Team Leadership…
I have the privilege of working with the finest men and women on earth. The strengths and weaknesses characterizing each person identify the greatness of this team.
Being a part of the team makes the work of training men to preach special and powerful.
There are challenges, frustrations, thrills, high-fives, and throughout our time working together, a sense of accomplishment. We are a team.
There are times we laugh together and times we cry.
Children have been welcomed into the world and friends have been mourned in leaving it.
We are diligent in preparation, hungry to learn, and always focused on our priority.
We face the task of changing the lives of others physically and spiritually.
We ask questions, discuss possibilities, work on solutions, and make decisions. We are a team.
One goal has been set before us. One lifetime is given to accomplish the task. Through it all, one opportunity has been provided to be a part of this team.
Thank you Bear Valley. We are a team.