Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Statistically Speaking…

Statistics are what they are, and they can be manipulated to pretty much support the desire of the user. At the same time, statistics continue to provide value when collected and used correctly.

These numbers of often gathered through electronic or hardcopy surveys, phone calls, or short and long questionnaires randomly conducted at the mall.

Once the information is collected, statisticians categorize and examine the information to determine what we call statistics that describe a broader section of people within a geographical location, gender, ethnic, social, economic, or religious base. The depth of categories associated with these findings is beyond the scope of one post.

We can, however, learn valuable information that assists in the development of our influence as leaders. The results, known as statistics, can help us learn the various thoughts and ideas of people we want to reach, background influences, and hundreds of areas.

Before we write off the negative view of statistics, let us consider how these numbers can be a tool to motivate and inspire greater work for the Lord’s kingdom.

Take A Field Trip…

Can we remember when, as children, we took field trips? There was a feeling of excitement that we did not have class, but we also felt an elation associated with experiencing something new connected to a new place.

As adults, the idea of a field trip involves a different perspective. Interestingly, a variety of leaders understand the value of a field trip within their organization, e.g. “Undercover Bosses.”

Consider the benefits for leaders who take a field trip.

First, we find a perspective of reality among individuals involved in the work. While the 30,000 foot view is essential to leadership, a 3 foot view is also needed to get a visual that is specific to the daily activities.

Second, we learn a number of lessons critical to designing plans for change. The discussion continues about “bottom-up” or “top-down” organizational development, and it may require both. A field trip allows the top-down leaders to see a bottom-up visual of needs.

More could be said, but consider what value our leadership might bring if we took a field trip to experience a new perspective.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Progress

When we think of progress, we often express the idea as a forward and onward movement toward a specific destination.

We also consider that progress is something we are able to measure. For example, if we have a goal of teaching 50 Bible studies in 2015, we know we are making progress toward that goal if we conduct 25 of those studies by the end of June. This is how we generally determine if we are making progress or not.

The biggest challenge facing the church or any other organization is the fact we do not know if we are making progress because we think in qualifiable, rather than quantifiable terms. We have a vague idea of what we consider to be progress, but have no idea if we are really making progress or not.

Leaders have the great and needed task of establishing short- and long-term goals that enable everyone connected to the organization to see progress. Here is where enthusiasm is ignited and greater involvement ensues.

We need to get out of the rut of the status quo and take the initiative to lead from the front.

Leadership Resolutions Worth Keeping…Part 1

Beginning the first “full” week of the new year with a more familiar routine reminds us to reflect on the resolutions we either made or need to make. Each Monday we will look at leadership resolutions worth making and keeping.

The first resolution is to always set an example of the behavior desired in others. What standard of conduct do we want others to demonstrate in their lives at work, home, or in the church? Whatever that standard is should be modeled by us first.

The idea of expecting others to conduct themselves in ways we are unwilling to do ourselves is the greatest form of hypocrisy and a one-way ticket to losing credibility. Our conduct is all inclusive. We should never compartmentalize our lives into conduct on the job, at home, in the neighborhood, and around Christians. A disciple of Christ always displays a Christlike life 24-7-365. There is never a time we are not reflecting the image of our Savior.

As we plunge into the new year, let us all resolve to provide an example for others that is worth emulating.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“One resolution I have made, and try always to keep, is this: To rise above the little things.” John Burroughs

This thought seems appropriate for the second day of the new year. With the numerous ideas about resolutions this week, it is fitting to consider one resolution to shape all others.

Similar thoughts are often expressed by others, such as, “not sweating the small stuff” and “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

Jesus emphasized this thought with a little bit of a twist when He taught us not to worry about food, drink, or clothing, but to seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness (Mt. 6:25-33).

No matter what direction we take with these ideas, the thought of rising above the little things strengthens the character of our leadership and sharpens our focus on how we can better develop others.

The challenge is determining the difference between the big and little things. When we understand those areas that are trivial, we can implement ways to rise above them and focus on areas of greater significance. Make this the best year of your life.

How To Begin A New Year…

As significant as it is to consider how to end a year, we also need to know how to begin a new year. The beginning of a new year is special. We like a fresh start, new opportunities, a renewed sense of hope that things will be better. Perhaps this is why New Year’s Resolutions are popular, even though the majority do not keep them.

How should we approach the beginning of a new year? Let us consider four possibilities.

1) Establish essential resolutions. These are the kind of resolutions we must keep lest others lose confidence in our leadership.

2) Set daily reminders. Any system (hardcopy or electronic) that helps us remember the necessity of keeping our resolutions strengthens the potential of fulfilling them.

3) Connect resolutions to others. When those we work closest to are involved in the same resolution, we have a support system to encourage the development and fulfillment of each one.

4) Celebrate every victory. With each step toward established goals, find a small way to celebrate the achievement with a reminder of more to come.

These are only four steps, but beneficial in beginning this new year.

How To End The Year…

Apart from listing resolutions to make physically or spiritually, today’s post is focused on suggestions to help us approach the end of 2014. The past year went by in what seems to be record time and the events of the year were instrumental in shaping who and where we are at this moment. How can we end this year?

1) Reflection: Now is the best opportunity to reflect on where we started, where we are now, and what we did to get from one point to the other.

2) Remembrance: While reflecting on all the accomplishments, take a moment to remember that God placed us in this position at this time. Let us be faithful to the task.

3) Consideration: We need to consider the lessons learned with each step toward the original goals. We should also consider the individuals involved in helping us reach this point.

4) Gratitude: Of all the steps above, none holds more significance than gratitude. We need a thankful heart for the good and the bad, expressing an understanding that where we are is because God knows what is best and placed us in this moment. Let us honor Him!

Leadership Word Of The Week…Resolution

A resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something. Approaching the end of the year brings a time where many people focus on making resolutions.

These resolutions come in the form of physical health changes (stop smoking or drinking, lose weight, exercise, etc.), fiscal changes (save more money, give more to charity, benevolence, etc.), intellectual changes (read more, take a class, earn a degree, etc.), and for some, spiritual changes (read the Bible more, pray more, attend worship more, etc.).

Perhaps other ideas play into who we are and what we do, but generally speaking, a resolution involves an improvement in some area of life. At times, these improvements better our own personal lives and sometimes they improve the lives of others.

Leaders focus on resolutions that include both because there is a need to improve who we are, but also to influence others in ways that improve their lives.

Let us all be encouraged to use this opportunity to consider how we can make resolutions that expand our leadership in ways that influence and improve life here and eternally.

Expectations Of Leaders…Part 3

Another word used in the recent Forbes’ article concerning the expectations of leaders is “respect.” The article highlights the difference between recognition and respect; “The recognized leader appeals to the head where things are easily forgotten, while the respected leader captivates the heart – and the heart does not forget.”

Regardless of the environment or situation, people want leaders who respect and value each area they contribute to the achievement of organizational goals.

We understand the key role respect plays by leaders toward followers, but also regarding the need for leaders to gain respect. By their words, actions, decisions, follow-through, achievement, and numerous additional areas, leaders establish a foundation for gaining respect.

Few areas, however, gain respect more quickly than by showing respect for others. A couple of suggestions to accomplish this task include: 1) attention given to work accomplished, 2) time to build relationships, 3) accepting responsibility and giving accountability, 4) transparency, and 5) trust.

Leaders who strive to gain, earn, and achieve respect, lead with heart. They touch the lives of those who follow and change the power of teamwork in the growth of any organization.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“When you improve a little each day, eventually big things occur. When you improve conditioning a little each day, eventually you have a big improvement in conditioning. Not tomorrow, not the next day, but eventually a big gain is made. Don’t look for the big, quick improvement. Seek the small improvement one day at a time. That’s the only way it happens — and when it happens, it lasts.” John Wooden

The power of improving a little each day cannot be overstated. The tendency of our current culture is to think we need to make big improvements and quickly. However, the lasting influence of a little improvement each day is demonstrated through the big improvements that result over the long haul.

Imagine how much more could be accomplished and how enduring the achievement when leaders work on developing their leadership a little each day.

Approaching leadership development in this way provides the greatest opportunity to implement a plan that allows leaders to become the changing influence of the future.