Bob Turner

Transitional Leading…

Every individual and group will experience at least one, if not multiple, transitions. These transitions are not always life changing, but they can alter our lives in ways that will never leave us the same.

Transitions occur both physically and spiritually. As we grow into adulthood our physical and psychological development experiences several changes. Spiritually, when we commit our lives to the Lord we experience another transition, and this transition continues to move us forward in spiritual growth.

Transitions arise on an individual and congregational level.

How do we lead during times of transition in the lives of those who are following?

Recognizing a transition is developing is the first step in learning how to lead through it.

Accepting transitions as part of growth will help ease the tension that can develop.

Patience must be demonstrated toward others during the time of transition.

Remember the common good of the whole as changes are developing.

Keeping our focus on the goals will strengthen our determination to endure the transition.

If we will practice a few simple ideas as we face transitions, our leadership will help guide others through any situation.

Leading The Most Unlikely… Part 3

Leaders must be concerned for the common good of all people.

Biblically, God’s people have always been charged with caring for the poor, widows, and orphans. More than 2,000 verses in the Bible touch on this subject.

Somehow, we need to consider how we are going to carry out God’s justice / righteousness in caring for these needs.

James is explicit: “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world” (James 1:27 italics mine).

I have heard the discussion regarding individual or congregational application. Let me say, regardless of the position, we are doing a very poor job of fulfilling it!!!!

We often excuse ourselves by allowing other organizations to assume this responsibility, as we throw a few dollars their way.

I am not taking anything away from the necessity of our spiritual concern for all people, but when our efforts to help the poor, widows and orphans are minimal, are we really leading them to the Lord?

It is time for leaders to lead all, especially the most unlikely.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Ambition

Ambition involves a desire to achieve something, usually requiring determination and hard work.

Defining ambition is not difficult. The difficulties arise when we consider where our ambition lies.

Are we ambitious to achieve financial security?

Is our ambition driven by receiving power and authority?

Would our ambition be characterized by selfish and physical priorities?

Or, can we say our ambition has a spiritual focus?

Paul identified an ambition that was spiritually and eternally developed, because it was focused on pleasing the Lord.

When our leadership is about pleasing the Lord it changes our approach to every area of life.

Relationships within our families will be shaped by Biblical principles.

Our conduct on the job is influenced by a God-fearing attitude.

Approaching people who are outside of Christ is filled with a greater level of patience and compassion.

Beyond everything else, we worship with a greater understanding of the sovereignty of God.

When our leadership is driven by this kind of ambition the church will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior.

Faith Or Feeling…

The spiritual challenges facing leaders today involve a contrast in understanding these two words.

On one hand there are those who allow their feelings to determine their faith. While on the other hand there are those whose faith determines their feelings.

At times the discussion is almost like determining which came first, the chicken or the egg.

However, the difficulties occur in the arena of feelings. Feelings are going to change. As we mature, grow in knowledge, experience new situations, and gain wisdom, our feelings will change. We can all recognize that we do not feel the same today as we did five years ago.

The other side of feelings is the fact they can deceive us. At some point in our lives, and maybe often, we may feel like we are doing the right thing because it feels right, yet we learn later it was not.

We need a foundation that will not change or deceive us. This is where faith finds its wings.

When we first build on faith, the appropriate feelings will follow. Leading on this basis will help others find the right foundation.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.” Kenneth Blanchard

I know the subject of influence is common when it comes to leadership. John Maxwell simply says, “Leadership is influence.”

The reason I feel the subject of influence is so critical to leadership is because we all influence others. Statistics indicate we influence a minimum of four people everyday.

The main consideration is what kind of influence are we exercising?

We need to be guarded with our influence because it effects the character, behavior and development of others. Our influence is going to make a difference for good or bad.

If we know we have opportunity to influence others in bringing them to Christ, or to influence Christians to remain faithful, should we not do so?

The time we have on earth is limited and fleeting quickly. Each day that goes by can never be regained or relived. Now is the best opportunity we have to ensure our influence for Christ.

A Farewell To Remember…

I once heard “everyone brings happiness; some when they come and some when they leave.” Think about what this statement implies for our leadership.

There are times leaders are asked to leave, and times when they choose to leave. How a leader walks away determines the nature of how they will be remembered.

Shattered farewells leave everyone hurting when leadership walks away from responsibility.

Divisive farewells leave followers turned against one another.

Venomous farewells leave a feeling of animosity, anger, distrust, and a lack of direction.

Gracious farewells leave followers united with a greater dedication to achieve the established vision, goals and will of God strengthening the overall good of everyone.

At some point, we are going to say goodbye and when the time comes, we all have to decide the level of integrity and Christlike character we will demonstrate. Here are few tips.

Remember the greater good of followers.
Always accept responsibility for our own actions.
Be kind, never harsh or abrasive, no matter how unfairly treated.
Consider our Savior.

We are leaders, and how we lead when we leave makes a difference.

Leading The Most Unlikely… Part 2

To lead the most unlikely, we have to see the unseen, or as they are often described, the invisible. What do I mean by invisible?

The invisible are people we cannot see. Yes, but why?

Perhaps it is the color of their skin, the type of clothes they wear, the home where they live (or lack thereof), the way they smell, of perhaps the lack of personal hygiene.

Maybe we do not want to see because we are afraid of the responsibility.

The possibility exists that we cannot see because of preconceived ideas. After all, they made their own choices, right? Why don’t they just get a job?

Have we ever pulled up to a stop sign / light and someone is standing with a sign asking for help? Do we look at them? Do we turn our head acting as if no one is there? Do judgmental thoughts run through our mind?

Before we start thinking yes, but…I am not talking about them or their motives. I am talking about you and me.

It is difficult to lead those who are invisible to us. Think about it!

Leadership Word Of The Week…Challenge

Several thoughts surround the definition of this word. While a common idea involves a form of competition, the most relevant definition of a challenge describes a task or situation that tests someone’s abilities.

When dealing with leadership two primary thoughts should be considered.

1) Leaders need to be challenged themselves. We must find ways to test our abilities to strengthen the character of our leadership providing followers with the best quality of leadership.

2) Leaders must challenge others. The idea is to present tasks or situations where the abilities of followers is tested to produce growth on a personal and group level.

People arise to what is expected of them. If little or nothing is expected, then little or nothing is given. However, experience has proven that when leaders provide encouragement and a level of expectation, then followers come through.

I have seen this happen financially and spiritually.

The challenge for leaders is to learn how to develop the type of discipline to strengthen their own leadership and know followers well enough to use their abilities to achieve growth within the church.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“If the rate of change inside an organization is less than the rate of change outside the organization…their end is in sight.” Jack Welch

Change can be an ugly word and, if done improperly, can bring the end by itself.

While change is necessary, we should remember not all change is good.

Change is essential in our relationship with God. The Bible uses a different word – repent – but the definition is the same…change.

Change begins in the mind. Until we have the information to explain the need for the change, any attempts to bring change are futile.

Change in the mind is followed by change of action. Once we understand the need for the change, our actions should reflect the benefit of such knowledge. If not, one would question if we really understand the need.

The first challenge facing leaders is understanding how to communicate the need for change and implementing it timely.

The second challenge is to make sure the change inside keeps up in an appropriate way with the change outside.

Doing so will ensure success and prevent the end.

A Blueprint Of A Leader… Team

As we complete this series, a key area when following a blueprint is the need for a good team working together to reach the desired end.

A leader is one who is leading a team in one form or another.

All the benefits to leading and working together as a team cannot be listed in one post, but here are a few to consider.

1) More work can be achieved more quickly when working together as a team.

2) Each person on the team can focus on using their abilities for the good of the team.

3) Everyone can use their abilities more efficiently in a team.

4) Ideas are abundant when several work together.

5) Opportunities for encouragement are greater when working as a team.

In construction, the people who specialize in foundations, plumbing, framing, sheet rock (hanging and finishing), painting, trimming, and interior design are all needed to make the project just right.

We find the same within the church. It takes those who specialize in cooking, cleaning, teaching, preaching, singing, praying, serving, shepherding, and the list goes on.

When everyone is involved, working together, the result is growth!