Tag: Leadership

Comparative Leadership

Scripture speaks about measuring devices and the need for measuring. We also find references to the consequence of measuring ourselves by others.

The competitive mindset of wondering or considering how well we do/did with the performance of someone else tends to dominate our world.

Students compare grades, employees compare paychecks, managers compare productivity, and the list goes on.

When we evaluate who we are and what we do as leaders, and measure it by the right standard, we find areas where constant improvement is needed. The alignment of our leadership with a godly standard increases our level of influence.

A Blessing or Lesson

One of my favorite thoughts is credited to Mother Teresa, “Some people come into your life as blessings, others come into your life as lessons.”

I used to tell our kids, “Everyone brings happiness, some when they come and some when they leave. So, live your life in a way that people are happy to see you come.”

What about leadership? Are we a blessing or a lesson?

Our decisions, words, and example leave a powerful influence one way or the other.

Make sure to lead in a way that people are happy to see us.

What If?

Life is filled with many “if’s.” We struggle to answer the “what if” questions in life.

What if we lose our job?
What if we suffer a terminal illness or tragedy?
What if we miss an opportunity?
What if we fail?
What if we forget an important date or task?
What if we have not done enough?
What if…

When this happens, we often turn to a works oriented, Pharisaical based relationship with God.

We lose sight of God’s grace and the joy of His salvation.

Leadership doesn’t mean we escape the “if’s” in life. Rather, we know where to point others for the right coverage provided by God for every “if” in life.

The Loneliness of Leading

One of the most frightening places to be is alone. The thought of dealing with stress, challenges, and trials alone is less than appealing.

Elijah stood on Mount Carmel in the power and glory of God, yet in the next chapter flees in fear at the threat of a wicked queen. While talking to God, he expresses the depression of being alone. Elijah needed to know God was there all along.

With the pressures in leadership, the weight of family responsibility (physical and spiritual), and the struggles that challenge our faith, we can begin to feel alone.

We need a gentle reminder, “You are not in this alone.”

A Contrast in Leadership

Throughout the Bible we find numerous contrasts made by various people.

Jesus talked about the contrast of light and darkness, building on sand or the rock, dividing the saved from the lost.

James talked about the rich and poor, wisdom from above with earthly, natural, and demonic wisdom.

Paul also contrasted the flesh and spirit, the strong from the weak, along with life and death.

These are only a few of the contrasts seen throughout the New Testament.

Our leadership needs to be strikingly different from everything else. When the Word is our foundation, Jesus our Lord, God our Father, and heaven our focus, then our leadership will be strikingly different.

A Godly Leader’s Vision

Observation is more than a mental exercise or practice. How we see others as we walk through our day makes a huge difference in our influence in their lives.

The challenge is to avoid being cynical and negative. National and international news events tend to feed cynicism and negativity.

We must learn to see the world as God sees it. We need to see the battered, bruised, and hurting souls all around.

Instead of seeing color, language barriers, ethnicity, social position, or philosophical differences, our shift in thinking needs to focus on the love and compassion of an Almighty Creator who desires all to be saved.

Growing Beyond Fear

What do you fear the most? Failure? Success? Death? Life? Illness? Health? Laziness? Work? Rejection? Acceptance? Loss? Public speaking?

We could focus on what we fear and why we fear it. Our purpose, however, is not to acknowledge our fears, but consider the growth potential beyond those fears.

Robert Tew informs us, “Until you see fear as an opportunity for growth, you won’t grow beyond your current self.”

Perspective of fear in light of biblical teaching aids us in developing the right focus on approaching those fears.

Here we find a starting point to grow beyond our fears.

Controlling Leaders

Control is an issue on every level. Many fear losing control. Some are uncertain who is in control.

One of the challenges in the realm of humanity is the desire to have control. Our tendency is to want material possessions because we feel that if we own it, we can control it.

The desire to lead others can also be an issue of control. We feel that if we are a leader, we control the direction and actions of others.

We struggle with the truth that there is only One who is in control. The sooner we give to Him what is rightfully His, the better our own leadership.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
May God fill you with faith, hope, love,
and abundant blessings.

Constant Leaders

Leaders who are constant display persistence, consistency, faithfulness, and they are unchanging.

When leaders are persistent, they are resolved, driven with purpose. Leaders who are consistent represent stability that is dependable. A faithful leader demonstrates loyalty and devotion. The unchanging character of a leader provides enduring, yet predictable follow through.

Obviously, more could be said about each of these, but the overall focus is defining the constant nature of leadership and how it looks within the perspective of followers.