind when you read this thought from Bruce Lee, “It is not a daily increase, but a daily decrease. Hack away at the inessentials”?

Removing the weight that easily burdens us and slows us down, eliminating areas of life that are unimportant to the greater development of our spiritual well-being, or eradicating the distractions vying for our attention, is a thought that can be a game changer.

This exercise alone will help prioritize life, regain needed focus, and strengthen our resolve in matters of eternal consequence.

Our health, family, jobs, our God and His church deserve consideration of this thought.

Check This Out

Have you ever heard someone say, “Check this out?” In other words, something is exciting, interesting, or just bizarre enough it is worth our time and attention.

How do we check out our leadership?

1) Do a character audit. Examine those core values and how they align with the practices of our daily life. If there are areas that don’t measure up, commit to change them.

2) Ask those who are close, including family, what they see as the priority in our life. Generally, the way we see ourselves is not how others see us, and their perspective needs to be heard if we are to develop our leadership.

Check it Out!

A Successful Definition

Success is often defined by popularity or profit, and a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains prosperity.

Perhaps our definition should not be about “what” determines success, but “who”.

Jesus said if someone gains the whole world and loses their soul, the level of success is not worth it.

When God determines success, then we are on the right path. Can we measure success by a strong Christian family, leading others to Christ, helping someone in need, giving hope to the hopeless, lending a hand to a friend, growing in our knowledge of God’s word, and developing a close relationship with Him through prayer?

Leading by Priority

Kingdom priority relates to the church Jesus built.

How much priority do we place upon God’s kingdom? When we look at our brothers and sisters in Christ, what priority do they see in that relationship?

When a need exists among our family, do we place an urgency upon that need?

With all the negativity surrounding the church today, where do we rank our response to kingdom priority?

As we read about unity, forgiveness, and demonstrating compassion, how are our priorities seen?

The way we treat people establishes how our priorities are seen and it demonstrates the reach of our influence as leaders.

Be The Rainbow

Without exception, we all experience days that are unpleasant. These days can be clouded by the challenges of life, e.g. family problems, health issues, financial struggles, relational matters, etc.

Maya Angelou once said, “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”

We should all want to follow such leaders and, better yet, emulate them.

Learn to smile more. A friendly smile can make all the difference in someone’s day.

Genuinely ask about someone’s day. People need to know someone cares.

Learn to listen to the words, tone of voice, and body language. Listen with our ears, eyes, and heart.

Power of Praise

Criticism is part of life. We are criticized for job performance, choice of clothes, friends, use of money, etc.

Criticism can be negative or positive. How we use it is critical to the formation of our leadership.

Robert Collier said, “Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement — and we will make the goal.”

Consider the difference a little praise and encouragement makes. Whether family, friends, co-workers, or people met on a day-to-day basis, if we learn to be less critical of others and provide a bit of praise or encouragement, we might be surprised at the difference in leading them to greater success.

What Do We See?

Vision is not just about sight, but insight to see beyond what is right in front of us.

When we look at the world around us, what do we see?
When we look at our neighbors and friends, what do we see?
When we look at our families, what do we see?
When we look at the church, what do we see?
When we look at ourselves, what do we see?

Our vision strongly affects the way we see others and ourselves. Our vision is foundational to our understanding of and approach to the urgency before us.

Happy New Year

We pray that 2021 will be the best year for you, your family,
and your work in the Lord’s kingdom.

Your Last Day…

What would you do if you knew today was your last day on earth? Spend time with family? Express your love for someone?

Would you give away your possessions to someone less fortunate?

Would you settle a disagreement with an estranged friend?

Would you help someone reach their potential?

From a Christian perspective, the value of one day makes leadership much more vital. Nothing would be more important than making sure others knew about Jesus.

The reality is neither you or I are guaranteed tomorrow. Today may be our last day. Make this day valuable and seek a way to lead someone to Christ.

The Right Motive…

Paul emphasized that slaves are to render obedience to their masters with sincerity, as though they were serving Christ, not by way of eye service, simply to please an earthly master.

We live in a society that thrives on image. We have a great concern for appearance, because of how we think others see us.

Godly leaders seek to please the Lord. To the church at Corinth, Paul expressed that pleasing the Lord should be our ambition.

Our family, people at work, neighbors, and fellow Christians are all watching. When we consider our conduct, is it because we want to please those who watch or is our motive to please God?