Tag: Heaven

Successful Leading…

Success is linked to a vision, goals, and plans. 

A daily “to-do” list provides great value as we check off each item accomplished, and leaders understand that success is built upon daily achievement over an extended period.

What is the point? 

The only way we can enjoy true success is when we know where we are going and what we must do to get there.

Talking about a checklist for life and leadership has little meaning if we are not aware of both. We must determine where we want to go and develop a plan/checklist to help us get there.

If we desire to help people reach heaven, then think about how we will lead them there.

A Leadership Question…

If God required the genuine conversion of 1,000 souls to Christ before you and I could enter heaven, what would we do?

I know the Lord does not require it, but if so, would we not stop everything and start diligently trying to share the gospel with others?

Why do we procrastinate and think we have plenty of time when the Lord could come now, or those we need to reach might die?

What will it take for me to realize the urgency of eternity? When will I recognize the reality of hell?

Life is too short to focus on the here and now. Lead people to the hereafter! Think Souls!