Tag: Leadership

Honest Leadership

Honesty is critical to leadership, but not all leaders are honest. At times, they tend to tell “half-truths.”

Biblically, we know the necessity of honesty as a Christian virtue. Therefore, the application of honesty in biblical leadership is a natural reflection of what is expected by God and others.

Honesty is characterized in the words of David, describing the the power of biblical leadership in the one who “walks with integrity, and works righteousness, and speaks truth in his heart” (Ps. 15:2).

The emphasis of David provides a platform for leaders, describing both who they are and what they do.

Leading with Character

Character is often the topic of posts. Consider the expression of character in the midst of this thought by Joey Potter.

“No matter where life takes you — big cities, small towns — you will inevitably run across small minds. People who think they are better than you, people who think that being pretty or popular automatically makes you a worthwhile human. None of these things matter as long as you have a strength of character, integrity… sense of pride. So when you meet someone for the first time, don’t judge them by their situation in life, because you never know, they may end up being your very best friend.”

Collaborative Leaders

Working together to produce or create something defines collaboration.

Leadership is characterized by numerous qualities, principles, and ideas for developing others to lead. Sadly, leaders often feel they must “go it alone.”

We also find that leaders who fail or refuse to work with others, choosing to work alone, suffer both physiologically and psychologically.

When Solomon said “two are better than one…and a cord of three strands is not quickly broken,” he lays down a principle that supports collaboration.

When leaders work together and promote working together as a team, God will give an increase that lasts eternally.

Clear and Specific

Leaders need to stop “beating around the bush.” People want leaders to be clear and specific about direction. When this happens, leaders pay close attention to details, which promotes confidence in followers.

Vagueness breeds vagueness and frustration. When leaders are vague, the general mindset among followers is that leaders do not have a clue where they are going or to get there.

Establishing a system by which leaders communicate with clarity and specificity strengthens the morale of an organization and provides confidence in the direction.

The need is obvious. Now is the time for leaders to develop and implement a plan to be clear and specific.

Change in Leadership

Change exposes a number of feelings. For some, nothing is worse than change. The comfortability of the “rut” makes it nearly impossible to discuss change, let alone actually implement change.

For others, the idea of change is a daily part of life. Change is inevitable and, interestingly enough, change is biblical. A change must occur in order to leave the old life and exchange it for the new. Nothing rises to the top for leaders to learn than how to navigate change.

Consider something Tom Ziglar said, “Change starts with you, but it doesn’t start until you do.”

Disciplined Leaders…Part 3

Discipline takes us into an area involving the direction of a leader’s personal conduct or behavior.

As challenging as self-discipline is for each of us, one of the most significant areas addresses developing new behaviors.

In order for an activity to become a habit, the general rule of thumb is that it takes 21 days.

When discipline is truly applied, the result becomes a lifestyle of new behaviors. This idea is more than a habit or second nature. It becomes “first-nature.”

The time needed to develop a lifestyle of discipline may vary from one person to another, but when it happens, leadership expands to a new level.

Disciplined Leaders…Part 2

The bigger picture of discipline focuses on the importance of understanding “self-discipline.” Scripture emphasizes the necessity of discipline. Paul spoke of fathers disciplining their children, God disciplining those whom He loves, and the need to discipline our own bodies.

Examining areas that shape the development of discipline in our lives, we find the need to challenge and eliminate excuses.

Whether we talk about leaders or followers, there is a great tendency to make excuses why we are not involved or accomplishing a task, “I would, but…”

We cannot allow excuses to hinder us from achieving the greatness God will accomplish through us.

Disciplined Leaders…Part 1

The concept of discipline is prevalent throughout the Bible.

The difference between the lifestyle of the world and Christianity is one of discipline.

The Christian life is built upon discipline, or as it is often identified, self-control. However, there is a difference in these two terms. While there are areas that overlap between them, discipline adds the practices and habits of life that lend to character development. Self-control is more specific to controlling self in the area of emotions and desires.

The challenge introduced here involves learning how to develop the kind of discipline that sets Christians apart from the rest of the world.

Leading With Proficiency

Numerous qualities are needed to lead others. Nothing strikes more true to the core of leadership than the need for proficiency. A lack of proficiency leads to a loss of credibility, which destroys leadership influence.

Leaders must be skillful, competent, accomplished, and adept. Proficiency can be learned, but it involves time and requires hard work. Mastering proficiency is worth the effort

Leaders must demonstrate an ability to do what is needed and achieve a quality level of performance that can only be described as proficient.

When leaders are characterized in this way, they are capable and efficient.

Learning From The Past

The past introduces a number of challenges to life. Regardless of the good or the bad, our past often influences who we are and the direction of our future.

The only way to win with the past is to learn from it – good or bad – and use the lesson to help shape a better direction for the future.

For Paul, nothing was more valuable than knowing Jesus. The value of knowing Jesus gave Paul purpose and direction. He did not allow his past to dictate the direction of his future. Instead, he was able to reach forward with hope in the resurrection.