Circle of Safety

Mark Twain expressed the following idea, “Great things can happen if we don’t care who gets the credit.”

John Maxwell took this idea to another level saying, “Great things can and actually do happen when we give others the credit.”

We know from a biblical perspective that spiritual leadership will not allow a self-centered attitude to exist. Instead, scripture indicates over and over the need to seek after the well-being of others.

Jesus provided this example for us and He desires we pursue the same direction. The result might just develop what Simon Sinek refers to as a “Circle of Safety.”


Our world is competitive. In nearly every area of life we find competition, from children to adults.

We see it in sports, politics, education, and religion. We become consumed with proving we are better than anyone and everyone else.

I once read an interesting quote, ”I am in competition with no one. I run my own race. I have no desire to play the game of being better than anyone, in any way, shape or form. I just aim to improve, to be better than I was before.” Unknown

Imagine the difference if leadership was built on this mindset, especially when coupled with the desire to help others improve.

The Right Motive

People become leaders for different reasons. While there are those who lead from a place of selfish ambition, there are those who lead with the right motives, and the result is powerful.

Spiritual leadership is about leading with the right motives behind every thought, action, and decision.

Developing this motive is a process that consists of three key factors.

1) A personal relationship with Christ, but not separate from the collective body.
2) An understanding of Scripture, both the milk and meat of God’s word.
3) A compassion for the eternal condition of others, saved and lost.

These can help us check and develop the motive required for godly leadership.

Duality of Purpose

The concept of leadership involves two key components: 1) We follow someone else, and 2) We carry a responsibility to influence those who follow.

Without understanding what it means to follow someone else, we lack the humility needed to influence those who follow.

True success is not determined by the number of people who follow us, but by the one we choose to follow.

There are leaders who led masses to destruction because they followed a self-glorifying purpose.

Of course, there are those who led a few, but led them to victory because they followed God.

Knowing the duality of our purpose aids the direction of our choice.


Our world is geared to satisfy self. A quick Google search or a tour through Amazon’s book selection reveals the magnitude of the problem. Book titles such as, Love Yourself, Celebrate Yourself, Self-Esteem: You’re Better Than You Think, and The Art of Learning to Love Yourself highlight the challenge before us.

Leaders must be people-centric, others-centered, if they desire true fulfillment. Even more interesting is the fact that the entire concept is biblical.

Jesus explicitly identifies the first step to discipleship as one of denying self (Lk. 9:23), and Paul caps off the thought with regarding others as more important than self (Phil. 2:3-4).

Problems and Patience

All leaders face problems. Problems are not new, but how we deal with them makes a major difference.

James Merritt writes about the necessity of patience in leadership. He wrote, “Problems are not meant to defeat you, depress you, or discourage you. God meant them to develop you.”

If we possessed a more developmental mindset toward problems, we would probably experience an entirely different attitude when they occur.

When problems occur, regardless of the source of the problem, we have an opportunity to evaluate our approach.

The demonstration of patience in these moments may just give us an opportunity to experience divine development.

The Influence of One

At times, a phrase or thought can evoke a well-house of emotions and strength.

We possess the mental fortitude to influence direction, situations, and the lives of others, but we often do not follow through because we think it will not make a difference. After all, what difference can one person make?

History records the powerful influence one person can have on the world.

We must allow God to use us as that influence in our context. We can be that one!

Imagine the impact when leaders work together in the church to influence the direction of the world.

Better Leadership

One of the key words to the book of Hebrews is better. We live under a better covenant, based on better promises, because of a better sacrifice, the sacrifice of Jesus Himself.

The result is obviously a better hope for the future.

What does all this mean for leaders?

When we examine our leadership character, attitude, work ethic, practice, or presence, can we say it is better than previously?

When we consider the development of those who follow our leadership, would it be said they are better today than yesterday?

Are we willing to do what it takes to make it better?

The Future of Leadership

Leading is about the future. From a spiritual perspective, nothing is more important than what the eternal future holds.

However, on a more pragmatic level, leaders need to consider what the future of their leadership looks like.

Will the future hold growth and development for the church or will we be stagnant?

Will our vision point to a future where leadership is stronger or will leadership decline?

Asking questions can be unending. Yet, in the end, we must consider the necessity of planning today to ensure the future of growth and stronger leadership.

To do so, requires us to have a vision for it!

Practice the Pause

Lori Deschene once said, ”Practice the pause. Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you’re about to react harshly and you’ll avoid doing and saying things you’ll later regret.”

How often do we fail to think before we speak, only to wish later we could take back our words?

From a leadership perspective, learning to practice the pause makes all the difference. When we stop to think and gather all the information possible before speaking or deciding, we can see more clearly the best direction for both.

The result leads to better decisions, which strengthens credibility in our leadership.