Tag: Sunset

SALT Fun Fact #4

“The expression ‘salty dog’ comes from the practice of European hunters who rubbed salt on the backs of prized hunting dogs to prevent ticks. It came to refer to anyone who was a friend or favorite person. Real leaders recognize the value of people and they recognize their role in equipping people to reach their full potential.” Wayne Roberts

One of the most significant lessons and needs within leadership involves the ability to recognize the value of others and the responsibility of leaders to equip others to reach their potential in kingdom service.

SALT Fun Fact #3

“The word ‘salary’ comes from the Latin word ‘salarium,’ which has the root ‘sal’ (salt). In ancient Rome, a Roman soldier was given a handful of salt, an expensive but essential commodity, along with his pay. There may also be a connection in the fact that Roman soldiers protected the Via Salaria (salt road) leading to Rome. Real leaders are more than those who are paid for a service. They pave the way and help protect others along the way through their continued leadership.” Wayne Roberts

Wayne’s thoughts regarding salt and the responsibility of Roman soldiers are a powerful reminder of our influence and responsibility as leaders today.