Eleven Down And One To Go…
No one should be surprised we are now in the last month of the year. As fascinating as it may seem, the Christmas campaign started after Halloween, with a full-blown, knock-down known as “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday.”
As leaders, we should consider several questions as we look at a year that is almost history and a new year that is quickly approaching.
Will the past eleven months measure up as consistent with what we hold to the core of who we are and what we believe as biblical leaders?
Are we willing to challenge areas of inconsistency and make changes before we begin the new year?
If we could make one change in our character, what would it be?
When we look back on 2014, one year from now, will we still be hoping to change the same quality of our character?
The power is within us to determine how we look back at the reality of what we want others to see in us and the influence we have to change their lives.
The choice is ours and the year is about to begin. Let us make a difference!