Tag: Terry Starbucker


Terry Starbucker’s e-book Leadership From A Glass Half-Full: The 5 Lessons You Need To Learn Before You Jump Into The Pool talks about the seven most important words in leadership.

The phrase is simply, “I don’t know and I’ll find out.”

The reality is we do not like not knowing the answer.

Worse still is the attempt to bluff our way through areas we know nothing about.

The transparency of acknowledging we do not know something and the willingness to find the answer is critical to great leadership.

We gain greater credibility and trust is established when we are are honest.

Learn and live by these seven words.

Words to Live By

While reading through a few leadership websites, I found an interesting thought by Terry Starbucker, “The Seven Most Important Words In Leadership.”

The seven words are “I don’t know and I’ll find out.”

Leaders avoid the appearance of not knowing an answer. After all, leaders are supposed to know all the answers, right?

The transparency of acknowledging we do not know and the willingness to find the answer is critical.

First, people know we do not have all the information. Second, greater credibility and trust are established when we are honest with others.

Learn these seven words and live by them.

Seven Most Important Words…

Terry Starbucker claims the seven most important words are, “I don’t know and I’ll find out.”

As leaders, we do not like not knowing the answer. Leaders are supposed to know all the answers. Right?

We tend to convince ourselves we can bluff our way through any discussion. Wrong!

The transparency of acknowledging when we do not know something and the willingness to find the answer is critical to great leadership. 

Credibility and trust are established when we are are honest with others. Others know we do not have all the information and they know when we are bluffing.

Learn these seven words and live by them.