Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

According To Your Word…

Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible with 176 verses. The emphasis throughout this Psalm is on the Word of God.

While there are a number of facts about this Psalm and how it is developed, one thought expressed near the beginning has great application in leadership.

The Psalmist writes, “How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Your Word.”

This thought should scream to be heard among leadership. The remainder of this section emphasizes some key phrases to show how we can fulfill this statement.

Seeking God – With all my heart I have sought you.

Placing the highest value on His word – Your word I have treasured in my heart.

Telling others of His word – With my lips I have told of all the ordinances of Your mouth.

Finding joy in His word – I rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies.

Giving deep thought to His word – I will meditate on Your precepts and regard your ways.

Remember His word – I shall not forget your word.

The lessons on leadership are rich if we will listen and apply.

Leading With Consideration…

Leadership material abounds in every bookstore throughout the world. A number of styles, qualities, characteristics, and laws / principles have been discussed in efforts to help others learn the best approach to leading.

The idea of leading with consideration takes into account all four of these areas and indicates the power of leadership to direct the future.

Leaders must show consideration to the heart of others. The challenge is not in knowing the heart of others as much as learning to consider the good intention of others first. We have become a very skeptical world. As such, we tend to question the motive or intention of everyone, including those who deserve our greatest trust.

Leaders must also give consideration to the needs of others. The needs are hard to recognize when we are only involved in superficial or surface oriented relationships. Leaders must dig below the surface to learn what is really needed and consider how to best approach providing for the need.

Consideration should be a part of a leaders daily walk in relationship to others and doing so exemplifies the compassion of great leadership.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Remember

To remember is to “have in or be able to bring to one’s mind an awareness of someone or something that has been seen, known or experienced in the past.”

The challenge is how to deal with memories when they are brought to mind.

Memories are good and bad. There are times, events, and people that we hold fondly in mind because of the joy experienced with them.

There are also times, events and people we wish we could forget because of the negativity associated with them.

The manner in which we react regarding the recall of those memories influences how we are seen as leaders and the leadership we provide for others.

It would be wonderful if the only memories that came to mind were positive and fond. However, we are all aware it does not work this way.

Memories serve to help us remember both so we can learn to do a couple of important steps.

1) Repeat what works and is successful.

2) Avoid the consequences experienced and overcome.

If we can “remember” to do so, the future will hold greater memories when we recall them.

End Of The Matter…

Solomon expresses how the end is better than the beginning.

This can be challenging, at least on a personal level. However, the thought expressed is one that does indicate the satisfaction and joy that accompanies the achievement of the goal.

From a leadership standpoint, Solomon’s statement indicates one of credibility and confidence.

When leaders are able to reach the end of the matter it is an indicator of success; and success breeds credibility for those who are following.

As well, reaching the end of the matter also strengthens the confidence of the leader. As each victory is achieved, leaders grow with confidence for setting out to accomplish the next goal.

The idea is demonstrated by several individuals throughout the Bible; men like Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Peter, and Paul.

Our leadership will be no different. As leaders reach success at the end of the matter, they will anticipate the next challenge or goal and work with tireless effort to build upon their confidence to strengthen their credibility for others.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“It [what you choose to do] has got to be something that you’re passionate about because otherwise you won’t have the perseverance to see it through.” Steve Jobs

There are a couple of key words to this thought, but the primary word is “passionate.”

When was the last time we were so excited about something that we could not sleep? What is it that is driving our lives, especially as leaders?

While passion is most often associated with the excitement or enthusiasm associated with an individual or project, there is so much more that relates to it.

Passion is a word that comes to us from the Latin language and it reflects the idea of suffering and sacrifice. This is why Mel Gibson titled his 2004 movie The Passion of the Christ; it was about His suffering.

When leaders are passionate, it will be seen through what they are willing to do, to suffer or sacrifice, in order to achieve the goal.

This is why when passion is present, leaders will persevere to see it through.

Godly Counsel…

Much is said about counsel throughout the Psalms and Proverbs. We are urged not to walk in the counsel of the wicked in Psalm 1. Later in the Psalms David expresses the need to wait for the counsel of the Lord, because His counsel will endure forever.

Solomon claims a wise man is one who listens to wise counsel, and one who possess understanding will acquire wise counsel.

One of the best Proverbs about counsel is found in Proverbs 27:9 where we read “a man’s counsel is sweet to his friend.”

Leadership should always provide a source of counsel that is based on the word of God, designed to provide guidance to spiritual success and an eternal reward.

When leaders provide godly counsel, several beautiful things occur: 1) Above all, God is glorified, 2) His people are built up in the faith, 3) Leadership is strengthened in righteousness, and 4) The future is secured.

The consequences of not seeking wise counsel can be seen in the life of Joshua (Jos. 9).

Let leaders learn today from his example, then pursue and provide godly counsel.

Observing Each Day…

Observation of the events and people who participate in our lives on a daily basis is one of the most powerful exercises for leaders.

Leadership is about people, and unless we are observing how God is working in our lives to provide opportunity to lead, we will miss the possibility of God using us to help others.

Recently, a Chinese proverb was shared to emphasize the way to a lifetime of happiness: “If you want happiness for an hour — take a nap. If you want happiness for a day — go fishing. If you want happiness for a year — inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime — help someone else.”

Helping others can only occur when leaders are observing the people God places in their lives each day.

Leaders must seek to discover what is going on in the lives of these individuals, why it is taking place, and how they might be able to show the light of Jesus in helping.

Take a few moments each day to simply observe the working of God through the opportunities provided in the lives of the special people placed on our daily path.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Strength

Strength, as it is defined, applies to numerous areas; physically, spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually.

Through the aging process we are all aware of the decline of physical strength. There are times when a decline in emotional and intellectual strength also occurs.

The most frightening area regarding a decline in strength is seen in the spiritual realm.

Perhaps we have all seen or experienced personally the struggles of remaining strong and faithful on a spiritual basis.

During these times a strong leadership is needed to provide support and encouragement to help lead someone out of their struggles.

Paul encourages Christians to “be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God” (Eph. 6:10-11).

Examining each of the pieces of armor reveals the closeness of each area to all that is found in God’s word. Our strength comes from what God provides us through His word.

The reason for this incredible tool is to help us find the strength we need to help others in leading them out of sin into the marvelous light of our God.

The Testing Of Our Faith…

Speaking from experience, few people like the idea of any form of test. Students preparing for their field of work would just as soon skip any and all tests.

However, tests are certainly biblical, and spiritual leaders will always face various levels of tests throughout their leadership.

Abraham is one great example from the Old Testament that was specifically identified by the testing of his faith. “God tested Abraham” is how the text begins with the command of God for Abraham to offer his only son, Isaac, as a burnt offering.

The New Testament also speaks of the testing of one’s faith. James reveals the purpose of this testing is to produce endurance which ultimately results in completeness.

How should we respond to tests within leadership?

Prayer is where we should begin. Seek God’s guidance and wisdom throughout the test.

Hold fast to the word of God. Read about Abraham and remember the purpose of the test.

Seek the counsel of spiritual and godly leaders who have passed tests in their leadership.

Trust God to be at work making us into the leaders He wants us to be.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Ecologists remind us that a tree planted in a clearing of an old forest will grow more successfully than when it is planted in isolation in an open field. The roots of the new planting will follow more easily and more deeply the hidden pathways of old root systems. Likewise, human beings thrive best in following the paths of life already taken by others before them. None of us needs to reinvent the wheel or live as if no one has preceded us in the pathways of the wise.” James M. Houston

This thought has great application to leadership. The one thought that keeps coming to mind is the idea of the kind of root system we are leaving as leaders.

For followers to become tomorrow’s leaders, they cannot do so in isolation. Such an approach will not provide them with the needed strengthen and development to change the future in a godly way.

There are many who have and are providing pathways that are wise and will benefit others if they root their leadership within these paths.

May our leadership do the same for others who are following us.