Reshaping Our Thinking…
The Sermon on the Mount is the greatest sermon ever preached. So many truths are found in these three short chapters we could never cover it all in one post.
A number of key words are found throughout this exposition of our Lord. However, an important thought can be seen to help us in our leadership.
One of the key words to the gospel of Matthew is the word Father. Seventeen times Jesus will use the phrase “our Father,” “your Father,” and “My Father.”
Throughout the sermon Jesus is trying to reshape the thinking of the Jews and us regarding God. He is our Father. He desires to have a close, personal relationship with us as a Father and child. Perhaps one of the most important thoughts expressed is His character: His watchful eye (all seeing), gracious care to our needs (all knowing), consistent actions (all powerful), and justice, like a Father.
We need to reshape our thinking and build our relationship with others on the solid foundation of God as our Father. This relationship will allow our Father to work through us in leading others to Him.