The Home…Teaching Moments: Part 1
Leadership begins in the home. The greatest opportunities for influence occur within the confines of the four walls where we live.
A friend of mine, Paul Krier, recently began a series of posts entitled “40 Days of Prayer for Our Kids.” While reading through the posts each day and thinking about the need to pray for our children, the idea of leadership in the home manifested itself, so a few posts seemed fitting.
From the time children arise in the morning to the time they lay their heads down to sleep, teaching moments are everywhere.
The air that we breathe, the food we eat, the opportunity to see the sunrise, the ability to move our fingers and toes, witnessing God’s creation come to life, and hundreds more, are all moments to teach our children about the existence of God and His love for us.
Leadership in the home certainly includes more than teachable moments, as we will consider in the weeks ahead, but these moments furnish a powerful place to start.
As we pray for “Our Kids,” let us also take appropriate action to lead them.