Tag: World

What Do We See?

Vision is not just about sight, but insight to see beyond what is right in front of us.

When we look at the world around us, what do we see?
When we look at our neighbors and friends, what do we see?
When we look at our families, what do we see?
When we look at the church, what do we see?
When we look at ourselves, what do we see?

Our vision strongly affects the way we see others and ourselves. Our vision is foundational to our understanding of and approach to the urgency before us.

Flexible Leadership…

While several leadership qualities were demonstrated by Paul, one is key: flexibility (1 Corinthians 9:19-23).

Notice the driving force of Paul’s flexibility, “So that I might win…by all means save some.” Nothing took greater precedence in his life than leading others to Christ.

There was no compromise to the truth. The “anything goes” approach was unacceptable. At all times he was in submission to Jesus.

Notice the flexibility of personal choice: “I do all things for the sake of the gospel.”

If Christians could model this today, we could change the world.

All In…

Part-time, half-time, when we’ve got time, or it’s a convenient time is the way too many approach Christianity.

Christianity has never been about a list of rules and regulations to be fulfilled as if checking something off a list.

When our lives are governed by Christ, the words and actions that form our character are based on a life of “being” not a list of things “to do.”

Keeping one foot in Christ and one in the world cannot take us to a higher level of spiritual development.

Serving the Lord requires the choice to be “all in.”

Possibilities of Can…

Eliminating the word “can’t” from our vocabulary is vital to the development of strong leadership. Have you ever heard, or perhaps said, “It can’t be done”?

The limitations built around this idea paralyze the growth and development of God’s people, individually and collectively.

Instead of shackling ourselves with these limitations, consider the difference made by realizing what “can” be done. With God, all things are possible.

The way we see our families, the church, the world, and even ourselves takes on a new perspective when we realize we can do it.

The Sign of Our Times…

Are leaders able to know the signs of our times? Are they aware of the cultural changes developing daily?

The direction of our world can be frightening and exciting at the same time. The opportunities have never been greater. The needs have never been more pressing.

The message never changes, but the methods we use to approach our current time needs attention. If the methods we use are outdated, the effectiveness is limited.

Can we see the signs of the times, or are we doing the same things in the same ways expecting different results? It deserves thinking about.

Developing Others to Lead…

Managers within the Chipotle food chain are promoted on the bases of how they develop leaders among their employees.

Instead of being consumed with the fear of being out-performed, shown-up, or otherwise replaced, imagine the growth of the church where leaders constantly develop others to lead.

Imagine what would happen within the church.

Jesus demonstrated this in developing the apostles for the task of evangelizing the world.

Paul instructed older men to set an example of a godly life and older women to teach younger women matters of the home.

We influence others everyday. Let us mentor them to lead.

The Moment of Truth…

One of the greatest challenges leaders face involves an uncompromising conviction of truth.

The moment of truth is not measured by what a leader hopes, desires, or thinks.

The moment of truth is measured by what a leader does, the stand they take, and the demonstration of character when it is unpopular with the majority.

A time comes in the life of every person when they must decide how they are going to act or react to the circumstances surrounding them.

Leaders are needed who hold to and lead by the truth delivered by God to the world, a defining moment of true leadership.

Passionate Leaders…

What are we passionate about? Do we find ourselves involved in activities for hours without any thought to the time? What drives our lives?

Howard Thurman said, “Don’t worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Spiritual matters must breathe passion into our lives. When seeking God’s kingdom is a priority, when reaching others with Jesus is the purpose of each breath, when worshiping God is at the heart of our activity, and when a love for truth drives us deeper into His word, we have the building blocks for passionate leadership.

Leadership Begins In The Home…

Perhaps you’ve heard it said, “What parents excuse in moderation, children will abuse in excess.”

The hearts and minds of children are sculpted from a young age. Our influence is greater than we can imagine.

Parents need to give serious consideration to the words and activities expressed in their lives.

They must live a standard in the home they are comfortable with seeing their children live out in excess. Parents face enough challenges battling worldly influences. Why take chances on living an example that questions the biblical precedence of godliness?

Use the home as a refuge sanctified by the teachings of God’s word.

Power of Love…

While we often hear that love makes the world go round, I appreciate a saying by Franklin P. Jones, “Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”

Love is the perfect bond of unity.

Love is the greatest among faith, hope and love.

Loving your neighbor as yourself fulfills the royal law.

Perfect love casts out fear.

Love covers a multitude of sins.

Above all, love is demonstrated toward God, then family, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, and even our enemies.

When love is the foundation, formation, and finishing of our words and actions, godly leadership is exemplified.