Tag: Lord

If Only

Too often we sit and think about the hypothetical possibilities of what could happen…if only.

Walt Disney amassed an empire on the foundation of a mouse. His thought? “If you can think it, you can do it.”

Do we limit what can be accomplished, or perhaps limit what we believe God will accomplish, because we’ve convinced ourselves we cannot do it?

In the Old Testament the thought is expressed, “Is the power of the Lord limited?” Jesus said, “With God all things are possible.”

Instead of thinking, If only, maybe we can think, “With God on our side, there is nothing we cannot do.” Dream Big!

Reaching the Unlikely

Studying God’s word can produce challenging thoughts that should be reflected in how we live out what we believe and see taught in it.

If we know that God has chosen the poor in this world to be rich in faith and the receptivity is higher, then why are we not making greater efforts to lead those who are the most unlikely to the Lord?

Do we exert our efforts to teach those who seemingly feel as if they do not need God because of their affluence?

Should we not spend more effort leading those who have little or nothing in this life to a greater understanding of what God has prepared in the next?


A few years ago, I heard about a leader who simply prayed, “Lord, bring us all those that nobody else wants.” Imagine the response when one by one several, often classified as undesirable, showed up.

If we believe the gospel is for all, then do we work to see that all have opportunity, not just to hear the gospel, but see it in our actions?

The path is not an easy one to walk. However, we are not called to lead only those who are lovable, but those often considered unlovable.

Think about Jesus and the ones He reached out to serve. Are we listening? Will we follow?

Leaders are Followers

If someone plans to serve as a leader, they must first be a good follower.

If we are unable to follow, then how can we measure the success of our leadership?

Jesus called people to follow Him before He sent them into the world to lead others to Him.

When someone decides they know a “better” way than to follow the plan of our Lord, problems are on the horizon.

The better we follow the example He has provided for our leadership, the greater our success will be in the kingdom. Take the time to listen, learn and lead.

Measuring Success

Various cultures around the world view or define success differently than other cultures. Oddly enough, even within the same culture, success is often defined differently.

Exploring the way God defines success is a bit more challenging, yet far more important to consider.

The most common factor defining success is quantitative. An increase by a specific number determines the measure of success achieved.

If we examine the Bible, we will find that the success is measured by those who followed the word of the Lord.

When it comes to defining success, as God defines it, a good place to start is 1 Samuel 15:22-23.

Seize the Day

People often need a specific day to work on changes in their life. Some start working on better habits in life and others find ways to stop bad ones.

Recognizing the need to improve our lives is a positive step in the right direction.

Is today a new beginning to lead a…

Soul to the light of our Savior?
Straying brother or sister to the family of God?
Deeper study into the truths of God’s word?
More passionate approach to speak with God in prayer?

Whatever the need, every day is a new beginning. Let us achieve spiritual leadership for our Lord in this day.

A Leadership Gift

People tend to enjoy receiving gifts. Usually, we appreciate the intent more than the price. I like the way Paul said it, “I will most gladly spend and be spent for your souls.”

Paul was willing to give of himself in every way if it benefited others. Specifically, he desired their salvation.

In a self-serving world, it is challenging to find leaders who desire more to give than receive. As spiritual leaders, we focus on giving ourselves so others might be saved.

Our prayer should be to see the ways we can spend and be spent in the Lord’s service.

Prayerful Leaders

In 2 Kings 19:14 we learn that Hezekiah “spread it out before the Lord.”

Facing the potential destruction of Jerusalem, Hezekiah knew he needed to take the situation before God. He spread it all out before Him. Nothing concerning the threat of destruction was left unaddressed.

Even though God knew, Hezekiah still spread it all out before the One in control of all things.

It’s a great lesson in leadership. When we face difficult circumstances, instead of trying to resolve the matter on our own, imagine the difference made by trusting in the One who has complete control. Spread it all out before Him.

Testify, Magnify, and Glorify

I once saw an email tag with this phrase: “let my words testify…let my actions magnify…let my heart glorify the Lord.”

The words we speak, the actions we demonstrate, and the attitudes we portray become the building blocks for our leadership.

The church, the world, co-workers, friends, neighbors, and our family are all watching. They measure our character by the words and actions that display our attitude.

Spiritual leaders must constantly and diligently guard every aspect of life.

Let our words testify…Let our actions magnify…Let our hearts glorify the Lord.

The Promise of Leadership

I once heard someone say, “Never make a promise you do not intend to keep.” This is true in every area of life, especially leadership.

The word promise is used throughout scripture. Peter referred to the benefits of obeying the gospel as a “promise for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself.”

Because of God’s promise, our spiritual leadership has purpose. We are leading souls to Christ to receive a promise made by God, an eternal promise worth giving and living our life to receive.