Tag: Time

Time and Energy

When the only value people feel they provide for an organization is from a financial perspective, then the long-term structure crumbles. We all desire to know that the time and energy we contribute to growth has value, not just financially.

If we can incorporate the same into our spiritual leadership, the response is the same. Consider the benefit to the church when Christians see leaders give of their time and energy. The result is huge in raising the level of trust and the desire to achieve the vision set forth by leaders.


Communication faces numerous challenges. Simply because we speak the same language does not necessitate that communication has occurred.

Amazingly enough, the advances in technology have not improved our ability to communicate. Worse still, is the fact that most people believe themselves to be good communicators, when in actuality, they are not.

Leadership requires the ability to both effectively communicate and communicate effectively. The nature of effective communication involves the means we use. Communicating effectively involves understanding.

Both take time and practice.

While it might appear to be easy, one of the most difficult tasks we face in leadership is communication.


From the day we are born to the day we die, we only know time: The time we sleep, the time to get ready for work, the time we spend at work, and the list goes on.

Once time passes, we cannot get it back. It cannot be regained or relived.

When we look at leadership, the value of time takes a sharper focus. From the time we prepare ourselves to lead and influence others to the time we actually spend in building those relationships, every second contains great value.

Let us use our time wisely and make the most of the opportunity to lead with care.


Think about the process of recovering from surgery.

Time and rest are involved. The body’s ability to recover is amazing, but healing requires time and getting the appropriate rest.

Repair prevents permanent damage. The design and purpose of recovery is to prevent problems of an irreparable nature.

Recovery requires following the physician’s instructions. We often overlook this point. The expert advice of a physician is critical to recovery.

If we follow the necessary steps for recovery, in the long run we can become stronger.

The same is true as spiritual leaders who need to recover from the battles of leading people through difficult and challenging times.

Generous Leaders

Leaders should exemplify generosity. Leadership is built on giving our time, energy, money, emotions, and ability.

When leaders demonstrate generosity, others learn the value of the gift. However, our generosity must be checked.

Intention: What is the motive behind our gift?

Object: What is the object of our generosity? Work? Family? Church? Lord?

Planned dedication: Is there a planned purpose?

Action: Are we ready to start giving?

Self-examination: What are we losing by holding on to it?

What suits our giving? Do we give what is left over, easy and convenient, or is our generosity suited by the best?

Risky Business

Leadership means risks. Change never occurs quickly or easily. Introducing challenges or raising questions about the current development or structure increases the level of risk.

Regardless of the approach to personal or organizational growth, change is required in order to expand. The thought of remaining neutral, being comfortable with the status quo, or being afraid to address potential change leaves an organization stagnate and eventually deteriorating.

Time, knowledge, and experience are three elements that provide the basis for approaching any risk.

1) Do we have the time to invest?
2) Is our knowledge of the situation adequately researched?
3) What level of experience exists for the resources needed?

When Was The Last Time?

When was the last time…

…you told your spouse you loved them?
…you hugged your children and told them how proud you were of something they achieved?
…you used the words “thank you” for a kind gesture?

As leaders, when was the last time…

…you paused to think about the impact of your words?
…you decided to do a menial task instead of asking someone else to do it?
…you praised someone for their work instead of ignoring them?
…you gave others credit for their work to encourage them in a job well done?
…you took the time to help someone else reach their potential?

The list is unending, but ask yourself, “When was the last time?”

Time and Influence

Time flies by much faster than I would like. I am constantly amazed at what appears to be the speed of time. We are already one month into the new year and nothing seems to be slowing down.

Since leadership is about influence, it makes sense that we would use the time we have to influence as many people as possible.

I remember hearing from a young age, “You only get one chance to make a good first impression.” Nothing could be more true.

Are you using your time wisely? What impression are you making with your influence? Is it worth following?

Investing Time

As we approach the new year, I am sure we all wonder what 2022 will bring. Will the pandemic continue to dominate discussions? How will leaders make decisions that influence our direction? What is the best way to use our time?

I recently received an email with a powerful thought from James Clear, “Think about what you want today and you’ll spend your time. Think about what you want in 5 years and you’ll invest your time.”

Instead of thinking about next year, think about 5 years from now and let us invest our time in ways that will make us better leaders.

One Second Changes Everything

The value of time is measured differently by each individual, but we tend to focus on what needs to be done next week, next month, and next year.

Life is filled with many activities. As a result, time flies and we wake up one day wondering where the time went.

If light can travel 372,564.8 miles in two seconds, imagine how we can change the world with a few simple ideas.

A smile can warm the heart of one who is struggling.
Consider the power of a hug at just the right moment.
A kind word can encourage success when failure looms.