Bob Turner

A Blueprint Of A Leader…Evaluation

One of the keys to success in construction is not only the ability to read a blueprint, but continually evaluating the blueprint to make sure there are no deviations from the plan.

Consider the problems that arise when someone looks at a blueprint one time and never goes back to see if the plans are being followed correctly.

Spiritually, if we are not continually returning to the blueprint of God’s word to ensure we are following the plan…well, the result is what we have witnessed in our world today. Variations made from salvation to worship have created division and weakened our outreach to a world deep in postmodern and emerging theories.

The problem can be summed up in the lack of leadership returning to the blueprint continually evaluating the plan given by God.

Only when we return to evaluating the plan and implementing the mission of God, will we be able to resolve the issues of division and renew our efforts of outreach. The task falls to us as leaders to learn the value of evaluation.

What Is The Forecast?

Traveling these past few weeks has brought several changes in the weather. We have gone from freezing temperatures to hot and humid. We have seen sunshine and hurricane-like rain. All these changes cause us to frequently check the forecast in each location where we are traveling.

The meteorologist may not always get the forecast right, but as technology improves so does the accuracy of the weather.

The same should be true of leadership. Wonderful tools are available at our fingertips to improve our ability to lead. However, there are several questions we need to consider regarding our approach to leading with these possibilities.

Are we using these tools to help us improve our leadership?

How are we using these tools to benefit the lives of those who follow?

Do we make excuses for why we are not using these tools, or work to learn how to use them?

One day we will be held accountable for the avenues, opportunities, and tools God has entrusted to our spiritual leadership.

We must not excuse ourselves by saying we did not want to learn how to use it.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Imagination

One of my favorite ways to spend time is listening to the imagination of my grandchildren. From marrying Prince Charming to Belle dancing with the Beast to shooting a web as Spider Man to thinking they are Batman, their imagination is refreshing.

I would never promote living in a fantasy world, but when it comes to leading others we need a little imagination.

Imagination involves creative power. Leaders need creative power to lead others, to provide a better focus on the future and what can happen when we believe. When leaders create a vision for what can be and how to make it happen, people will follow. How do we know it will work? Look around, it is happening everyday. This is the power of leadership!

We could learn a great deal from children by spending time in a world built by their own creative power. Their ability to see what is unseen, believe the impossible, act it out in their minds, and speak with incredible creativity would help spark a little life into our leadership. Try it and see how it works.

Rise of the Guardians… Part 6a

Fighting an enemy we cannot see seems to be the difficulty that challenges our motivation to rise up and guard the faith.

However, because we cannot see Satan does not mean the tools he uses to attack our faith are unseen or unknown.

We have considered several areas we must fight from within and without. Another tool Satan uses to attack the faith is through democratic thinking.

Please do not misunderstand what I am saying. I love the opportunities of living within a democracy, but the implication of democracy upon our spiritual thinking is worth considering.

The democratic mindset is one where everyone has rights. Therefore, when making decisions we all have the right to vote, regardless of gender, race, or age. Spiritually, we begin thinking we should vote on who will serve as elders, the decisions they make, and feel we have the right to challenge the decisions we do not like.

Sadly, we begin applying this to the Bible and believe we can vote on how to apply doctrine found in God’s word.

Biblically, as we will see next week, this is not healthy and sound.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Please continue to give your brethren the opportunity to share in relieving the concerns experienced by your family, as well as by others near and dear.” Bob Prater

Brother Prater serves in the mission field of Germany and has helped in other areas of Extension Training.

During a time when I was asking for others to be praying about a special need within our family, brother Prater sent me the statement above.

I was reminded of how important it is to live the Christian life as a community, a family. When we take opportunity to share the concerns we experience within our physical families, it helps strengthen us as a spiritual family and builds greater relationships with one another.

Regardless of where we live on this earth, we have a common bond because of Jesus and it binds us together. Let us help relieve the burdens and concerns we experience with each other and build a greater family for the Lord.

I am thankful for Bob Prater and the multitude of others who have relieved my concerns in lifting their hearts in prayer before our God.

A Blueprint Of A Leader…Vision

One of the essentials to leadership is vision. Each year I require students to do an assignment where they interview a political, educational, cooperate and religious leader. One of the questions they ask involves the most important quality to the organization; core values, mission, or vision.

I am always fascinated as to which leaders claim vision to be the most important and to read their explanation.

In the construction industry, leaders who examine blueprints must have an ability to see the finished product in their mind. Only when they can see it in their mind can they follow the blueprint accurately.

Spiritual leaders must have the same ability. To help Christians reach the goals set before them, leaders must see what it looks like in their mind.

Casting this kind of vision before others will help them stay focused and energized for the journey.

Mistakes are easily made in the construction phases when there is no vision. As Solomon wrote, “Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained” (Pro. 29:18).

Nutritional Leaders…

What comes to mind when we think of nutritional? If you are like me…food. There is no secret, I love to eat. I have often been characterized as one who lives to eat, rather than eating to live.

I have read a great deal of material over the years about health, healthy food, and exercise. It seems that the value of our physical exercise is directly related to the nutritional value of the food we eat. Go figure, right?

However, I have found a wonderful connection to leadership in all I have read and studied.

The healthier the food, the healthier the body. The same is going to be true in leadership. The healthier the leadership, the healthier the followers.

It is easier to talk about than do. Wow! The connection to leadership is exactly the same. I have learned that talking about leading is easier than leading.

Good nutrition extends the quality of life. This seems only natural. Leaders who are feeding followers a nutritious spiritual diet extend the quality of both leader and follower.

We can be sure there are benefits of a nutritional leader from both sides.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Control

Control is the power to influence and direct people’s behavior or the course of events. We think of control in a number of areas.

We claim that someone needs to take control. We talk about people as controlling. We teach about self-control. We even discuss the need to be in control.

What does all this mean and why is it important for spiritual leadership?

Quite simply, leaders exercise the power of influence to direct people’s behavior or course of events.

When situations get out of hand, leaders must take control.

We understand that spiritual leadership must not be controlling.

Leader should be the epitome of self-control.

Above all, leaders should be those we can look to when someone needs to be in control.

When leaders know how to use their power of influence in a Biblical and godly way, people’s behavior and the course of events can be shaped in ways to change eternity.

We should all understand the value of control at the right time and in the right place. Think Souls!

Rise of the Guardians… Part 5b

We have already laid the foundation for the way Satan works to rob Christians of their faith through materialism. Satan is crafty and knows his craft well.

Scripture warns us “do not love the world, or the things of the world” (1 Jn. 2:15).

We are told “set your mind on things above, not on things of this earth” (Col. 3:2).

We know what the Bible teaches, but how can leaders prevent Satan’s materialistic attacks?

1) Set a better example. We cannot preach about materialism and succumb to the temptation in the houses we live in, types of cars we drive, vacations we take, clothes we wear, food we eat, etc.

2) We must not justify our failures. It is easy to justify our actions and condemn others. We need to acknowledge our mistakes and make correction.

3) Evaluate our priorities. How do we feel about lending our “stuff” to others? An honest answer to this question will reveal much about the hold of materialism in our life.

If we will begin here, an accurate self-assessment will help us rise up to guard others.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“A ship is safe in the harbor but that is not what it was designed to do.” Unknown

There is one question that stood out to me when I first read this quote: What is our leadership designed to do?

We are masters at remaining safe. We long to avoid the challenges, controversies, and confrontations that often accompany leadership.

I am not an advocate of seeking out any of these three, but they are going to be part of our leadership.

The answer to our question is simple. We were designed to lead. Too often I hear of situations where men are qualified to lead, but unwilling to step up and take the responsibility. Why? Because they feel safe in their harbor.

The Lord’s church needs men who are willing to step up no matter how difficult the challenge, controversy or confrontation.

One day we will stand before God and we do not want our ship still safely in the harbor. Our leadership was never designed for such. Rise up men of God and lead!

Our God has called us to the greatest task on earth.