Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Respite

Briefly, the definition of respite involves a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant.

We have discussed numerous times the idea of leadership challenges. The role of leadership has and will never be easy. These challenges or difficulties can come from without and, sadly, from within.

The worst part is difficulties pile up and leaders reach a breaking point, a time where decisions are made that affect the direction of their leading. To say it is critical in these times to see the need for respite, is an understatement of galactic measures.

The type of rest or relief needed in these times is not a weekend get away, although such is helpful along the way. This type of rest or relief involves time away from all responsibilities associated with these difficult or unpleasant situations.

The greatest challenge is recognizing when this period of rest or relief is needed. Identifying those times in our lives can be subjective and may require assistance from others who are close to the situation.

Regardless, it is vital for leaders to identify these times and take respite.

Agree To Disagree…

One of the most common phrases used when people cannot come to common terms or agreement is “we will just have to agree to disagree.” What exactly does this accomplish in the realm of spiritual leadership?

If agreeing to disagree allows both expressions to be correct, then we are headed for a train wreck in the religious realm.

Interestingly, we generally agree that the Bible is “the” standard given by God on matters of salvation, worship, church organization, and how to live, but when applying the principles and lessons taught in the Bible, we often wander into the realm of agreeing to disagree.

Imagine the difference in the church today if leaders applied the same principles of interpretation and agreed to work together until unity could be achieved.

Imagine if the pride of self-righteousness were put aside with the intent of seeking to truly listen to God’s word and simply follow it…only.

As long as we hold to the desire to be right or drive our own personal agendas, agreeing to disagree may rule the day, but it will never work in the end with God.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” J. K. Rowling

The study of leadership will always carry powerful principles and a bit of subjectivity when dealing with others. The various styles of leadership continue to find value depending on the setting, situation, individual, and the followers.

When looking for a way to measure the true success of someone’s leadership, Rowling’s thought provides us with at least one way to determine the strength of a leader.

We would all like to think that the conduct of a leader is the same with everyone, but in reality it is just not that way. Often, the treatment of others depends on factors such as agenda, character, purpose, worldview, and more.

Therefore, if we want to determine the type of leader we want to follow, or if we want to become the type of leader others want to follow, then begin with an examination of the way others are treated who might be considered inferiors. Here is where we see the true character of an individual.

Leadership…Facebook Style

Surprisingly, Facebook is popular among young and old, as well as, across every cultural boundary?

The various ways “friends” use Facebook to post the activities of their life can be surprising.

Posts range from a play-by-play view of every event of the day to the promotion of new entrepreneurial endeavors.

Facebook, like many other media venues, can be used for good and bad.

If we consider the opportunity, Facebook can be a powerful tool to advocate leadership principles. One primary opportunity Facebook affords each of us is to encourage others and point them in a positive direction.

A number of people have done this by posting a passage of scripture. What a great way to provide spiritual leadership.

Some choose to speak of the creative beauty of God’s creation.

Others use the opportunity to speak encouraging words to help build up friends.

Would should all strive to use our posts to be more creative, using Facebook to provide greater levels of spiritual leadership.

Remember, demonstrating that we are the light of the world is also seen through these social media venues as well.

The Lost Part Of Leading…Part 2

Examining several components in leadership that appear to be “lost” is quite subjective to the individual, especially when considering the various areas of leadership in the world today.

We could travel down the path of leadership in the home, business world, or civic and political arenas. For the purpose of our posts over the next few weeks, we want to look into areas of a spiritual nature and influence, specifically within the church.

Discussing these areas does not mean every congregation of the Lord’s people experiences this loss. Additionally, it does not mean that every individual who serves in leadership within the church suffers from this loss.

The purpose of these posts is to recognize there is a need to bolster leadership in areas that are missing or extinct.

The first area needing attention is courage. The role of courage is needed to withstand the influence of false teaching, to address difficult decisions regarding discipline, to stand for and behind right decisions (even if unpopular or unaccepted by some), and to do so with a gentleness and love that demonstrates concern for the soul of every individual.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Tenacity

Tenacity identifies someone who is determined. A tenacious person possesses a certain ability to hold on to something tightly with an incredible determination.

Look around. It does not take much to see how people demonstrate tenacity in all areas of life, from recreation to religion. When we examine our priorities we generally find our tenacity.

Biblically, when considering the definition of tenacity, we tend think of the apostle Paul. Remember his words to the church at Corinth, “I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.”

What an incredible statement. Paul demonstrated tenacity in all areas of his leadership among the Lord’s people. Through his writings we continually see this driving force. Perhaps a few thoughts will help us understand how to be tenacious.

Be passionate and remove the impossibility factor…

Know what is worth dying for…

Have a clear vision of God…

Challenge self and others to do something great!

These few ideas can create a whole new approach to our leadership and move others to greater heights of fulfillment in the Lord’s kingdom.

Get Around To It…

Is it not time for leaders to get around to it? Procrastination can be one of the most destructive and deadly traits in anyone’s life, especially leaders.

Too often, the grave tendency exists to put a decision off until tomorrow, next week, next month, or even next year. This might not be a problem if the decision is inconsequential. If, however, the decision carries consequential value, then procrastinating can move followers to follow someone else.

Why the idea of “putting off until tomorrow what can be done today” exists is beyond logic. Consider the reasons most often given for procrastination:

1) fear of making the wrong decision,
2) lack of adequate information,
3) not a priority to the decision maker(s),
4) need for 100% agreement,
5) comfortable with the status quo.

There are hundreds more, most of which carry little significance or reason.

When procrastination appears to be a common approach, confidence in leadership wanes and apathy results. Why care about anything if making a decision takes too long?

The time is now for leaders to get around to making those decisions before its too late.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“You’re going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it’s always their actions, not words, that matter.” Nicholas Sparks

As powerful as our words can be, Sparks’ analysis of our actions being the heart of the matter is true.

Words are twisted and construed as meaning something different than were originally intended. They are taken out of context and used against us. The same was true of Jesus, as the religious leaders did everything in their power to trap Him in His words.

Even though they never did, the greatest conflict they struggled with was determining what to do with the fact His actions were amazing, miraculous. Peter reminds us that Jesus went about doing good (Acts 10).

What a lesson for leaders to learn today. The battle of wit with our words can never be won as long as our actions fail to align.

Say what we will, the end of the matter rests upon what leaders do or fail to do that leaves a lasting impression in the minds of followers.

Life In The Middle Of The Road…

Life in the middle of the road generally appeals to those who prefer to avoid leaning too far to the left or right. The sense of balance comes to mind with this phrase.

We live in a culture that is easily characterized by extremism. This vortex is hard to avoid. We see a post from someone on Facebook that drives a political agenda that we disagree with and we just cannot help but take them to task. We hear someone address a personal viewpoint that seems so far off the beaten path of our own logical soundness that we are compelled to straighten their twisted thinking.

Is this needed? Are we really influencing the element that needs to hear our rant? Better yet, will our push for personal self-righteous fulfillment leave others with a taste of a Christlike spirit?

More than ever, we need balance. Life in the middle of the road is not about being uncommitted, complacent, politically correct, or compromising. Rather, it involves balance, learning to think before we speak, considering the feelings others, recognizing that the goal is helping someone get to heaven. Think Souls!

The Lost Part Of Leading…Part 1

Over the years, the idea of a “lost art” regarded a skill or trade that is not as common as it was once-upon-a-time. But what if we made a little twist to the idea as it applies to leadership?

The intent of today’s post is to lay a foundation for several posts that involve this twist. We will not explore the “lost art” of leadership, although numerous articles and books address the subject. Instead, our intent to to examine some of the parts, or components, that seem to be missing – lost – from the type of leadership God needs for His people.

If we were to ask, “What part of leadership is missing today?” how would we respond? What kind of answer would we give? What is missing in leadership today?

Perhaps we would begin with courage, patience, wisdom, character, vision, compassion, or even decisiveness.

These are a few of the areas we will discuss in the weeks ahead. While considering how these parts make up the “lost part of leadership,” we hope to explore ways we can develop these parts into a beautiful vision of tomorrow’s leaders.